Thursday, November 29, 2012

Are we so different, one from another?

My dear Friend,
In all good humor, and sent with sincere love, I must tell you that I actually chuckled at something that you wrote in earnest. 
 You said that you attended a liberal Catholic high school.  "We studied the religions of the world, so we would know if we wanted to remain faithful to our Catholicism." 
I had to ask myself just how many young Catholic students would have taken these studies and turned away from the Church?  How long would that teacher have continued on the school payroll if he/she did not come close to a 100% conclusion that Catholicism is indeed the true and proper religion? 
In my schooling were many classes that taught me about the nations and governments of the world.  Upon graduation I was convinced totally that the United States of America was far and away the best of all nations to live in.  How lucky I was that my parents were Americans and brought me into this glorious Land of Freedom and Opportunity.  My teachers had been successful, if somewhat dishonest. 
But I don't fault them,  They had families to support, too. 
But Mostafa was raised in a different land, under the sway of a very different religious schooling.  It stands to reason that he comes to the conclusions that he does.  This is why I was comparing his remarks to those of our Right Wing Bible Thumping Americans.  Perhaps a bit of an over kill, but my point is that only the names have been changed, but the ideas are the same.  When Mao first swept into power in China, I recall reading that you could visit China and walk the streets day and night without fear of being attacked.  I have no way of knowing if this was really true, but it was what I read.  Yet Christianity was virtually unknown in China.  What I believe made the difference was the strong family ties.  Family pride.  Respect for their Elders.  And the Elders taught the young with respect.  I believe that much of China is still that way, just as much of America continues to have similar family bonds.  We are confused by our Mass Media's need to continually seek out the shocking news in order to sell cars, junk food and preparation H.  But around the quiet neighborhoods people go on as they have for generations.  Good people, like you, continue to raise good children, and to worry about our nation's future. 
Out here on the Great Olympic Peninsula, Cathy and I visit hundreds of homes...over 2,500 people in our 18 years serving the older blind, and we can count the angry, hateful people on one hand.  Walking away, the people we meet are kind, caring, right living people who want to be active in their community.  They have spent their lives raising their children, working, paying taxes, defending our shores and praying in a dozen different churches, as well as living good lives without bending to any religion. 
We really are not so different than those Americans several generations back.  Different stresses, faster pace of life, an overload of information as compared to very little available to the folks back then.  But in the heart, we are no different. 
And those people who bow to a different Deity are basically the same people as we are.  Do not be deceived by the constant pounding of the Empire's propaganda machine.  Do not follow their Pied Pipers without thinking where they are leading you. 
And above all, keep loving all people. 
Carl Jarvis

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