Sunday, April 28, 2013

thinking in and out of boxesFw: thinking in and out of boxes

    object: thinking in and out of boxes: thinking in and out of boxes

What an amazing child is our four year old great grandson.  I'll put him up against any other four year old on the block. 
Not only is he a well mannered lad, but he is full of smiles and "Yes Please", and "No Thank," and plenty of hugs and "I Love You's." 
This boy has the amazing ability to entertain himself for hours on end.  He moves his little toys around him, chattering and laughing, totally focused on his imaginary world. 
He can also draw amazing pictures of things no one else has ever seen.  He colors them with his water color paints, making them unbelievably beautiful. 
And he has more questions than any four adults can possibly have answers.  I know this because we just spent four happy days with this young Free Spirit. 
But even as he moved about, creating unbelievable beauty by his mere presence, a great sadness began to fill me. 
In his innocent young world he could not begin to see the Forces and Pressures moving in on him. 
Ellensburg is a University Town.  But you'd never know it unless you tripped over the Campus.  If there is any enlightenment in the hallowed halls of Central  Washington University, a school of over 10,000 students, it does not filter out into the town. 
Spending considerable time wandering among the TV and radio offerings, I found nothing even close to "the Liberal Media".  On the radio, Religious Broadcasts were as numerous as Country Music, Sports Talk Shows and Commercials. 
The TV carried all of the same programming found on TV's from Coast to Coast. 
Daily news was passed out through the town by the Yakima Harold, a very Right leaning paper.  Unless a person prowled the Internet seeking counter views, the overall "information" picture was a very tepid one. 
In fact, speaking of tepid, , we dined out in a rather upscale restaurant one evening and I asked for a cup of coffee.  The young waitress brought me a cup and then came back to take our order.  "This coffee is rather tepid", I said.  "Tepid?"  she asked in a puzzled voice. 
"Yes, tepid."  "What does tepid mean?" she asked. 
"Did you attend college here?" I inquired. 
"I'm a graduate," she assured me. 
The next day we were still chuckling over this young woman's admission that she'd never run across tepid before.  Chatting with a charming energetic young woman in the Sundry store, I told her about the encounter with the waitress the prior evening.  "...And," I chuckled, "She didn't know what Tepid meant.  And she graduated from college right here." 
"I've got a Masters degree from Central Washington, and I've not heard the word, either.  It must be a generational thing", she said in a very serious voice. 
Just the same, this town is Tepid in all aspects of the word. 
How is a little free Spirit going to grow strong and free and independent when his entire tepid world offers no challenges, no opposing views, no exposure to the big wide wonders of this diverse world? 
And how do any of us really break free?  Aren't we fooling ourselves if we think that we have learned to think outside of the box?  Aren't we merely jumping from one box into another? 
Have we not written our Classic Tragedy based on our own Human destiny?  The very characteristics that have raised us up from the primal Slime, enabling us to create the wonders of our modern civilization, are the very same characteristics that will bring us down. 
Carl Jarvis

 "We do not inherit the land from
our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."

What is the ultimate weapon of mass destruction?

What is the ultimate weapon of mass destruction? 
Perhaps we ought to include the Human Brain as the ultimate weapon of mass destruction. 
Carl Jarvis
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2013 5:16 PM
Subject: Re: Why Is Boston 'Terrorism' but Not Sandy Hook?

Joem Miriam may be onto something here. Anyone can kill and injure just as many, if not more, with a garden variety AR15, AK47, MP5, etc. However, those are never called weapons of mass destruction. I think that is what Miriam was comparing.

Frank Ventura
Voicemail: 781 492-4262

*Sent from my Mac Book Air*

On Apr 26, 2013, at 9:09 PM, joe harcz Comcast <> wrote:


How in the world can you say, that these bombs which killed amongst others
an eight year old where not weapons of mass destruction, including the fact
that they killed more than five and maimed more than 100! I don't get your

Man oh man we are right when we attack the U.S. Government including Obama
for insidious acts that end in death and destruction. So why in the living
Hell of it are others exonerated for similar acts of death and destruction?
I don't get this at all, in the least and please explain.

Oh, yes by the way I know what it is to be alienated and to be angry. But,
death upon innocents is not acceptable by any measure. And, I'm perhaps more
accepting of other religions than been on this list. But, nothing excuses
exploding bombs in the midst of a crowd for the sole reason of doing so.

Listen, these clowns are just that. Sad clowns. I'll not immediately vilify
them though ample evidence exists to do so by any measure. But, for crying
out loud as so-called "liberal" as I am I won't applaud these nihilistic,
narcissi son-of-a-bitches as I call 'em either.

Honestly I find your words inconsistent to say the least Miriam and I just
don't understand them sometimes.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Miriam Vieni" <>
To: "'Blind Democracy Discussion List'" <>
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 6:42 PM
Subject: RE: Why Is Boston 'Terrorism' but Not Sandy Hook?


I don't think that anyone has condoned what these boys did. A lot of
are writing about some of the inappropriate responses to what they did
as not reading the suspect his rights before questioning him, making
assumptions about motives before any questioning or investigation was
attacks on assorted Muslims in various places, etc. And my pet peeve is
the two bombs, as horrible as they were, were not "weapons of mass


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of joe harcz
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 5:52 PM
To: Blind Democracy Discussion List
Subject: Re: Why Is Boston 'Terrorism' but Not Sandy Hook?

While I understand the implications here Bob, and while Christians and
religionist sure have their killers this stuff is not to be molified in my

Sorry pain in my teeth and elsewhere makes me grouchier than ever. But,
dammit two wrongs don't make a right. Don't get me wrong I am abhored
everyday as I see random violence kill innocents. I'm equally appalled
our drones kill innocents. But, these, kids are if appropriately given
rights and convicted of the crimes they are accused of, equally culpable.
They are no different in my mind than the pissed off, but rather sad kids
Colunbine. I understand angst. I've got plenty of it. But, that isn't one
wit of excuse for mass murder or mayhem of any sort if you catch my drift
here. It just isn't.

I'm very sad and, and somewhat understanding of their anguish. But, again
excuses for this sort of shit in my mind.
Look we are all angry at our government. We all have impulses. But, this,
and these random acts of abstract acts of violence again, against
isn't, and never will be the answer to anguish.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Hachey" <>
To: "'Blind Democracy Discussion List'" <>
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 5:40 PM
Subject: RE: Why Is Boston 'Terrorism' but Not Sandy Hook?

Hi Miriam,
Once again, wise words here by Greenwald and I bet anything that the
right-wingers are shrilly crying foul over this one and claiming that
Greenwald is soft on terrorism.
Though I seriously doubt that the Tsarnaev brothers are innocent they
are just as deserving of a fair trial as anyone else assuming that we
live by the Bill of Rights. Oh! That's right, we tossed that sucker
out the window a long time ago and ensured its permanent demise with
the Patriot Act.
Seems to me that all of this violence, be it Boston, Aurora, Arizona,
or Fort Hood is equally abhorrent and unacceptable. But, seemingly
white Christian terrorism is not as bad as the great evil which is
Muslim terrorism. To me, it's all a smoke screen designed to keep the
sheeple fearful and blinded to the injustices perpetrated by our
all-knowing government.
One final point here. One man's terrorist is another man's hero.
Bob Hachey

Blind-Democracy mailing list

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More on WA Bill Allowing Businesses to Openly Discriminate Against Gays

Subject: Re:More on  WA Bill Allowing Businesses to Openly Discriminate Against Gays

Just one other thought.  As an Agnostic, contracting with the State of Washington, I am not able to declare that I will refuse to serve anyone who holds religious beliefs.  Of course the first thing is that it would eliminate most of our clients.  But more to the point, the contract I sign each year requires me to provide certain services to all qualified persons requesting those services. 
If, for some really odd reason, I am unwilling to honor my contract, I am dismissed. 
Here's a question someone who supports Senator Brown's bill might answer. 
Do you check everyone you come into contact with to be certain you are only associating with Christians?  Do you ask the waitress or waiter in a restaurant whether they are Christian, or Gay, before you order from them?  When you board the public transit, do you question the driver to be certain that a Christian is driving? 
What about the clothes you wear?  Were they made by Christian workers? 
When you trade in your car, do you stipulate that it cannot be resold to certain people? 
It's all very confusing. 
Carl Jarvis
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2013 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: WA Bill Would Allow Businesses to Openly Discriminate Against Gays

Mike and all:
The idea of "My business, my rules" applies not only to gays, but just about everything else. Why do you think that Chambers of Commerce all over the country rail against issues such as forcing businesses to make their websites accessible to all, including the blind? Why do you think that Chambers of Commerce around the country oppose many of the Great Society programs put on the books by President Johnson, let alone various portions of the New Deal, including minimum wage laws, the Fair Labor Standards Act, and the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Act? Why do Chambers of Commerce around the country oppose the union movement?

Yes, big corporations don't want these things--it gets in the way of profits being doled out in executive salaries and stockholder dividends. But small businesses don't want them, either. Unlike the larger companies, they usually cannot afford the requirements the laws place on them. *but* more importantly, people who own small businesses (some of whom may wind up owning large corporations) view these businesses as their fifedoms where what they say goes! And these people view laws, including anti-discrimination laws, as infringing upon their rights to do with their businesses as they please.

And, just so that anyone doesn't get the wrong idea, I most certainly do *not* agree with these people. There is plenty of both present and historical documentation of how destructive and short-sighted most of their ideas are. However, as I have indicated before on this list, people react to things based upon their emotions, not upon what the facts and evidence actually indicate.
Ted Chittenden

Every story has at least two sides if not more.
---- Mike Edwards <> wrote:
I got into a Facebook debate about this via komo news, our local ABC
afiliate. I can't believe how many supporters it had. "my business, my
rules!" Sounded like 1958 alabama, I would imagine.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Miriam Vieni" <>
To: "'Blind Democracy Discussion List'" <>
Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2013 7:18 PM
Subject: WA Bill Would Allow Businesses to Openly Discriminate Against Gays

> Content preview:  Published on Alternet ( WA Bill
> Would
>    Allow Businesses to Openly Discriminate Against Gays Think Progress /
> By
>   Zack Ford [1] WA Bill Would Allow Businesses to Openly Discriminate
> Against
>    Gays April 26, 2013 | Republicans in Washington state have proposed a
> bill
>    that would allow businesses to openly discriminate [2] against people
> based
>    on their sexual orientation if they want to do so because of their
> religious
>    beliefs. SB 5927 [3]carves out a specific exception to the state's
> nondiscrimination
>    law that says only federal protections - which don't include sexual
> orientation
>    - apply when a person's religious belief is "burdened": Nothing in this
> section
>    may burden a person or religious organization's freedom of religion
> including,
>    but not limited to, the right of an individual or entity to deny
> services
>    if providing those goods or services would be contrary to the
> individual's
>    or entity owner's sincerely held religious beliefs, philosophical
> beliefs,
>    or matters of conscience. This subsection does not apply to the denial
> of
>    services to individuals recognized as a protected class under federal
> law
>    applicable to the state as of the effective date of this section. The
> right
>    to act or refuse to act in a manner motivated by a sincerely held
> religious
>    belief, philosophical belief, or matter of conscience may not be
> burdened
>    unless the government proves that it has a compelling governmental
> interest
>    in infringing the specific act or refusal to act and has used the least
> restrictive
>    means to further that interest. Unsurprisingly, the bill's sponsor is
> state
>    Sen. Sharon Brown (R), whose district is home to Arlene's Flowers, a
> business
>    facing two lawsuits [4] because it refused to provide flowers [5] for a
> same-sex
>    wedding. Conservatives have claimed that the nondiscrimination
> protections
>    Arelene's violated are tantamount to Nazi homofascism [6], a sentiment
> Brown
>    seemed to echo by claiming, "There's a glaring lack of protection for
> religion
>    in state law." See more stories tagged with: washington [7], bill [8],
> sb
>    5927 [9], discrimination [10] Source URL: [...]
> Content analysis details:   (-4.3 points, 5.0 required)
>  pts rule name              description
> ---- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------
> -2.4 RP_MATCHES_RCVD        Envelope sender domain matches handover relay
> domain
> -1.9 BAYES_00               BODY: Bayes spam probability is 0 to 1%
>                             [score: 0.0000]
> X-Spam-Flag: NO
> X-Antivirus: AVG for E-mail 9.0.932 [2641.1.1/5778]
> Published on Alternet (
> WA Bill Would Allow Businesses to Openly Discriminate Against Gays
> ________________________________________
> Think Progress / By Zack Ford [1]
> WA Bill Would Allow Businesses to Openly Discriminate Against Gays
> April 26, 2013 |
> Republicans in Washington state have proposed a bill that would allow
> businesses to openly discriminate [2] against people based on their sexual
> orientation if they want to do so because of their religious beliefs. SB
> 5927 [3]carves out a specific exception to the state's nondiscrimination
> law
> that says only federal protections - which don't include sexual
> orientation
> - apply when a person's religious belief is "burdened":
> Nothing in this section may burden a person or religious organization's
> freedom of religion including, but not limited to, the right of an
> individual or entity to deny services if providing those goods or services
> would be contrary to the individual's or entity owner's sincerely held
> religious beliefs, philosophical beliefs, or matters of conscience. This
> subsection does not apply to the denial of services to individuals
> recognized as a protected class under federal law applicable to the state
> as
> of the effective date of this section. The right to act or refuse to act
> in
> a manner motivated by a sincerely held religious belief, philosophical
> belief, or matter of conscience may not be burdened unless the government
> proves that it has a compelling governmental interest in infringing the
> specific act or refusal to act and has used the least restrictive means to
> further that interest.
> Unsurprisingly, the bill's sponsor is state Sen. Sharon Brown (R), whose
> district is home to Arlene's Flowers, a business facing two lawsuits [4]
> because it refused to provide flowers [5] for a same-sex wedding.
> Conservatives have claimed that the nondiscrimination protections
> Arelene's
> violated are tantamount to Nazi homofascism [6], a sentiment Brown seemed
> to
> echo by claiming, "There's a glaring lack of protection for religion in
> state law."
> See more stories tagged with:
> washington [7],
> bill [8],
> sb 5927 [9],
> discrimination [10]
> ________________________________________
> Source URL:
> gainst-gays
> Links:
> [1]
> [2]
> -discrimination.html
> [3]
> ts
> [4]
> cond-suit-unless-she-donates-to-an-lgbt-organization/
> [5]
> -sues-florist-for-anti-gay-discrimination/
> [6]
> inating-florist-is-victim-of-gay-nazism/
> [7]
> [8]
> [9]
> [10]
> [11]
> Published on Alternet (
> Home > WA Bill Would Allow Businesses to Openly Discriminate Against Gays
> Think Progress / By Zack Ford [1]
> WA Bill Would Allow Businesses to Openly Discriminate Against Gays
> April 26, 2013 |
> Republicans in Washington state have proposed a bill that would allow
> businesses to openly discriminate [2] against people based on their sexual
> orientation if they want to do so because of their religious beliefs. SB
> 5927 [3]carves out a specific exception to the state's nondiscrimination
> law
> that says only federal protections - which don't include sexual
> orientation
> - apply when a person's religious belief is "burdened":
> Nothing in this section may burden a person or religious organization's
> freedom of religion including, but not limited to, the right of an
> individual or entity to deny services if providing those goods or services
> would be contrary to the individual's or entity owner's sincerely held
> religious beliefs, philosophical beliefs, or matters of conscience. This
> subsection does not apply to the denial of services to individuals
> recognized as a protected class under federal law applicable to the state
> as
> of the effective date of this section. The right to act or refuse to act
> in
> a manner motivated by a sincerely held religious belief, philosophical
> belief, or matter of conscience may not be burdened unless the government
> proves that it has a compelling governmental interest in infringing the
> specific act or refusal to act and has used the least restrictive means to
> further that interest.
> Unsurprisingly, the bill's sponsor is state Sen. Sharon Brown (R), whose
> district is home to Arlene's Flowers, a business facing two lawsuits [4]
> because it refused to provide flowers [5] for a same-sex wedding.
> Conservatives have claimed that the nondiscrimination protections
> Arelene's
> violated are tantamount to Nazi homofascism [6], a sentiment Brown seemed
> to
> echo by claiming, "There's a glaring lack of protection for religion in
> state law."
> See more stories tagged with:
> washington [7],
> bill [8],
> sb 5927 [9],
> discrimination [10]
> Source URL:
> gainst-gays
> Links:
> [1]
> [2]
> -discrimination.html
> [3]
> ts
> [4]
> cond-suit-unless-she-donates-to-an-lgbt-organization/
> [5]
> -sues-florist-for-anti-gay-discrimination/
> [6]
> inating-florist-is-victim-of-gay-nazism/
> [7]
> [8]
> [9]
> [10]
> [11]
> _______________________________________________
> Blind-Democracy mailing list


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Blind-Democracy mailing list

WA Bill Would Allow Businesses to Openly Discriminate Against Gays

Subject: Re: WA Bill Would Allow Businesses to Openly Discriminate Against Gays

Since Washington state voted in favor of Gay marriage, I feel slightly hopeful that this bill will die somewhere along the legislative trail. 
I do find one comment disturbing. 

"Conservatives have claimed that the nondiscrimination protections Arlene's(The Florist Shop)  violated are tantamount to Nazi homofascism, a sentiment Brown seemed to echo by claiming, "There's a glaring lack of protection for religion in state law." 
For Goodness Sake!  is Senator Sharon Brown a modern day Rip VanWinkle?  sleeping soundly for the past 100 years?  Perhaps she has misplaced the financial records of such organizations as the Catholic Church, the Mormon Church, the United Methodists, the Lutherans', and on and on.  These unprotected entities managed to establish universities, hospitals, social services, publishing houses, and radio and TV ministries, just to scratch the surface. 
But just tell one Christian business person that when they provide a service to the general public, they cannot pick and choose which people they will serve, and they suddenly cry that they are unprotected, and that the state is practicing Nazi homofascism.   
Perhaps Senator Sharon Brown should check to see how many times Christians have been denied access to services because they are Christians?  Certainly I have never heard of a Christian being told by a florist that they will not sell them flowers for their wedding because they are Christians.  Nor have I ever heard that Microsoft refused to hire, sell or service anyone because it was against their company policy to deal with Christians. 
Come on, Senator Sharon Brown, fess up.  You lost your head to your Medieval emotions. 
Carl Jarvis
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2013 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: WA Bill Would Allow Businesses to Openly Discriminate Against Gays

Mike and all:
The idea of "My business, my rules" applies not only to gays, but just about everything else. Why do you think that Chambers of Commerce all over the country rail against issues such as forcing businesses to make their websites accessible to all, including the blind? Why do you think that Chambers of Commerce around the country oppose many of the Great Society programs put on the books by President Johnson, let alone various portions of the New Deal, including minimum wage laws, the Fair Labor Standards Act, and the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Act? Why do Chambers of Commerce around the country oppose the union movement?

Yes, big corporations don't want these things--it gets in the way of profits being doled out in executive salaries and stockholder dividends. But small businesses don't want them, either. Unlike the larger companies, they usually cannot afford the requirements the laws place on them. *but* more importantly, people who own small businesses (some of whom may wind up owning large corporations) view these businesses as their fifedoms where what they say goes! And these people view laws, including anti-discrimination laws, as infringing upon their rights to do with their businesses as they please.

And, just so that anyone doesn't get the wrong idea, I most certainly do *not* agree with these people. There is plenty of both present and historical documentation of how destructive and short-sighted most of their ideas are. However, as I have indicated before on this list, people react to things based upon their emotions, not upon what the facts and evidence actually indicate.
Ted Chittenden

Every story has at least two sides if not more.
---- Mike Edwards <> wrote:
I got into a Facebook debate about this via komo news, our local ABC
afiliate. I can't believe how many supporters it had. "my business, my
rules!" Sounded like 1958 alabama, I would imagine.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Miriam Vieni" <>
To: "'Blind Democracy Discussion List'" <>
Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2013 7:18 PM
Subject: WA Bill Would Allow Businesses to Openly Discriminate Against Gays

> Content preview:  Published on Alternet ( WA Bill
> Would
>    Allow Businesses to Openly Discriminate Against Gays Think Progress /
> By
>   Zack Ford [1] WA Bill Would Allow Businesses to Openly Discriminate
> Against
>    Gays April 26, 2013 | Republicans in Washington state have proposed a
> bill
>    that would allow businesses to openly discriminate [2] against people
> based
>    on their sexual orientation if they want to do so because of their
> religious
>    beliefs. SB 5927 [3]carves out a specific exception to the state's
> nondiscrimination
>    law that says only federal protections - which don't include sexual
> orientation
>    - apply when a person's religious belief is "burdened": Nothing in this
> section
>    may burden a person or religious organization's freedom of religion
> including,
>    but not limited to, the right of an individual or entity to deny
> services
>    if providing those goods or services would be contrary to the
> individual's
>    or entity owner's sincerely held religious beliefs, philosophical
> beliefs,
>    or matters of conscience. This subsection does not apply to the denial
> of
>    services to individuals recognized as a protected class under federal
> law
>    applicable to the state as of the effective date of this section. The
> right
>    to act or refuse to act in a manner motivated by a sincerely held
> religious
>    belief, philosophical belief, or matter of conscience may not be
> burdened
>    unless the government proves that it has a compelling governmental
> interest
>    in infringing the specific act or refusal to act and has used the least
> restrictive
>    means to further that interest. Unsurprisingly, the bill's sponsor is
> state
>    Sen. Sharon Brown (R), whose district is home to Arlene's Flowers, a
> business
>    facing two lawsuits [4] because it refused to provide flowers [5] for a
> same-sex
>    wedding. Conservatives have claimed that the nondiscrimination
> protections
>    Arelene's violated are tantamount to Nazi homofascism [6], a sentiment
> Brown
>    seemed to echo by claiming, "There's a glaring lack of protection for
> religion
>    in state law." See more stories tagged with: washington [7], bill [8],
> sb
>    5927 [9], discrimination [10] Source URL: [...]
> Content analysis details:   (-4.3 points, 5.0 required)
>  pts rule name              description
> ---- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------
> -2.4 RP_MATCHES_RCVD        Envelope sender domain matches handover relay
> domain
> -1.9 BAYES_00               BODY: Bayes spam probability is 0 to 1%
>                             [score: 0.0000]
> X-Spam-Flag: NO
> X-Antivirus: AVG for E-mail 9.0.932 [2641.1.1/5778]
> Published on Alternet (
> WA Bill Would Allow Businesses to Openly Discriminate Against Gays
> ________________________________________
> Think Progress / By Zack Ford [1]
> WA Bill Would Allow Businesses to Openly Discriminate Against Gays
> April 26, 2013 |
> Republicans in Washington state have proposed a bill that would allow
> businesses to openly discriminate [2] against people based on their sexual
> orientation if they want to do so because of their religious beliefs. SB
> 5927 [3]carves out a specific exception to the state's nondiscrimination
> law
> that says only federal protections - which don't include sexual
> orientation
> - apply when a person's religious belief is "burdened":
> Nothing in this section may burden a person or religious organization's
> freedom of religion including, but not limited to, the right of an
> individual or entity to deny services if providing those goods or services
> would be contrary to the individual's or entity owner's sincerely held
> religious beliefs, philosophical beliefs, or matters of conscience. This
> subsection does not apply to the denial of services to individuals
> recognized as a protected class under federal law applicable to the state
> as
> of the effective date of this section. The right to act or refuse to act
> in
> a manner motivated by a sincerely held religious belief, philosophical
> belief, or matter of conscience may not be burdened unless the government
> proves that it has a compelling governmental interest in infringing the
> specific act or refusal to act and has used the least restrictive means to
> further that interest.
> Unsurprisingly, the bill's sponsor is state Sen. Sharon Brown (R), whose
> district is home to Arlene's Flowers, a business facing two lawsuits [4]
> because it refused to provide flowers [5] for a same-sex wedding.
> Conservatives have claimed that the nondiscrimination protections
> Arelene's
> violated are tantamount to Nazi homofascism [6], a sentiment Brown seemed
> to
> echo by claiming, "There's a glaring lack of protection for religion in
> state law."
> See more stories tagged with:
> washington [7],
> bill [8],
> sb 5927 [9],
> discrimination [10]
> ________________________________________
> Source URL:
> gainst-gays
> Links:
> [1]
> [2]
> -discrimination.html
> [3]
> ts
> [4]
> cond-suit-unless-she-donates-to-an-lgbt-organization/
> [5]
> -sues-florist-for-anti-gay-discrimination/
> [6]
> inating-florist-is-victim-of-gay-nazism/
> [7]
> [8]
> [9]
> [10]
> [11]
> Published on Alternet (
> Home > WA Bill Would Allow Businesses to Openly Discriminate Against Gays
> Think Progress / By Zack Ford [1]
> WA Bill Would Allow Businesses to Openly Discriminate Against Gays
> April 26, 2013 |
> Republicans in Washington state have proposed a bill that would allow
> businesses to openly discriminate [2] against people based on their sexual
> orientation if they want to do so because of their religious beliefs. SB
> 5927 [3]carves out a specific exception to the state's nondiscrimination
> law
> that says only federal protections - which don't include sexual
> orientation
> - apply when a person's religious belief is "burdened":
> Nothing in this section may burden a person or religious organization's
> freedom of religion including, but not limited to, the right of an
> individual or entity to deny services if providing those goods or services
> would be contrary to the individual's or entity owner's sincerely held
> religious beliefs, philosophical beliefs, or matters of conscience. This
> subsection does not apply to the denial of services to individuals
> recognized as a protected class under federal law applicable to the state
> as
> of the effective date of this section. The right to act or refuse to act
> in
> a manner motivated by a sincerely held religious belief, philosophical
> belief, or matter of conscience may not be burdened unless the government
> proves that it has a compelling governmental interest in infringing the
> specific act or refusal to act and has used the least restrictive means to
> further that interest.
> Unsurprisingly, the bill's sponsor is state Sen. Sharon Brown (R), whose
> district is home to Arlene's Flowers, a business facing two lawsuits [4]
> because it refused to provide flowers [5] for a same-sex wedding.
> Conservatives have claimed that the nondiscrimination protections
> Arelene's
> violated are tantamount to Nazi homofascism [6], a sentiment Brown seemed
> to
> echo by claiming, "There's a glaring lack of protection for religion in
> state law."
> See more stories tagged with:
> washington [7],
> bill [8],
> sb 5927 [9],
> discrimination [10]

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

animals can grieve, too

 What you described is real grief. 
We human types get so fat headed about our superior place at the Right Hand of God, that we fail to notice how much honest feelings animals have for one another. 
When my neighbor's elder dog died, the young dog howled for days.  He truly grieved.  When my sister-in-law's first horse died and left Cathy's horse alone, she moped for weeks until we took her to our daughter's and put her in with three other horses. 
A story that stands out in my memory is the supposed true story of a fellow who noticed a gathering of frogs in a pond.  They had gathered around one of their fellow frogs and were making little chirping sounds.  Then they gathered in a group around the frog and moved it to a distant secluded part of the pond.  The frog was dead, and his fellow frogs appeared to be giving him a send off. 
Grieving is a normal part of life.  When my first baby died at birth, I found myself alone at our apartment after a day that I would never forget.  My heart was broken.  I couldn't do a thing for my wife, as she lay grieving in the hospital recovering from a C Section, and I could do nothing to dull that stark vivid image of my poor dead little daughter Lori Ann. 
I threw myself on the bed and suddenly realized that as much as I wanted to, I could not cry.  I'd been raised to the words, "Big boys don't cry", and "Be a brave boy and never show your feelings." 
That night I decided that I was going to learn to cry.  And I did.  In fact I did such a good job that today I can cry over the silliest of emotions. 
So grieve, my friend.  It will do your entire Being good. 
Carl Jarvis
----- Original Message -----
From: Bob Hachey
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 5:39 PM
Subject: RE: [acb-l] Fw: PCB A tale of perhaps not soreasonable anaccommodation

Hi Carl,

Thanks for the kind words.

WE also have a cat; his name is Dickens. Dickens has been acting strangely today. You know, I think he knows some of what's going on. During the afternoon when he normally sleeps rather soundly, he kept walking around. Donna came hoem early from work and when she gets home, Dickens usually wants her to get out his favorite toy. But today he didn't go near the closet where it's kept, He kept crying a very sad sounding cry and walking around and sort of ignored donna. I'd swear that Dickens misses his big brother.



From: Carl Jarvis []
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 5:41 PM
To: Bob Hachey
Subject: Re: [acb-l] Fw: PCB A tale of perhaps not soreasonable anaccommodation



Very sorry to hear the news concerning your dog.  It's hard for some folks to understand that these  furry creatures are true friends in the finest sense of the word. 

As a boy, dogs were my choice of companions.  Of course in my post puberty, girls replaced dogs.  But I never thought of cats as more than mousers.  That is until Winston, the Wonder Cat clambered onto our deck from the deep, dark Olympic Forest. 

What a little friend he is.  Who would have believed that cats are as aware of just how to behave in order to get us to do what they want. 

So now I'm a cat lover as well as a dog lover.  But I still like women best. 


Carl Jarvis

----- Original Message -----

From: Bob Hachey

Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 12:58 PM

Subject: Re: [acb-l] Fw: PCB A tale of perhaps not soreasonable anaccommodation


Hi Lynn and all,
Have you reached out to Jeanette? I've been very busy since our Bay State
convention ended on Sunday. I just got done installing a new computer and
this morning, I was shocked to find my guide dog Xane doing very poorly.
I tried to get him to the vet, but he collapsed and passed away at our front
door. One of the ways I deal wihth grief is to try to keep busy. I'll be
reaching out to Jeanette by end of day tomorrow. I'd like us to try
structured negotiation in this case if that is still possible.
IF you've reached out, please let me know off list how it went.
Bob Hachey

acb-l mailing list

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

thinking in and out of boxesFw: thinking in and out of boxes

Subject: thinking in and out of boxes: thinking in and out of boxes

What an amazing child is our four year old great grandson.  I'll put him up against any other four year old on the block. 
Not only is he a well mannered lad, but he is full of smiles and "Yes Please", and "No Thankyou," and plenty of hugs and "I Love You's." 
This boy has the amazing ability to entertain himself for hours on end.  He moves his little toys around him, chattering and laughing, totally focused on his imaginary world. 
He can also draw amazing pictures of things no one else has ever seen.  He colors them with his water color paints, making them unbelievably beautiful. 
And he has more questions than any four adults can possibly have answers.  I know this because we just spent four happy days with this young Free Spirit. 
But even as he moved about, creating unbelievable beauty by his mere presence, a great sadness began to fill me. 
In his innocent young world he could not begin to see the Forces and Pressures moving in on him. 
Ellensburg is a University Town.  But you'd never know it unless you tripped over the Campus.  If there is any enlightenment in the hallowed halls of Central  Washington University, a school of over 10,000 students, it does not filter out into the town. 
Spending considerable time wandering among the TV and radio offerings, I found nothing even close to "the Liberal Media".  On the radio, Religious Broadcasts were as numerous as Country Music, Sports Talk Shows and Commercials. 
The TV carried all of the same programming found on TV's from Coast to Coast. 
Daily news was passed out through the town by the Yakima Harold, a very Right leaning paper.  Unless a person prowled the Internet seeking counter views, the overall "information" picture was a very tepid one. 
In fact, speaking of tepid, , we dined out in a rather upscale restaurant one evening and I asked for a cup of coffee.  The young waitress brought me a cup and then came back to take our order.  "This coffee is rather tepid", I said.  "Tepid?"  she asked in a puzzled voice. 
"Yes, tepid."  "What does tepid mean?" she asked. 
"Did you attend college here?" I inquired. 
"I'm a graduate," she assured me. 
The next day we were still chuckling over this young woman's admission that she'd never run across tepid before.  Chatting with a charming energetic young woman in the Sundry store, I told her about the encounter with the waitress the prior evening.  "...And," I chuckled, "She didn't know what Tepid meant.  And she graduated from college right here." 
"I've got a Masters degree from Central Washington, and I've not heard the word, either.  It must be a generational thing", she said in a very serious voice. 
Just the same, this town is Tepid in all aspects of the word. 
How is a little free Spirit going to grow strong and free and independent when his entire tepid world offers no challenges, no opposing views, no exposure to the big wide wonders of this diverse world? 
And how do any of us really break free?  Aren't we fooling ourselves if we think that we have learned to think outside of the box?  Aren't we merely jumping from one box into another? 
Have we not written our Classic Tragedy based on our own Human destiny?  The very characteristics that have raised us up from the primal Slime, enabling us to create the wonders of our modern civilization, are the very same characteristics that will bring us down. 
Carl Jarvis

 "We do not inherit the land from
our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."

thinking in and out of boxesFw: thinking in and out of boxes

Subject: thinking in and out of boxes: thinking in and out of boxes

What an amazing child is our four year old great grandson.  I'll put him up against any other four year old on the block. 
Not only is he a well mannered lad, but he is full of smiles and "Yes Please", and "No Thankyou," and plenty of hugs and "I Love You's." 
This boy has the amazing ability to entertain himself for hours on end.  He moves his little toys around him, chattering and laughing, totally focused on his imaginary world. 
He can also draw amazing pictures of things no one else has ever seen.  He colors them with his water color paints, making them unbelievably beautiful. 
And he has more questions than any four adults can possibly have answers.  I know this because we just spent four happy days with this young Free Spirit. 
But even as he moved about, creating unbelievable beauty by his mere presence, a great sadness began to fill me. 
In his innocent young world he could not begin to see the Forces and Pressures moving in on him. 
Ellensburg is a University Town.  But you'd never know it unless you tripped over the Campus.  If there is any enlightenment in the hallowed halls of Central  Washington University, a school of over 10,000 students, it does not filter out into the town. 
Spending considerable time wandering among the TV and radio offerings, I found nothing even close to "the Liberal Media".  On the radio, Religious Broadcasts were as numerous as Country Music, Sports Talk Shows and Commercials. 
The TV carried all of the same programming found on TV's from Coast to Coast. 
Daily news was passed out through the town by the Yakima Harold, a very Right leaning paper.  Unless a person prowled the Internet seeking counter views, the overall "information" picture was a very tepid one. 
In fact, speaking of tepid, , we dined out in a rather upscale restaurant one evening and I asked for a cup of coffee.  The young waitress brought me a cup and then came back to take our order.  "This coffee is rather tepid", I said.  "Tepid?"  she asked in a puzzled voice. 
"Yes, tepid."  "What does tepid mean?" she asked. 
"Did you attend college here?" I inquired. 
"I'm a graduate," she assured me. 
The next day we were still chuckling over this young woman's admission that she'd never run across tepid before.  Chatting with a charming energetic young woman in the Sundry store, I told her about the encounter with the waitress the prior evening.  "...And," I chuckled, "She didn't know what Tepid meant.  And she graduated from college right here." 
"I've got a Masters degree from Central Washington, and I've not heard the word, either.  It must be a generational thing", she said in a very serious voice. 
Just the same, this town is Tepid in all aspects of the word. 
How is a little free Spirit going to grow strong and free and independent when his entire tepid world offers no challenges, no opposing views, no exposure to the big wide wonders of this diverse world? 
And how do any of us really break free?  Aren't we fooling ourselves if we think that we have learned to think outside of the box?  Aren't we merely jumping from one box into another? 
Have we not written our Classic Tragedy based on our own Human destiny?  The very characteristics that have raised us up from the primal Slime, enabling us to create the wonders of our modern civilization, are the very same characteristics that will bring us down. 
Carl Jarvis

 "We do not inherit the land from
our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."

Fw: thinking in and out of boxesFw: thinking in and out of boxes

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 10:15 PM
Subject: thinking in and out of boxesFw: thinking in and out of boxes

What an amazing child is our four year old great grandson.  I'll put him up against any other four year old on the block. 
Not only is he a well mannered lad, but he is full of smiles and "Yes Please", and "No Thankyou," and plenty of hugs and "I Love You's." 
This boy has the amazing ability to entertain himself for hours on end.  He moves his little toys around him, chattering and laughing, totally focused on his imaginary world. 
He can also draw amazing pictures of things no one else has ever seen.  He colors them with his water color paints, making them unbelievably beautiful. 
And he has more questions than any four adults can possibly have answers.  I know this because we just spent four happy days with this young Free Spirit. 
But even as he moved about, creating unbelievable beauty by his mere presence, a great sadness began to fill me. 
In his innocent young world he could not begin to see the Forces and Pressures moving in on him. 
Ellensburg is a University Town.  But you'd never know it unless you tripped over the Campus.  If there is any enlightenment in the hallowed halls of Central  Washington University, a school of over 10,000 students, it does not filter out into the town. 
Spending considerable time wandering among the TV and radio offerings, I found nothing even close to "the Liberal Media".  On the radio, Religious Broadcasts were as numerous as Country Music, Sports Talk Shows and Commercials. 
The TV carried all of the same programming found on TV's from Coast to Coast. 
Daily news was passed out through the town by the Yakima Harold, a very Right leaning paper.  Unless a person prowled the Internet seeking counter views, the overall "information" picture was a very tepid one. 
In fact, speaking of tepid, , we dined out in a rather upscale restaurant one evening and I asked for a cup of coffee.  The young waitress brought me a cup and then came back to take our order.  "This coffee is rather tepid", I said.  "Tepid?"  she asked in a puzzled voice. 
"Yes, tepid."  "What does tepid mean?" she asked. 
"Did you attend college here?" I inquired. 
"I'm a graduate," she assured me. 
The next day we were still chuckling over this young woman's admission that she'd never run across tepid before.  Chatting with a charming energetic young woman in the Sundry store, I told her about the encounter with the waitress the prior evening.  "...And," I chuckled, "She didn't know what Tepid meant.  And she graduated from college right here." 
"I've got a Masters degree from Central Washington, and I've not heard the word, either.  It must be a generational thing", she said in a very serious voice. 
Just the same, this town is Tepid in all aspects of the word. 
How is a little free Spirit going to grow strong and free and independent when his entire tepid world offers no challenges, no opposing views, no exposure to the big wide wonders of this diverse world? 
And how do any of us really break free?  Aren't we fooling ourselves if we think that we have learned to think outside of the box?  Aren't we merely jumping from one box into another? 
Have we not written our Classic Tragedy based on our own Human destiny?  The very characteristics that have raised us up from the primal Slime, enabling us to create the wonders of our modern civilization, are the very same characteristics that will bring us down. 
Carl Jarvis

 "We do not inherit the land from
our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."

Monday, April 22, 2013

Thinking in and out of boxes

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 7:41 AM
Subject: Re: Let's Hope the Boston Marathon Bomber Is a White American

As I dash off a quick thought or two, jump in the shower and head off for Ellensburg to our daughter and son-in-laws, and enjoy a long weekend with our four year old Great Grandson.  Rylan is perhaps the brightest four year old I know.  He thinks outside  of all boxes because he does not know yet that boxes exist. 
But time and the Great American Empire's Mass Media and Propaganda Blitz will soon take care of that. 
Soon, far too soon, Rylan will be tangled in the same webs that threaten to strangle independent thought processes out of all of us.  Our schools will squash him into non-thinking boxes, our media will shape him into a consumer box, our Empire will force him into believing that America is the most democratic, free nation ever, our churches will force him to ponder the existence of a Just but Loving God who Just Loves violence, and his peers will shame him if he dares to express an independent thought. 
But as I say, Rylan is very bright.  Grandpa is already sending him little notes, questions about everyday stuff that Grandpa took for granted when I was young.  Over the years I have noticed that when I speak with school children, if I ask lots of questions, they begin to explore ideas and grasp the points I'm trying to make much faster than if I simply ram it into their heads. 
Roger is right.  We are all caught up in boxes.  The thing is that some of us realize this fact and we do work and think outside of them, in spite of ourselves. 
We just don't all do it the way Roger does it.  Probably I am as Radical a person as one can be and still walk about as a free man.  But my approach to the world is much different than Roger's.  The world needs both of us.  And our future is dependent on all of us who do think outside the boxes, even if we are not as far out of them as some wish. 
My dad was a Marxist.  I learned so much from him, once I'd wandered down some dead ends and wrong way roads.  I had to learn much of Life's lessons the hard way.  In part it was because of the constant pressures brought to bear by the emerging Empire, and in part because I just had to learn by hands on experience. 
Thanks to the folks on this list, my brain gets prodded daily.  My goal is to never stand still, mentally.  I change my thinking, adding new wrinkles and discarding old concepts as regularly as I change my shorts...which is daily. 
And most of all, I really enjoy seeing how other folks minds work.  As much alike as we are, we are so very different under our fuzzy scalps. 
And now, off to the shower and away to Ellensburg. 
Carl Jarvis
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2013 7:17 PM
Subject: Re: Let's Hope the Boston Marathon Bomber Is a White American

Well, I said once before that I think you have been trapped in that
liberal box so long that not only do you fail to think outside the box,
but you fail to realize that there is even an outside to the box at all.
As for myself, I have been trapped in the box of bourgeois ideology my
entire life too. I say bourgeois ideology rather than specifically
liberal ideology because I have been surrounded by the ruling ideas of
the ruling class all of my life. I know all their arguments and all of
their distortions, whether it is liberal or rightest. (I refuse to call
them conservative because that is an insult to conservative thought.(
I,  however, have managed to make myself think outside of that box. I
remember once that there was a comrade who was uninterested in my
favorite kind of fiction literature, science fiction, and he questioned
that I should be interested in it myself. Putting aside the fact that he
did not really understand what it was that he did not like, I told him
that science fiction had, in my opinion, made me a better socialist. He
did not understand that, so I explained that science fiction was a
constant reminder that the way things are is not the way things have to
be. If this conversation had been going on at the time I think I might
have framed it as science fiction has helped me to think outside the
box. I really do think it has, but you do not have to be a science
fiction fan to be a socialist. I think it has helped me to open my mind,
though, and see that the ways of thinking that I have been taught are
not the only ways to think. In your case, you may not be a science
fiction fan and I would not recommend that you become one for this
specific purpose. It is a long term thing and you must really like that
kind of entertainment rather than to be just reading it to open your
mind in some way that you do not understand and in which way it cannot
be predicted. However, I have noted the kinds of books you do read as
you have mentioned them here and I have noticed what kinds of articles
you read too. It is solidly liberal. You do not give yourself a chance
to see things from other perspectives. Remember, there is a whole left
out there that is not the left of the bourgeoisie. There is a
proletarian left. There is an anarchist left. To put it simply, there is
a radical left out there and it is not just a matter of degree from
liberalism. I remember that back when you first alerted me to the
existence of this list you also mentioned something about regularly
reading the Nation from BARD. I said that I occasionally do too, but
that a magazine that promotes liberalism is not the highest priority for
me and that I was considerably left of that. You said that you didn't
think I was further left, but that it was just a different left. You
were right about that. I still say that I am further left than the
Nation, but it is still not just a matter of being further along on some
kind of spectrum. It really is different. All the assumptions and
precepts of liberalism are in opposition to my kind of politics. I
certainly read enough of liberal material to constantly see that they do
not have a clue about a whole lot of things that explain social and
economic dynamics. They just cannot conceive of not defending the
bourgeois state. I would suggest, though that you try reading left
political perspectives other than liberal perspectives on a regular
basis and try to put yourself in the place of those who are writing. You
will be surprised at what a whole world of ideas are out there that you
have never even thought of. By the way, try some science fiction too. It
might open your mind in other ways. That one Stephen King time travel
novel is a start, but it is only a start.
On 4/18/2013 9:49 PM, Miriam Vieni wrote:
> Roger,
> I am not ignoring what you've said and I do appreciate your explanation:
> "the ultimate goal as being the maximization of humanity's power over nature
> and the minimization of humanity's power over humanity and it is an open
> ended goal and that a perfect state cannot ever be achieved and human
> society is subject to the same character as the rest of the universe, that
> is dialectical, so that social contradiction will never end and that there
> will always be room for and the necessity of struggle
> I am paying attention, but I'm just not getting into the same box that
> you're in, which means that even though you are explaining what you believe
> to be an uncontrovertible scientific truth, I am unable to see the world in
> the same way as you do. It isn't a question of just logic. It has to do with
> the fact that we have different personalities, life experiences, emotional
> predispositions. It has to do with the way my brain works.
> Miriam
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Roger Loran
> Bailey
> Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2013 9:07 PM
> To: Blind Democracy Discussion List
> Subject: Re: Let's Hope the Boston Marathon Bomber Is a White American
> But you don't even have to read every single Marxist writing that has ever
> been written. You don't even have to read any of them.
> All you have to do is acknowledge what I have said. When I describe the
> ultimate goal as being the maximization of humanity's power over nature and
> the minimization of humanity's power over humanity and carefully explain
> that it is an open ended goal and that a perfect state cannot ever be
> achieved and when I say that human society is subject to the same character
> as the rest of the universe, that is dialectical, so that social
> contradiction will never end and that there will always be room for and the
> necessity of struggle and then you say that you see no evidence of society
> evolving into a classless society, not even to mention that it has been
> clearly pointed out to you that the vast majority of humanity's existence
> has been spent in classless society, then it is really hard for me to see
> that you are paying the slightest bit of attention. Instead, I get back this
> standard liberal misrepresentation of Marxism that has very little to do
> with Marxism at all. Now, I can point to innumerable cases in which
> officials of the Catholic church have proclaimed the existence of angels,
> but can you point to even one case in which a Marxist has called a bourgeois
> coup an insurrection? Let's face it, a few people can get together and plot
> a coup. A few people can get together and make all kinds of plots and
> conspiracies, but an uprising or an insurrection means that millions are
> mobilized. Now, just how do you think that you can get millions of people to
> do their insurrection on schedule? Honestly, to claim that a small coterie
> of bourgeois coup plotters somehow invalidates Marxism is like saying that
> all the laws of physics are invalidated because of that example I used of
> the guy who pumps water uphill. As a matter of fact, creationists are
> notorious for doing the same thing. They claim that the theory of biological
> evolution violates the laws of thermodynamics, specifically the one about
> entropy. To make claims like that is either a deliberate attempt to mislead
> or it shows a complete lack of understanding of the laws of thermodynamics.
> In the case of the creationists who make a career of writing those tracts
> and supposedly refuting evolution I think it is pretty clear that they are
> deliberately trying to mislead. That is, they are creationist liars. The
> ignorant masses who swallow what they are told by these charlatans are just
> that, ignorant. The bourgeois writers and professional promoters of
> liberalism are similar to the creationist liars. They do not want you to
> understand what Marxism really is and they are liars. Liberal masses like
> you who just swallow what they say I will charitably consider to be dupes.
> The trouble is that you have right here a person who forthrightly proclaims
> himself to be a Marxist and he goes ahead and tells you what Marxism is.
> Then the next time you have something to say about it you make no reference
> at all to those explanations. Instead, you go right ahead and repeat the
> distortions of Marxism that you have heard from this liberal gang of
> disinformation purveyors. At least acknowledge what I have said.
> If you disagree with it then at least disagree with me and not with the
> false caricature of Marxism that you have been taught rather than with me.
> What is the point of my explaining anything if it is not even referred to
> when someone is trying to say that I am wrong?Carl recently was referring to
> what he called my methodical way of thinking and asked me to never leave
> this list.  I thought about giving him a reply to that, but I let it go. I
> have left this list before because of heavy list traffic and have come back.
> I am constantly coming close to doing so again for the same reason. However,
> there is another thing that tends to push me in that direction. That is the
> exasperation I feel over the rampant liberalism on this list. I keep hanging
> around, though, when I think of the pointlessness of preaching to the choir
> and how one must be patient with people who have been indoctrinated into
> ruling class ideology during an ebb in the class struggle. What is even more
> exasperating, though, is my repeated attempts to explain certain concepts
> and for all the good it does I may as well be spouting liberalism myself. It
> makes me want to tear my hair out in exasperation.
> On 4/18/2013 8:10 PM, Miriam Vieni wrote:
>> Religious educated believing Roman Catholics would say that if only
>> you really paid attention to all of the theological writing and didn't
>> describe religious precepts from an atheist's framework, you would not
>> be writing an atheist's caricature of it. If only you would read all
>> of the religious and philosophical writings about the subject, really
>> study it, then you wouldn't be misunderstanding what is actually the
> truth.
>> So, here we are, each one of us stuck in our own belief systems and
>> every one of us is absolutely positive that our particular belief
>> system isn't a belief system at all, but is the truth. You are
>> describing what you consider to be a scientific explanation of human
>> behavior which is a very logical, closed system. It is mechanistic. It
>> leaves no room for individual choice, nor for emotional truths. To me,
>> some of what it says seems accurate. But even if you call me names,
>> even if I fit into those dreaded categories of liberal, bourgeois, or
>> whatever negative labels you are assigning to me, like the implied
>> stupid and stubborn ones, even though you have explained as well as
>> you can, the logic of your point of view, I guess I am intransigent or
>> just a free spirit. I have never been able to fit myself into a box,
>> not a religious one or an ethnic one or a national one or a political
>> one or an intellectual one. I have been able to borrow a lot of
>> helpful and lovely and sometimes, wonderful things from a lot of those
> boxes, even though I couldn't fit into them.
>> Miriam
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Roger
>> Loran Bailey
>> Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2013 7:25 PM
>> To: Blind Democracy Discussion List
>> Subject: Re: Let's Hope the Boston Marathon Bomber Is a White American
>>        Of course such a coup is backed by the wealthy and the U.S., but
>> that was not what we were talking about. What does that have to do
>> with uprisings or insurrections?  You may as well say that water does
>> not flow downhill because you personally know someone who has a pump that
> made it flow uphill.
>> No, that is not quite the right analogy. That actually has something
>> to do with the flow of water. I suppose it is more like saying that
>> water does not flow downhill because you recently saw someone with a
>> red ribbon in their hat.  As for Marxism talking about an evolution to
>> classless society, has all my explanation of that really been for
>> nothing?  Did you really pay no attention to anything I have said
>> about that?  Are you so determined to hang onto that bourgeois liberal
>> straw man caricature of Marxism that you completely ignore what
>> Marxists actually have to say? Don't you remember anything about open
>> ended goals and the character of the universe that maintains perpetual
>> contradiction? Honestly, Miriam, it would help your credibility a lot
>> if you would address what Marxists actually have to say rather than a
> liberal caricature of it.
>> On 4/18/2013 4:07 PM, Miriam Vieni wrote:
>>> But I'm not convinced that it's scientific. It does seem more like a
>>> religion to me than hard science. The coup will work in Venezuela
>>> because it's backed by the wealthy and by the U.S. and it has nothing
>>> to do with class theory. The masses there have, and want socialism,
>>> as flawed as the Venezuelan systsem may be. And I'm not sure that
>>> reality has supported Marxist theory because the theory talks about
>>> an evolution to a classless society and although we've seen Communist
>>> revolutions, they never evolved the way the theory said they were
>>> supposed
>> to.
>>> Miriam
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Roger
>>> Loran Bailey
>>> Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2013 3:53 PM
>>> To: Blind Democracy Discussion List
>>> Subject: Re: Let's Hope the Boston Marathon Bomber Is a White
>>> American
>>>         You can dismiss what I am saying as a theoretical Marxist
>>> explanation if you want to, but if you join a peaceful sit in and the
>>> tanks start firing at you because of it and you remain peaceful you
>>> just end up dead and you will have accomplished nothing. You can
>>> dismiss it as theoretical Marxist explanation if you want to, but
>>> just go out and start your uprising and see how far you get. You can
>>> dismiss it as a theoretical Marxist explanation if you want to, but
>>> when those individuals in the Venezuelan ruling class conspire to
>>> have a coup against other factions of that ruling class without the
>>> backing of the masses then the ruling class is still in power.
>>> Miriam, you are forgetting something. Marxism is scientific. Science
>>> is the study of reality. It is not a religious doctrine that will
>>> just continue to make the same pronouncements no matter how wrong
>>> reality shows those pronouncements to be. If it does not match
>>> reality then it has to be abandoned. That is, reality itself will dismiss
> it as not valid.
>>> Marxist theory has to meet the test of reality or it is worthless.
>>> This persistence in not understanding that and in not understanding
>>> reality itself just keeps on bringing back these assumptions that we
>>> can
>> have a revolution any time that we want or that maybe we should avoid
>> a revolution because it just might be too bloody.
>>> If we can avoid reality that easy then we may as well just go ahead
>>> and start having world communism right now. After all, it would be a
>>> lot easier to just go ahead and have world communism rather than have
>>> to fight for it, wouldn't it?
>>> On 4/18/2013 3:35 PM, Miriam Vieni wrote:
>>>> Roger,
>>>> You are talking about a theoretical, Marxist explanation of how and
>>>> when revolution occurs. But there are individuals who make choices
>>>> about whether or not to join groups whose purpose it is to disrupt
>>>> the current system either peacefully or violently. There are people,
>>>> as for example, in Venezuela, who plan coups. Social movements
>>>> happen because of individual choices made by real people.
>>>> Miriam
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> From:
>>>> [] On Behalf Of Roger
>>>> Loran Bailey
>>>> Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2013 3:19 PM
>>>> To: Blind Democracy Discussion List
>>>> Subject: Re: Let's Hope the Boston Marathon Bomber Is a White
>>>> American
>>>> I don't understand why you guys persist in thinking that we or any
>>>> group can just decide to have an uprising and then have it, even
>>>> down to when and where to have it. If that was possible there are a
>>>> good many groups of people who would be engineering what would
>>>> amount to a daily uprising. The simple fact is that class
>>>> contradictions build up, kind of like in a pressure cooker, and then
>>>> their is a social explosion. If anyone is trying to say that such an
>>>> explosion is good then
>>> I will contradict the claim.
>>>> There are all kinds of things wrong with it and, yes, the explosions
>>>> at the Boston Marathon are only very small examples of what it will
>>>> be like. Do not advocate violence. If you do then you are shooting
>>>> yourself in the foot. Do not carry out violence prematurely because
>>>> if you do then you are shooting yourself in the other foot. When the
>>>> violence does break out, though, and when it does break out in a
>>>> widespread fashion that would indicate that a revolution is going on
>>>> then the thing to do is to take control and to steer the social
>>>> explosion toward the best outcome possible. Even then the outcome
>>>> will not be perfect. The violence alone keeps it from being perfect.
>>>> It means that a lot of resources that might have been used to gain
>>>> an even better outcome are destroyed. But this idea that we need a
>>>> revolution so let's go ahead and have one does not work at all. And
>>>> we do not need anyone to tell us that we had better avoid it because
>>>> of what the Boston bombing shows us is likely to be even more
> widespread.
>>>> There is no avoiding it. Stop thinking teleological! You may as well
>>>> tell an asteroid to not hit the Earth because it will be even more
>>>> harmful to the asteroid than it will be to the earth. If asteroids
>>>> had will and could control that will then that might make sense, but
>>>> since
>>> they do not then telling asteroids any such thing just shows
>>> teleological thinking.
>>>> On 4/18/2013 12:26 PM, Carl Jarvis wrote:
>>>> Bob, Dick and all Lovers of Peace and Tranquility,
>>>> Some of us have talked in the past regarding the need for an
>>>> uprising, a revolution.  Perhaps we might stop and consider just
>>>> what that would look like.  Take the two bombs that exploded at the
>>>> Boston Marathon and multiply them a few thousand times over, and
>>>> plant them in public buildings, under bridges, in schools, in
>>>> churches and Synagogs and other places of worship.
>>>> Next, take every group that disagrees with the government and whip
>>>> them up to a fairtheewell, put weapons in their hands and send them
>>>> into the fracas.  When all the dust has settled, and all the smoke
>>>> has cleared away, who will have won?
>>>> The answer is, No One!  No winners.  And why?  Because no one has a
>>>> better plan for people to live in harmony and cooperation.  Not with
>>>> each other, and not with our planet.
>>>> There is no Master Plan that would change the world and make it a
>>>> better life for all Life on Earth.
>>>> The overwhelming proof is that we don't get it.  We don't
>>>> understand that we can't just continue uprising, throwing off one
>>>> corrupt government only to replace it with another.
>>>> But if we don't come to our senses soon, it will not matter.  We
>>>> now have the ability to wipe ourselves and all Life from the face of
>>>> the Universe.
>>>> Carl Jarvis
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: Bob Hachey <>
>>>> To: Blind Democracy Discussion List
>>>> <>
>>>> Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2013 6:22 AM
>>>> Subject: Re: Let's Hope the Boston Marathon Bomber Is a
>>> White
>>>> American
>>>> Hi Dick,
>>>> In a perfect world, I'd love to say that Sirota has no
>>> business
>>>> hoping that the marathon bomber(s) belong to any ethnic or racial
>>>> group.
>>>> But Sirota makes a point that is painful to admit for this
>>> white
>>>> male an one from which we dare not hide. WE hide from his
>>>> perspective at our peril because he is right on point when it comes
>>>> to the stark differences in American reaction to terrorist attacks
>>>> depending upon the race and ethnicity of the attacker. IN my book,
>>>> this stark difference is a stain upon the American government and
>>>> upon the American conscience. This stark difference also flies in
>>>> the face of the declaration of Independence and the bill of Rights.
>>>> IT is truly sad that we are seemingly unable to live up to
>>> the lofty
>>>> principles expressed therein.
>>>> And, you know what? I'm guilty too. that's right. I'm guilty
>>> of the
>>>> same kind of hate that has sparked our bad reactions to nonwhite
>>>> terrorist attacks.
>>>> The difference is that I hate the Rush Limbaughs, Sean
>>> Hanity's and
>>>> Laura Ingrams of this world who use the conservative media megaphone
>>>> to foment fear and hate of all things that are different from the
>>>> white Christian evangelical perspective. I recognize that hate as a
>>>> weakness and know that I'm worse off for that hate and that to the
>>>> extent that we all can reduce such hate, we will all be better off.
>>>> Bob Hachey
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