Thursday, June 30, 2011

I had a dream!

    This feels like a terrible nightmare from which I cannot wake up. 
Unable to move, I watch the ships sail out to sea.  No sound comes from my mouth as I try to warn them that they are doomed.  Then I see Secretary of State Clinton.  I struggle to reach out to her and plead that she stop the killing that is going to occur.  But I can't seem to get her attention.  She stands looking stern and angry and behind her I see The Prince of Peace, President Obama shouting, "Yes, we can!" 
Then suddenly, as is the nature of dreams, I am walking the streets of Gaza.  I've never been here, but I know just where I am.  Except now the homes begin to look like a collection of Teepee's, and all of the people look like American Indians.  And they are afraid, running wildly in all directions looking for a place to hide.  Then I hear the trumpet of doom.  Gabriel blows his horn.  Riding into camp are giant horses with men dressed in armor and the Star of David emblazoned on their breast plates. 
Curious Carl


    The amazing thing about it is that everybody sits around with their thumb, you know where, and accepts it as if there were no other solutions.  I suppose it's a natural thing, the Working Classes make the products that create the wealth for the Ruling Classes to steal, so naturally when times get tough the Working Classes must step up to the line and sacrifice. 
This is why they are the Working Class and the Ruling Class is the Ruling Class.  It's Gods way, don't you know?  God sets the example.  He is totally the Ruler and He tells us exactly what to do and when to do it and what will happen if, or when we do not do it. 
This flow of events is so hammered into our heads that we just never think that there is something wrong with this picture. 
What, and this is a really big What, what would happen if just for once the Workers stood up and told the Rulers that it is now their time to sacrifice? 
Oh Carl, bite your tongue. 
Curious Carl
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 9:22 AM

Monday, June 27, 2011

a very serious problem

We have a very serious problem here.  We think in terms of a government that is not listening to the people.  A government that has sold out to International Corporations. 
But the fact is that the government is doing exactly what it has been hired to do, for the people that hired it. 
As I've said before, if the government were not doing its job, it would be tossed out and replaced by people who know where their money is coming from. 
We act as if this is some really bad thing.  Like there are mean spirited, sleazy politicians sneaking around deliberately going against our wishes.  Well, we're living in some sort of Fairy Story. 
The men and women who hold public office, are usually fairly bright, honorable folk.  They understood that when they solicited support from various organizations and corporations that they would be committing to protect and advance their interests. 
So why are we looking around like a bunch of Dodo birds? 
After all,  we are the ones who let it happen.  We are the ones who got ourselves so wrapped up in our Middle Class American Dream that we let the Corporate entities become First Class Corporate American Citizens. 
We went about telling each other, "I just don't get involved in political things". 
We never go to public meetings, town meetings, school board meetings, or union meetings.  "No time for such boring stuff", we say, as we head for the beach, the ball game, the casino or the "Man's Cave" for a few beers. 
Somehow we thought somebody else was looking out for our best interests.  Well, the chickens have come home to roost.  Only the Fox was looking out for us. 
Sure, I call them the Empire Builders and the Ruling Class, but I do not call them Evil.  They have done what they set out to do, grab everything in sight.  What's the matter with us?  Don't we understand the nature of a corporation?  As nice as they present themselves to us through their hired spokespeople, they exist for one purpose and one purpose alone, to grow.  Like so many cancers, they grow without concern for anything else.  Like cancers, they crowd out and destroy everything around them and then keep growing.  Like cancers, corporations will keep expanding until they have destroyed the very systems that support them.  They must do this.  No matter what line they peddle you, they are in existence to grow. 
We have only two choices.  We can wait for them to destroy themselves by sucking up all the resources, which could well mean the end of life as we know it, or we can stand up to them. 
To stand up to them means changing the rules of their game.  We cannot level their playing field.  We must insist on building a new playing field.  One which coes not include first class corporate citizens.  One where all Americans do have a vote and a voice.  One where office seekers must present their platforms before the public and win their votes, not their dollars. 
Our new playing field must have safe guards that exclude anyone from buying an office or a public official. 
Curious Carl

Saturday, June 25, 2011

The right of dominance

Joe and Others Who Believe that We Just Might All Be Related,
What concerns me even more than whether we understand that we Humans are related, is why we accept the right of some of our relatives to dominate the rest of us.  
As long as we continue to support our current culture, we will continue to endorse a system of Rulers and Subjects.  We, including myself, spend our energies in trying to modify a system that is ultimately going to render the Human Race extinct.  We must lay the foundation for a major change.  We must find a way to put Empires and Human Domination behind us and learn to live together with the entire Planet Earth.  Anything short of this is suicide.  
Curious Carl
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2011 7:54 AM
Subject: Re: The Romance of Birthright Israel

Someday we might realize that we are all a part of one race. That is the
human race.

That's the end of this story.



My spin.  We are in this struggle to save the Human Race, for the long haul. 
The Dominant Ruling Class holds most of the cards, money, land, power, military forces, political power, mass media, and on and on. 
"The Militant", is one small publication attempting to spread the word.  I don't happen to subscribe to it, but I don't fault the effort to gain readership.  To my way of thinking this is one more example of our inability to bring together our forces for the common cause.  It is no accident that the revolution has never come to be.  The Ruling Class manages to keep us fractured and at one another's throats. 
Just as an aside, the Ruling Class has as many divisions within its ranks as does the Subjugated Masses. 
But even as they struggle to dominate one another, they continue to keep us fighting among ourselves. 
Once we decide that we, the majority of the Human Race, have a common goal of ending the dominance of the World-Wide Ruling Class, we will see the beginning of a New World Order.  What we are failing to do is to determine just what that new order should look like.  If we are just going to exchange one group of Rulers for another, then let's pack it in and start digging a hole in the ground. 
Carl Jarvis
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2011 8:03 AM

Dear Roger
This is why I left this organization after a short stint of involvement
inabout 40 years ago. Revolution is not calculated by numbers of
subscriptions and quotas for sales of "The Militant".

I'm sorry but that doesn't mean a bloody thing even if the dogma and all is

At best it is feel good stuff at worst it is an illusion of revolution.

Honestly, roger I respect you highly and even more than these words can
express, but this is dead end stuff. Talk about romantic idealism!

I cannot say more for this stuff makes me literally weep as it is simply
vain glorious.

I guess we all need our Quixotic dreams though and some sort of metric to
justify them.

I do not mean to offend. I really don't but this is just so hopeless and so
... I don't know how to define it except to say, "Been there. Done that. Got
the T-shirt. And we still don't have anything approaching revolution or even
reform in this country. and the sales of "The Militant" ain't gonna make a
dimes worth of difference in this schema either. Never will and never



Wednesday, June 22, 2011

All in the family, is it funny today?

One day in the Here After, I shall sit me down and explore just why I never missed an episode of All in the Family, and laughed my fool head off. 
But it is enough for now to say, I did find it funny.  And yet, I seldom watched The Jefferson's, or Maude.  But Mash became a must for me, as was The Mary Tyler Moore Show. 
Very likely I would no longer see the same humor in All in the Family.  I return to some of the old radio comedies and I am amazed at how much humor has changed, and how silly some of the programs are in today's world. 
The other day my eldest daughter, whom I raised better than that, sent me a link to a video she had made of her eldest son(my very own flesh and blood) doing a standup routine in a nightclub.  My, my, my.  How humor has changed.  Move over Howard Stern, here comes Matt Black.  He had more to say about his private parts than I knew about my own.  And there sat my 48 year old daughter, splitting her sides laughing at stuff my mother would have spent a week washing out of Matt's mouth. 
What a difference a generation makes!  Gee, that could make a cool song. 
Curious Carl

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

why I am an Agnostic

A short note to my friend in Egypt. 
Curious Carl
Hello Mostafa,
Thank you for outlining the five major perceptions that make up Islam. 

Number one ; submission

Number two ; obedience

Number three ; surrender

Number four ; sincerity.

Eventually;  number five ; piece.

It seems to me that you have listed the very same conditions that all religions require of their obedient members. 
And these are the very requirements that cause me to be an Agnostic. 
Since I personally believe that God is created in Man's Image, I cannot submit to being His servant. 
These five conditions are the requirements of any King or Dictator. 
Since I answer to my own Spirit, I cannot submit to your God or to any Man's God. 
And if I should be wrong, I will stand in Judgment when the Day of Reckoning comes. 
But even then I would never choose to spend Eternity in servitude to any Being, no matter how Perfect He might be. 
Finally, from what I see of God, He is far from the Perfect Being He wants us to believe Him to be. 
God, through His Faithful spokespeople, tells us how perfect he is, and yet his world is a mess and he has never been able to  gain control over it. 
Carl Jarvis

a blind dad thanks his children

You know that you did something right when all of your children call up or
come by on Father's day.
"Happy Father's Day, Dad."  That was James, the Metro Driver on his way to
work early Sunday morning.  Himself a father of four, a caring husband and
voted "Number One Neighbor in his neighborhood.  And to think I used to
worry that this boy would never grow up.

"Happy Father's Day, Dad", came the call from Yakima where our eldest
daughter lives.
"Thanks Sweetie, I got your card and it is probably even mushier than the
one you sent me last year".

"Happy Father's Day Dad," cried our youngest daughter, as she dropped off
our five year old grand daughter to "share" father's day weekend with Cathy
and me.
Then she slipped me a box of chocolates.  How could I have done such a good
job of raising that girl?

And then this afternoon a big box appeared on our doorstep.  In it were the
most magnificent and amazing strawberries I have ever seen.  Huge berries
coated in a thick layer of rich dark chocolate and sprinkled with chopped
Where do they grow these things?  I want to move there!
But wow, where did these children come from?  I think back to those years
when, as a blind man, I was single parenting these three, wondering if I
could be both a father and a mother to them.
Then one wonderful day we found Cathy, just looking for a ready-made
family(joke),.  So before I blow my horn and break an arm patting my own
back, I think I'll go find Cathy and give her a huge hug...but none of my
chocolate covered strawberries.
Curious Carl

Friday, June 17, 2011

My Country, Right or Wrong, test

The "My Country, Right or Wrong" test. 
The reason President Obama follows in the footsteps of President Bush and President Clinton and that he has passed the, "My Country, Right or Wrong" test. 
This is a very secret test set in place by our First Class Corporate American Citizens from all corners of their world. 
This secret test is based on the premise that Wealth and Power make Right.  This is an age old belief going back to the early days of the Cave Age. 
Kings, Emperors, Tyrants and Despots have understood this for years.  It's just harder to get through to people who have the silly idea that they have a say in what is going on. 
The solution, the one we are witnessing as it unfolds on us, is to restrict freedom and remove the ability of people to speak freely.  Scare them, intimidate them, beat them up, disgrace them, lie about them, do whatever it takes to shut their mouths. 
What can we do while our Freedom is being suffocated?  Well, I read in this old book about a guy who build a boat, a huge boat.  And he put two of everything on board and rode out the storm. 
Hmm...I got some boards out back, a hammer and some nails...
Curious Carl

just where in the Hell did we go wrong?

Just where in the Hell did we go wrong?  I'm 76 years old and still working in order to afford something like a "normal" American life.  I was born in the middle of a great depression, every bit as devastating as the current one.  But there was a huge difference.  Working Class men and women had been organizing for years and understood that they must stand together and resist the Greed of the Super Rich.  And they did.  My parents, along with millions of other Working Class folks stood the line, often having their heads beaten in, and dragged off to jail.  But they stood together because they believed that they were every bit as good as their rich bosses. 
And for a period of Golden Years our people lived a more affluent, secure life than most of the World's people.  We watched a growing Middle Class develop.  And we forgot that the price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance.  We allowed ourselves to believe that it would never end.  We began to bask in our own indulgences, amusements, recreation, leisure time activities that crowded out any time for serious work in protecting our gains. 
But the Ruling Class never fretted.  They were hard at work watching and planning and waiting for that fat Middle Class plum to ripen.  Then they began to pluck the fruit of our labor.  And while we stand around looking like the deer in the headlights, they grin and drool as they sweep it all into their coffers, smirking at us as if we were simple minded fools. 
And I guess we are. 
Curious Carl

Thursday, June 16, 2011

millionaires can be good people to know

Having the money to hire everything done for us is one very good reasonable accommodation for the blind.  In 17 years and over 2,000 clients, we have served perhaps 5 or 6 really wealthy folks.  The five people who stand out in my mind lived in palatial homes with staff fluttering about eager to do their bidding.  In those five cases all that was wanted of us was to produce some hitherto unknown miracle cure for their vision loss. 
In all of these cases the people were grieving over their loss of sight, but their life style was not impacted in the slightest.  They could go anywhere, buy any sort of helpful device, eat well, sleep warmly.  They had their loving families about them.  But they wept over their loss just as if they were living under a bridge. 
And none of them ever understood the difference.  None of them ever said, "Well, at least I'm filthy rich and can afford the support services, and that poor slob under the bridge has no one". 
But way back when we were struggling to pass our Commission for the Blind Bill, a fellow named Joe Smith walked into Lilac Foundation in Spokane.  Smith was a man in his mid 70's and was beginning to have serious vision loss.  It turned out that Joe Smith was a timber baron and a multi millionaire.  The director at Lilac Center, Al Fisher, told Joe about our struggles to pass the Commission Bill, and how it was kept in committee year after year. 
Turns out that Joe Smith owned a couple of politicians.  One of them happened to be the Chair of the Social and Health Services Committee, the committee where our Bill lingered.  
The next session our Bill popped right out of committee and after seven long years of hard work, one crook of a finger and the Bill passed.  
Millionaires can be good people to know.  
Curious Carl

The FBI wants your garbage

Subject: Re: The FBI wants your garbage

One man's garbage is an F.B.I. Treasure Trove. 
Without coming right out and putting it in black and white, it appears that All People(and perhaps several other species)are suspects.  That sweet old grandma in the wheelchair being frisked in the airport next to the 9 month old baby,  all suspects.  Anyone getting close enough to hug you could be a suicide waiting to go off. 
And now the F.B.I. has a new division, G.I., Garbage Inspector.  They'll need to set up a recruiting program to screen applicants for this highly classified job.  Could be a golden opportunity for those folks no longer receiving unemployment checks. 
The unanswered question is, do they come and get my garbage or can I send it C.O.D. to the nearest F.B.I. office? 
Curious Carl

Tell Obama: Put solar on the White House!

I sent the following note along to my president: 
Mr. President.  We have been using solar power for the past 17 years to supplement our energy costs.  Once the initial cost of setting up the system is paid for, everything after that is FREE!  Yes.  The Sun has not yet figured out how to charge us for its energy.  Unlike Oil and Coal and Natural Gas, the Sun is FREE!  Get in on the ground floor before some First Class American Capitalist Citizen figures out how to step between us and the Sun and charge us for the privilege of receiving those wonderful, life-giving rays. 
Citizen Carl Jarvis
Subject: Tell Obama: Put solar on the White House!

CREDO Action | more than a network. a movement.

Tell Obama: Stand by your commitment and put solar panels on the White House.

This is an easy way for Obama to lead on climate.
Take Action!

Clicking here will add your name to this petition:

"President Obama, make good on your commitment, and put solar panels on the White House roof now."

Take action now!

Dear Carl

There hasn't been much for environmentalists to cheer about when it comes to federal action to combat climate change.

But back in October of 2010, we did win a small, but symbolically important victory. The Obama Administration committed to install solar panels and a solar hot water heater on the White House by spring of 2011, following an ongoing campaign by our friends at

June 21 is the last day of spring — but there are no solar panels on the White House, yet. It's time for President Obama to make good on his promise.

Tell Obama: Stand by your commitment and put solar panels on the White House. Click here to automatically sign the petition.

Putting solar on the White House is a simple and easy commitment on climate action.

President Obama can fulfill it without any interference from Congress. The coal industry doesn't get to weigh in. No oil lobbyist needs to be placated with extra drilling leases to make it happen.

It has been done before — Jimmy Carter installed solar panels in 1979, before Ronald Reagan took them down — and it can be done again in a mere 72 hours.2

Plus, this is thoroughly in line with the President's clean energy agenda. Yet even as President Obama continues to tout this agenda — he's made 23 speeches and 10 domestic trips centered on clean energy and green jobs3 — he is missing an easy opportunity to lead by example and send a strong message about the importance of clean energy and the viability of solar.

Tell Obama: Stand by your commitment and put solar on the White House. Click here to automatically sign the petition.

Extreme weather events, environmental disasters, and high gas prices have set a perfect opportunity for clear communication from the President about the catastrophe we face, and for urgent, strong leadership to move our nation away from dirty fossil fuels.

Unfortunately, President Obama has yet to truly seize the moment, and has made too many bad environmental decisions, including expansion of offshore drilling, opening new areas to coal mining and delaying crucial clean air rules.

While we will continue to fight for progress at the state and federal level on broader measures to stop dirty coal and protect the Clean Air Act, we think President Obama ought to follow through on one of the simplest, easiest commitments on climate action: His pledge last year to put solar panels on the White House by spring, 2011.

According to a recent Gallup poll, 83% of Americans want the government to do more to support solar.4 President Obama should start by putting his own house in order — the White House — and install the solar panels he promised.

Tell Obama: Stand by your commitment and put solar on the White House. Click here to automatically sign the petition.

Elijah Zarlin, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

1. Two Weeks For President Obama to Meet His Deadline To Return Solar To The White House," Think Progress, June 9 2011
2. ibid.
3. Morning Energy Politico, June 13th, 2011
4. In U.S., Alternative Energy Bill Does Best Among Eight Proposals," Gallup, February 2, 2011


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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

NPR is yanking my chain

While I was bustling about the kitchen this morning, feeding and caring for
Winston the Wonder Cat, putting away yesterday's dishes, and finally brewing
my first cup of coffee...something's wrong with this picture, I had NPR
babbling in the background.  So naturally I only caught the last few
sentences of an interview by Preppie Steve and a woman whom I truly hope and
pray came from another dimension.
"...well, I just don't know", she said, sounding like Mary Moppet, "I just
don't know who I'll vote for.  I guess I'll just have to make up my mind
next year".
Well, I said to nobody in particular, that's not good news.  She thinks she
has a mind to make up.  Winston the Wonder Cat turned up his nose at his
Pooty Box and demanded to be let outside.  His method of getting attention
is to begin clawing the woodwork.
So back to the radio.  Now the interview is all gone and somebody else is
talking about 70% of the weapons in Mexico are American made.
But I'm still mind boggled over the Alien who has not one clue about what is
going on.  I can say she hasn't a single clue because even my good
neighbors, who never turn on a radio or TV, understand that they are hurting
financially.  However, good Jehovah Witnesses that they are, they do not
We worked with a client yesterday, a WW II veteran, who told us he has never
voted.  "All politicians are crooks," he growled, "Let 'em tear each other
"But what are you doing to change all that?" I asked.  "If you just sit by
and do nothing they'll take us down with them."
"As if we can do anything", he snapped.
I tried telling him about the old Chinese fellow who wanted to move the hill
that blocked his view, so every day he walked to the top of the hill and
filled his bucket and took it over to a flat field and dumped it.
Somehow the story lost something in the telling.  Neither of us were much
moved by it.
I keep wondering if we really have been so traumatized by the Mass Media
Blitz that we can't even feel the cards hitting us as our house falls in?
My good neighbor, the Jehovah Witness, tells me, "It doesn't matter what we
do, what is going to happen is going to happen."
"But," I stammer, "the Ruling Class isn't just sitting around letting stuff
happen.  They have plans."
"Well," he mused, "they may think they have plans, but Jehovah is in control
and He will determine the outcome."
I didn't bother to tell my good neighbor that I have very little Faith in
his Jehovah.  He is a good neighbor and I plan to keep it that way.
Curious Carl

Too long have the workers of the world waited for some Moses to lead them
out of bondage. I would not lead you out if I could; for if you could be led
out, you could be led back again. I would have you make up your minds there
is nothing that you cannot do for yourselves. --Eugene Victor Debs


Blind-Democracy mailing list

Blind-Democracy mailing list

Sunday, June 12, 2011

More weeping for the unborn

More weeping for the unborn.
    Why is it that we can only weep over the pain felt by a fetus?  We seem insulated from the pain felt by the thousands and perhaps millions of people our war on Terror has inflicted. 
Actually, I'd planned to write about the great number of anti abortionists who will kill to save a fetus, then clean their guns and head out to inflict pain on innocent animals and birds. 
There is a Madness loose in this land. 
Curious Carl
Alabama Passes "Fetal Pain" Anti-Abortion Bill, Rejects Exceptions For Rape and Incest
Tanya Somanader, ThinkProgress: "The Alabama GOP marked a successful week in regressive legislation. Gov. Robert Bentley (R) signed the nation's toughest immigration bill into law yesterday... The GOP-led state Senate then rounded out the day by passing a radical anti-abortion bill that bans anyone from performing abortion after 20 weeks - an act that would punish the doctor with 'one to 10 years in prison.' State Sen. Scott Beason (R)... definitively declared that 'there's no doubt' a fetus experiences pain at 20 weeks."
Read the Article
Too long have the workers of the world waited for some Moses to lead them out of bondage. I would not lead you out if I could; for if you could be led out, you could be led back again. I would have you make up your minds there is nothing that you cannot do for yourselves. --Eugene Victor Debs

weeping for the unborn

Weeping for the unborn.
Roger, are you telling us that a little Fetus being sucked to it's little death does not cry out, "Think of my lost life and all I might have done for this world!" 
How can you not defend the right of this unborn Being to enter into our wonderful world that God has given us?  Besides, most of those unborn little human beings deserve the chance to suffer for years before coming to an untimely end.  Some of them could even grow up to grab you or your loved ones and rape and plunder.  How can you be so insensitive?  For Shame! 
Curious Carl
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2011 8:26 AM
Subject: Re: weeping for the unborn

Actually, there is a lot of doubt that a fetus feels pain. There might be
some kind of reaction such as a reflex to stimulus that one would expect to
cause pain in someone who has been born, but there has to be a consciousness
to experience pain before there can be pain. In order for there to be a
consciousness there has to be some kind of sensory input and a brain
sufficiently organized to organize the input to make a consciousness. If
that has not been accomplished then what is the meaningfulness of claiming
that something is experiencingt pain? A totally anencephalic may react to
stimulus in a manner that would indicate some kind of pain, but if there is
no brain then what could be actually experiencing anything, whether we call
it pain, pleasure or anything else.

who is supporting America?

so many lies have been spewed for so many years that I can honestly say that I am never certain of Truth when it hits me in the face.  Even the Liars have bought their own BS. 
But one measure that I do use is to take a look at who is supporting America and who are the Terrorists. 
Supporters, albeit sometimes grudgingly, are what is left of the Middle Class and the Working class.  This is where the money and labor come from that keeps what is left of our nation running. 
Terrorists consist of anyone or any organization or any corporation that sucks up services and money and labor without putting anything back. 
Now if you don't like my use of the word, Terrorist, then pick one you do like.  But for sure they are not Citizens of America.  They are not defending our nation.  We might prefer to call them, Traitors.  Maybe Greed driven, self-serving Pigs.  But they are not my People.   They are not, "...of the people, by the people and for the people..."
So I read, and I listen, and I become confused until I look up and see just who is really destroying this nation. 
Curious Carl

where's my money?

When any governmental body sells a public utility, building, highway, or service, shouldn't the money be divided among the taxpayers, the ones who put up the money in the first place? 
Curious Carl

why do working folks support the ruling class wars?

As a Lover of Life, I am about to head up to the back and work on my trail.  I wear a baseball cap with a mesh netting to keep flies and mosquitoes away from my face.  However, I will smash any that dare to land on my arms.  Nor do I check each time I place my foot on the ground, in effort to not step and squish some little innocent ant or other bug. 
And furthermore, if my wife and I were walking to our truck from the store late at night and someone stepped in front of us demanding our money, I'd defend myself with no regard of how badly I hurt the individual. 
What I'm building up to here is the fact that I understand self-preservation.  So when our government goes happily bombing and plundering in Africa and the Middle East, or in South and Central America...or any other of the places we've been meddling, I understand that it is in the interest of corporate self-preservation.  Of course they will do all they can do in order to protect that which they have laid claim to. 
But what I struggle with understanding is why American Working Class folks think that they are obliged to climb into uniforms, grab up weapons and head off, like Lambs to the slaughter, to fight for something that isn't, and never was theirs. 
Curious Carl

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

herding the goats

It is true that we see more folks "escaping" reality through light hearted fiction.  But then, we also see masses of folks escaping the real world through involvement as spectators in sports, films, and TV viewing.  Rather than just taking a little time out to replenish the Spirit, folks are hiding out in, "Never Never Land", to avoid life. 
Of course, I contend that this is not an accident.  The less engaged we are with the real world, the easier we are to manipulate.  And the goal of any good goat herder is to move the herd in the desired direction with the least amount of trouble. 
Curious Carl
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2011 5:53 AM
Subject: Re: [bardtalk] Has the NLS gone conservative

While neither Koontz or King are my particular cup of tea they are both gifted writers. And I certainly agree with you, regardless as to your basic premise here Carl.
Nothing wrong either with romance novels though they aren't my particular cup of tea either.
I do think though that Miriam, and others fundamental point that there seems to be a preference for pure escapism or outright right wing books on Bard nowadays.
I find that strange myself.

even the blind are driving cars...almost

We have experienced the pitfalls of, Separate but Equal.  But what about, Different but Equal? 
The Great American Melting Pot pressures everyone to conform with the Norm, whatever "They" tell us the Norm is. 
So if you wear a turban, have a Black skin, speak with a strong accent, have same sex lovers, use Braille and a White Travel Cane, or eat with your fingers, society tries to push you into the, "Normal Mode". 
You are shamed, teased, belittled, ridiculed, and in general bullied.  If that fails you are condemned to live outside the "normal society". 
For long years the blind have tried very hard to conform to the norm, even to the point of pretending to drive a car.  But we continue to be seen by society as different.  And in being judged as different, we are forced into segregation.  Not by us, we are trying hard to break down the barriers, but by the, "normal" folks.
The harder we try to overcome our difference, the more it is seen by the public, and by us alike, as something undesirable .  A curse.  A deformity. 
But if we take a good look around us we will notice that there are more people who do not conform to the so called Norm, than do.  And we're all beating our heads against the wall trying to be normal. 
Blacks try hair straighteners and color lighteners.  Gays pretend they're straight.  Mexicans say that they're from Spain.  working class folks say that they're middle class and middle class folks claim to be upper middle class.  Even blind people are trying to drive cars to prove just how normal they really are. 
But it's not our playing field, no matter how many times we level it.  It's the playing field of the Normal People.  They'll change the rules quicker than Donald Duck can quack. 
If all of us "non-normal" groups formed a loose association and declared that we are "differently normal", and that we were no longer going to play on the minority normal folks playing field, and went about creating as many new playing fields as we could build, what would happen? 
Of course the, "Normal" minority would strike back, but that is why we would need a loose association.  We would need to mount our own propaganda campaign to offset their mass media attacks.  But we are in the majority.  We do have real power.  We can shut down commerce, if we choose.  We can elect our own people to office.  We can refuse to be a part of their "normal world". 
If we have the guts to do it. 
Curious Carl