Friday, June 17, 2011

just where in the Hell did we go wrong?

Just where in the Hell did we go wrong?  I'm 76 years old and still working in order to afford something like a "normal" American life.  I was born in the middle of a great depression, every bit as devastating as the current one.  But there was a huge difference.  Working Class men and women had been organizing for years and understood that they must stand together and resist the Greed of the Super Rich.  And they did.  My parents, along with millions of other Working Class folks stood the line, often having their heads beaten in, and dragged off to jail.  But they stood together because they believed that they were every bit as good as their rich bosses. 
And for a period of Golden Years our people lived a more affluent, secure life than most of the World's people.  We watched a growing Middle Class develop.  And we forgot that the price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance.  We allowed ourselves to believe that it would never end.  We began to bask in our own indulgences, amusements, recreation, leisure time activities that crowded out any time for serious work in protecting our gains. 
But the Ruling Class never fretted.  They were hard at work watching and planning and waiting for that fat Middle Class plum to ripen.  Then they began to pluck the fruit of our labor.  And while we stand around looking like the deer in the headlights, they grin and drool as they sweep it all into their coffers, smirking at us as if we were simple minded fools. 
And I guess we are. 
Curious Carl

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