Sunday, June 12, 2011

weeping for the unborn

Weeping for the unborn.
Roger, are you telling us that a little Fetus being sucked to it's little death does not cry out, "Think of my lost life and all I might have done for this world!" 
How can you not defend the right of this unborn Being to enter into our wonderful world that God has given us?  Besides, most of those unborn little human beings deserve the chance to suffer for years before coming to an untimely end.  Some of them could even grow up to grab you or your loved ones and rape and plunder.  How can you be so insensitive?  For Shame! 
Curious Carl
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2011 8:26 AM
Subject: Re: weeping for the unborn

Actually, there is a lot of doubt that a fetus feels pain. There might be
some kind of reaction such as a reflex to stimulus that one would expect to
cause pain in someone who has been born, but there has to be a consciousness
to experience pain before there can be pain. In order for there to be a
consciousness there has to be some kind of sensory input and a brain
sufficiently organized to organize the input to make a consciousness. If
that has not been accomplished then what is the meaningfulness of claiming
that something is experiencingt pain? A totally anencephalic may react to
stimulus in a manner that would indicate some kind of pain, but if there is
no brain then what could be actually experiencing anything, whether we call
it pain, pleasure or anything else.

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