Wednesday, June 15, 2011

NPR is yanking my chain

While I was bustling about the kitchen this morning, feeding and caring for
Winston the Wonder Cat, putting away yesterday's dishes, and finally brewing
my first cup of coffee...something's wrong with this picture, I had NPR
babbling in the background.  So naturally I only caught the last few
sentences of an interview by Preppie Steve and a woman whom I truly hope and
pray came from another dimension.
"...well, I just don't know", she said, sounding like Mary Moppet, "I just
don't know who I'll vote for.  I guess I'll just have to make up my mind
next year".
Well, I said to nobody in particular, that's not good news.  She thinks she
has a mind to make up.  Winston the Wonder Cat turned up his nose at his
Pooty Box and demanded to be let outside.  His method of getting attention
is to begin clawing the woodwork.
So back to the radio.  Now the interview is all gone and somebody else is
talking about 70% of the weapons in Mexico are American made.
But I'm still mind boggled over the Alien who has not one clue about what is
going on.  I can say she hasn't a single clue because even my good
neighbors, who never turn on a radio or TV, understand that they are hurting
financially.  However, good Jehovah Witnesses that they are, they do not
We worked with a client yesterday, a WW II veteran, who told us he has never
voted.  "All politicians are crooks," he growled, "Let 'em tear each other
"But what are you doing to change all that?" I asked.  "If you just sit by
and do nothing they'll take us down with them."
"As if we can do anything", he snapped.
I tried telling him about the old Chinese fellow who wanted to move the hill
that blocked his view, so every day he walked to the top of the hill and
filled his bucket and took it over to a flat field and dumped it.
Somehow the story lost something in the telling.  Neither of us were much
moved by it.
I keep wondering if we really have been so traumatized by the Mass Media
Blitz that we can't even feel the cards hitting us as our house falls in?
My good neighbor, the Jehovah Witness, tells me, "It doesn't matter what we
do, what is going to happen is going to happen."
"But," I stammer, "the Ruling Class isn't just sitting around letting stuff
happen.  They have plans."
"Well," he mused, "they may think they have plans, but Jehovah is in control
and He will determine the outcome."
I didn't bother to tell my good neighbor that I have very little Faith in
his Jehovah.  He is a good neighbor and I plan to keep it that way.
Curious Carl

Too long have the workers of the world waited for some Moses to lead them
out of bondage. I would not lead you out if I could; for if you could be led
out, you could be led back again. I would have you make up your minds there
is nothing that you cannot do for yourselves. --Eugene Victor Debs


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