Friday, November 11, 2016

It's 6:30 A.M. on Friday(Veterans Day) and I'm back up and ready to go!

Veterans Day! Another schmooze by the Ruling Class, to help us feel
good about our dead heroes, and to prepare us to sacrifice ourselves
or our children for those causes the Elite want done, but don't want
to shed their own blood for.
While we head for the parades or the cemeteries, to honor our fallen
heroes, the Ruling Class spend the day raking in more of our hard
earned money.
But remember, money was not a natural resource. It was devised to
allow some of us to dominate over the rest of us. A truly civilized
people would find a way of sharing together, and setting the use of
money as a power tool, to one side.
As long as we are following the Ruling Class' Pied Pipers, we will
continue to suffer. But remember, Herbert Hoover stepped into office
just as Donald Trump is doing, proclaiming a return to our glory days,
and the roof fell in. And so the stage was set for FDR and some major
reforms. Think of Trump as our Herbert Hoover. Who will champion our
Cause when the Trumpster stubs his toe on attempting to dance to the
same old Trickle Down Waltz?

We need to get our attention away from the phony "Let's Pretend" world
being shoved down our throats. Forget the election. Elections have
been rigged from Day One. The Oligarchy has always won, and in so
doing has controlled us. We need to rebuild our Labor Unions, only
better run, and we need to build a Working Class Party that includes
All Working Class People. And we need to forget the Two Headed Party
of the Oligarchy, and put it into the history books, along with
Corporate Capitalism, as the modern "Dark Ages".
Hope is only lost when we will it to be gone. I may have a down
moment or two, but I will never give up hope. So let's finish licking
our wounds, and get busy. We have a nation to conquer!

Carl Jarvis

On 11/11/16, Bob Hachey <> wrote:
> Hi Miriam,
> You asked:
> "Just where is it that you think you can go to live a free and unfettered
> life?"
> Well, one possible answer can be found in the lyrics of a Frank Sinatra
> tune. Heck, we'd better get busy building space ships anyway in case trump
> really does turn out to be a climate denier because if he is, Mother Earth
> will not be fit for human habitation by 2040 or so. I forgot where I've
> read
> this, probably in more than one place. Some scientists believe that we're
> very close to what they call the point of no return beyond which it will be
> impossible to reverse the impact of man-made climate change.
> Boy am I glad we made pot legal here in Massachusetts because it will be
> easier to maintain a ready supply. This way, I can be sure that I'll be
> caring less about all this doom and gloom! LOL.
> Bob Hachey
> Fly Me to the Moon
> By Frank Sinatra
> Fly me to the moon
> Let me play among the stars
> Let me see what spring is like
> On a-Jupiter and Mars
> In other words, hold my hand
> In other words, baby, kiss me
> Fill my heart with song
> And let me sing for ever more
> You are all I long for
> All I worship and adore
> In other words, please be true
> In other words, I love you

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