Sunday, February 12, 2017

Re: [blind-democracy] Calling Trump a ‘fascist’ disorients the working class

"What working people need is to organize independently of both
capitalist parties."
Well said. But the hard part is in the doing. With so much confusing
propaganda by the Ruling Class, and so many years in refining their
control over the working class, the task of teaching people to think,
is daunting.
Call Donald J. Trump a Fascist and his opponents eagerly agree, while
his defenders snarl and hurl curses. And nothing changes. But
challenge the corrupt capitalist system and you could well wind up
like Leon Trotsky or Doctor Martin Luther King, Junior. Or you might
find yourself living in poverty and shunned by your former friends,
like Paul Robeson. The Great American Capitalist Oligarchy can allow
us to tear down their shills and front men. They have unlimited
numbers of eager ass kissers waiting in the wings. What we, the
working class, lack are ass kickers.
Let's turn our attention away from Donald J. Trump and pull on our
steel toed boots.

Carl Jarvis

On 2/12/17, Roger Loran Bailey <> wrote:
> The Militant (logo)
> Vol. 81/No. 7 February 20, 2017
> (front page, commentary)
> Calling Trump a 'fascist' disorients the working class
> Many liberals, some conservatives and almost the entire middle-class
> left call President Donald Trump and his administration fascist. Drawing
> on the rich history of the revolutionary workers movement, the Socialist
> Workers Party has a different view.
> Is there something fundamentally different about the Trump
> administration compared to previous Democratic and Republican ones? Is
> Trump really a new Adolph Hitler or "Mussolini in a blue suit and tie,"
> as Norman Pollack wrote on the Counterpunch website Feb. 3?
> Or is Trump simply the new chief executive officer of the U.S. ruling
> class, who won election because of the widespread distrust in his
> opponent Hillary Clinton and interest in the working class for political
> change at a time when they're being battered by the effects of a
> deepening worldwide capitalist economic crisis?
> The answer to this question has serious political consequences for
> anyone who is interested in defending the interests of the working class
> in the United States and around the world.
> Because of the decline in Marxist political culture in the world today,
> "fascist" is an epithet used by many on the left to mean any demagogic
> politician. They care little for seeking to learn the rich history of
> the revolutionary working-class movement's writings on fascism from
> Germany and Italy to the U.S.
> Fascism is the name given to reactionary mass movements that arose
> leading up to World War II — like those led by Benito Mussolini in Italy
> and Hitler in Germany and with echoes in the U.S. and other imperialist
> countries — that were backed by the capitalist classes in those
> countries when the existing dictatorship of capital could no longer
> survive by normal "democratic" means.
> Leon Trotsky, a leader of the Russian Revolution, who was expelled from
> the Soviet Union in 1929 by Joseph Stalin as part of a broader
> counterrevolution against the program of V.I. Lenin that led the workers
> and farmers of Russia to power in 1917, wrote extensively about fascism.
> His goal was to lay bare the class dynamics that led to its rise and to
> politically prepare revolutionary-minded workers to fight against it.
> Through the fascist movement "capitalism sets in motion the masses of
> the crazed petty bourgeoisie and the bands of declassed and demoralized
> lumpenproletariat — all the countless human beings whom finance capital
> itself has brought to desperation and frenzy," Trotsky explained, and
> then uses them as thugs to smash the labor movement and its vanguard
> communist organizations.
> The fascists "initially rail against 'high finance' and the bankers,
> lacing their nationalist demagogy with anticapitalist demagogy," notes
> Socialist Workers Party National Secretary Jack Barnes in Capitalism's
> World Disorder. In order to divert ruined petty-bourgeois elements and
> demoralized workers from seeing capitalism as the problem, the Nazis
> scapegoated the Jews as responsible for the growing economic and
> political crisis and whipped up calls for a "final" solution to the
> "Jewish question." At the same time, the fascists "ape much of the
> language of currents in the workers movement. 'Nazi' was short for
> National Socialist German Workers Party."
> "Fascism is not a form of capitalist rule, but a way of maintaining
> capitalist rule," Barnes said.
> Fascist groups, which exist on the fringes at first, only get financial
> and political backing from a significant section of the bourgeoisie when
> the working class "puts up an increasingly serious challenge to
> capitalist rule itself," Barnes said.
> In Germany and Italy the working class was unable to unify and mobilize
> its allies to overthrow capitalism and take power because of the
> betrayal by the Stalinist Communist Party and the reformist Social
> Democrats.
> In 1930 the Social Democratic Party received 8,577,700 votes and the
> Communist Party 4,592,100 votes compared to 6,409,600 for the Nazis. If
> the Social Democrats and Communist Party had formed a united front, if
> the trade unions they led had built workers defense guards, if they were
> on a political course to lead the working class to overthrow capitalist
> rule, they could have stopped fascism on the road to power. Instead,
> they did nothing to stand up to the fascist gangs and Hitler came to
> power without a fight.
> Workers paid the price of the Stalinist and Social Democratic betrayal
> in blood. Millions of Jews and gypsies were sent to their deaths in
> concentration camps. The unions were destroyed. The working class was
> driven off the political stage.
> Counterpunch's Pollack says the election of Trump is "a forward space in
> what I term a pre-fascist configuration, i.e., analogous to Germany in
> 1938." Hardly.
> Trump surprised bourgeois politicians and pundits across the political
> spectrum. He convinced a layer of workers that he was the lesser evil
> compared to Clinton; not so hard to do given the anti-working-class
> record of Bill and Hillary Clinton when they occupied the White House.
> Hillary Clinton helped Trump win by calling workers who were considering
> a vote for him "deplorables" and "irredemables."
> That's the same language many on the left still use today. Andrew
> Levine, says in Counterpunch Feb. 3, that "Trump's supporters fall into
> three broad categories: dupes, deplorables, and opportunists."
> Levine says it's "the lowlifes whose cages he [Trump] had rattled and
> whose passions he had inflamed" that are the problem, showing his scorn
> and fear of the working class.
> In fact, Trump's policies are a mix of steps designed to attract
> working-class support, like his disdain for the government's fake
> unemployment figures and his call for infrastructure building and a
> repair program to provide jobs, with demagogic nationalist rhetoric that
> divides the working class. Like other bourgeois politicians he seeks to
> shore up capitalism.
> Facts don't matter to the 'left'
> To those crying "fascist," however, the facts don't matter.
> Workers World Party leader Larry Holmes, to take just one example, said
> in a Jan. 29 speech, "Building the 'Wall' and this ban on Muslims are
> fascist acts."
> Holmes leaves out that about 650 miles of the "wall" along the
> U.S.-Mexico border has already been built, mostly by the administrations
> of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Does Holmes think Clinton and Obama
> are fascists?
> Labeling Trump a fascist, helps pave the way for resuscitating the
> Democrats, the rulers' other party, as the answer.
> There is another danger in mislabeling Trump and his administration as
> fascist. It disarms the working class politically for when fascism
> really does raise its ugly head once again — as it inevitably will when
> the ruling families see no other way to maintain capitalism.
> Communist workers don't care which bourgeois candidate any individual
> workers voted for — or didn't — in the presidential election. What
> working people need is to organize independently of both capitalist
> parties.
> Far from the political space for workers to discuss, debate and fight
> having been smashed by fascist gangs, the field is wide open. The
> Socialist Workers Party's candidates take its revolutionary program and
> win support on workers' doorsteps in cities, towns and the countryside,
> as well as on strike picket lines and social protest actions.
> We say the Socialist Workers Party is your party. What we do now in
> building a revolutionary workers party will be decisive in the years ahead.
> Related articles:
> Anarchist 'black bloc' politics pose threat to working class
> Berkeley: Anarchists shut down speaker, attack workers
> Fascism rises when capital must crush working class
> Front page (for this issue) | Home | Text-version home

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