Wednesday, December 27, 2017

another loose thread in the unraveling of the American Corporate Empire

It has been some while since I mentioned the American Oligarchy, so I
thought I'd send along this piece I wrote to another list. I
understand that Oligarchy, when used to describe our great...or soon
to return to being great nation is over simplification. But I do have
what so many of my critics, and some friends describe as "a simple
mind", so I reduce complex gobble Dee gook, to terms I can understand.
For example, I see our Class System as a Two Level System, The Ruling
Class and the Working Class. It's easy to tell the folks apart. If
you never lift a hand to do anything of value, you are a member in
good standing of the Ruling Class. Everyone else belongs to the
Working Class, because some or most of what we generate is sucked up
by the Ruling Class.
But I digress.
The "Great Wizard, DJ Trump" AKA President Trump, has nurtured a
climate of chaos. Donald Trump is a Grand Master at turning the many
American factions against one another, while proclaiming that he is
working toward unity.
I know, some folks will disagree with my position, but I can only
suggest that time will prove whether I speak wise words or simply blow
smoke. Anyway, having lived through such a period in our history,
back in the late 40's and early 50's, I share the following: ***
Randy Credico was on Flash Point this morning, adding substantially to
the claims by Jill Stein that the Senate Intelligence Committee's
inquiry is evidence of a "new
era of McCarthyism."
Poor old Lady Justice not only wears a blindfold these days, she is
bound and gagged, too.
Jill Stein was on Democracy Now last week, explaining the conference
she attended, the 2015 celebration of RT America's tenth anniversary,
and the fact that she paid her own way, and has the receipts to prove
it.  Stein hobnobbed with "subversives" like former Minnesota governor
Jesse Ventura and his family, and Lee Camp, a left-wing political
comedian who hosts the popular RT program, "Redacted Tonight."
But just as in the Golden Days of the House UnAmerican Activities
Committee, merely being mentioned is tantamount to being found guilty.
And so, my dear ones, a new and mighty leader has ascended to the Oval
Office, blessing Witch Hunts in all nooks and crannies of his
Empire...except when fingers point his direction.  And only the names
have changed, to protect the Oligarchy.

Carl Jarvis

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