Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Mindless Wednesday Wanderings

In response to a comment by another person on another list, regarding
term limits, it got my juices flowing. Why do we try to grab the
rabid rat by the tail, believing that we can control it from behind?
Term limits or no term limits is not the question. The question
should be: Why,all this talk about term limits when all of us are
working together for the good of all of us.

We share the same concern my friend, but with some differences.
In my humble opinion limiting the time in office does not accomplish
our goal of preserving our democracy.  If the barrel has rotten apples
in it, tossing one out and replacing it with another merely gets you a
new rotten apple.  I believe that we need to preserve our American
democracy, and as we do that, we need to find ways of improving it.
That means better education for our young, emphasis on teaching how to
live together, focus on quality education, improvement of living
conditions and job opportunities, and high on my list would be
developing an attitude that all of us must participate if the System
is going to represent all  of us.  And even higher is the need to
teach each American to think for themselves and to turn inward for
strength and leadership, rather than looking for some mythical
powerful leader.  No such leader exists.
That's my short version.  But it flies in the face of those who
believe that we must limit participation in our government, shrink the
federal government, remove safety regulations, keep out those who want
to take part in our great nation, keep the Working Class(most of
us)from knowing what the Ruling Class is up to, and blindly following
some swaggering big mouthed "Leader".
In my lifetime, starting with FDR, we have had no national
administration that stood up for the American Working Class.  The laws
that have been passed have been done in order to preserve the control
by the Ruling Class.  But each time the crisis is past, they begin
reeling us back in.
We, the Working Class, can force some temporary changes, but the
Ruling Class holds the Three M's: Money, Military, and Meanness.

Cordially, Carl Jarvis

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