Friday, July 22, 2011

Just wondering

  Far too often we set our own trap.  And once caught in it, we whine and complain. 
We have decided, as a society, that certain of our members are unable to produce at some minimum level of production, a level which we have established.  But then we wring our collective hands and cry, "But they need to work in order to feel that they are of value".  And so we give them work, often merely busy work, and pay them a dribble of money from our operating expenses. 
And we all feel so much better. 
First, we have done a grave disservice to the person we've decided cannot meet our minimum standards.  They had no say in this decision.  And we have decided for them just how little they are worth. 
How very loving of us. 
And yet, how loudly we scream when we, the blind, are dealt in the same high handed manner by those who would control our lives.  Isn't that what we organized for?  Haven't we become tired of being treated like victims? 
So why do we turn around and nod our heads sadly and say, "poor dears, it's the best for them". 
Let's step out of the box we've created and ask ourselves just how we can provide these folks the conditions that will enable them to take control of their lives.  Not to parrot our lives, but to be in charge of that which they define as Life.  I wonder if we're wise enough to figure out how to do that?
Curious Carl

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