Friday, July 29, 2011

The Ruling Class: Captain of our Ship of Fools

Just for the record, if anyone really cares about me being on the record, I believe that there are some very broad differences between President Obama and the Republican Party.  But there are differences between President Obama and the Democratic Party, too.  The Ruling Class does not present a solid front.  They consist of warring factions, just as there are among the Working Class and what's left of the Middle Class.  But collectively they own Congress and the Presidency and the Supreme Court.  And when it comes to protecting their position of power, they close ranks and put their collective, powerful heel to our throats. 
When was our last Liberal President?  Ever?  Perhaps on certain issues, like LBJ's Great Society, or Truman's Fair Deal, or Roosevelt's New Deal.  But even then we were being led into the waiting maw of the Ruling Class in rulings and laws that are just now beginning to work against the American People.  Perhaps Eisenhower could be counted as Liberal...after he left office...fat lot of good that did while he sat back and had to be pushed and led into doing the right thing in our Civil Rights struggle. 
Show me any United States President who really was a man of the People.  Old Hickory?  A Populist tried and true.  and an enemy of the masses. 
Woodrow Wilson?  Gag me with a spoon. 
Well, let's go all the way back then.  Washington?  Jefferson?  Slave owners and elitists?  Land Owners and Gentlemen of the Upper Class.  They did not believe in the Common Man's ability  to run the government.  Read their great document and see who was trusted. 
I'm not saying that it wasn't better than King George(not to be confused with our more recent father, son rulers), but that was only if you were among the landed gentry.  Read Howard Zinn's, A People's History Of The United States, a well documented history that is being discredited by the Ruling Class, even as we speak. 
While we have struggled and made gains in this exclusive club, we keep forgetting that it is not our Playing Field.  It is not our Country Club.  We get to enter, but always through the back doors.  And at any moment we can be thrown out.  Those fools who think that because they get to wear fine clothes, live in gated communities, hire others of us to wait upon them, go off to congress and the White House to parade about pontificating and acting important, they are disposable when their usefulness is ended.  And I mean World-Wide.  The Empire Builders hire the brightest fools and lap dogs and front men and women.  They hire our government and those of other nations.  We have made them wealthy beyond belief and somehow have allowed ourselves to be conned into believing that they are, "Just regular folks".  Well they are not our regular folks.  They hold you and me in contempt.  They take our young and brain wash them and send them off to fight their wars, in which we have no stake. 
They may be the captain of our ship, but we are the crew on this ship of fools. 
Curious Carl

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