Sunday, May 12, 2013


Subject: Huh???

So Virginia's twisted Mother's feelings for you into Hate. Interesting. I
always felt Mother was a bit easier on you than on Virginia or me.
Whether because you were little Miss Cheerful, or just because you were the
But I sure don't recall Mother letting you get away with anything you wanted
to do. Like setting matches on fire on the roof? I do remember that wild
foot race between Mother and you. If that's what is called, "letting you do
anything", then I stand corrected.
And I do recall you and I striking one match after another and dropping them
into the coal bucket. Maybe Virginia was feeling left out?
The fantasy about the Three Big Dogs, and the wild run in your underwear, in
the rain, onto Aurora Avenue, with Brave Virginia running swiftly to rescue
you...was she in her underwear, too?
But the one that really tells me a great deal about the depth of her
feelings for others, is the story about your cut wrist. Virginia forgets
that I was there, too.
You fell. You jumped up screaming. You ran down the path screaming.
Mother filled the basin in the bath room with cold water and put your wrist
into it and grabbed the phone and called the doctor. Mother took you to the
doctor. My memory may be a little off, but that's how I recall events. And
what I don't see in that picture is your big sister trying to "hold your
wrist tight", while you fought her. The picture is clear to me. Virginia
was, and is, so self focused, so narcistic, that she has no room to feel
what others are feeling. She could never understand your fright and pain
because it was happening to you, not to her.
And what in God's Green Earth does she mean by, "Stop trying to get Carl
involved as he has enough to deal with."
And somewhere I missed her graduation from college. Wonder why we weren't
invited. Was it her BS degree? She sure got that one right.
I will make a solemn vow that as long as Virginia has the ability to go to
Facebook, I will never sign up.
Anyway, she must be feeling the fear of facing 80 all alone. But I can't
seem to feel her pain.

Remember, even if we differ on some of the events, dates and places, we did
grow up in the same family. Just what ever happened to that pouty, mean,
unhappy, self centered, trouble maker of a sister who lived with us, I'll
never know. This Virginia person who claims to have been our sister, never
lived there. Otherwise she would remember things that happened, and not
have to make shit up.

I love you. Have a good Mother's day.

PS. Another proof positive that this ranting maniac is not our sister, is
the fact that none of us ever had a "Mom". It was Mother and Daddy. Even
though I finally did call our dad, dad, he was daddy most of my life. But
mother never morphed into Mom. Never.
She certainly did have her own goblins to deal with, but as she often said,
"I did my crumby best". And that's all any of us can do.

Love again,

The following is just too demented to make light of.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Virginia Jarvis" <>
To: "Delores j Selset" <>
Cc: "Carl J" <>; "virginia jarvis" <>
Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2013 12:50 AM

Happy Mother's day possibly.

In spite of Mother hating you most of any of us. I remember it now how she
not only let you get away with anything you wanted and worse even encouraged
you in it so that when you teased the three big dogs, (like police dogs they
were), and they started to attack you
she would not stop them. It was me that took the broom handle and hit them
all so much they left.Or when you 'fell' and cut your wrist you fought my
attempt to hold your wrist tight to stop the bleeding and to be allowed to
bleed to death until I promised you my Martha Washington doll. But what
really made me sure she hated you is when I was sitting on the front steps
doing my homework and mom yelled at me to 'shut up I can't stand
your caterwauling". Then a few seconds later yells "what's the matter with
you Virginia, why can't you be happy like your little sister?". thereby
giving you carte blanche to do all the shit you pulled on me since and
without insisting on moral behavior but instead making you into the immoral
liar and thief you became, it was to your downfall she worked.I have been
wondering if those accidents you had were not really suicide attempts such
as when you and Carl had a fight and you ran in your underwear into the rain
down the muddy path to Aurora Av. and tried to throw yourself in front of a
truck from which I saved you by dragging you home by the hair and you let
mom throw me out by telling her I did it to you. and indeed alcoholism is a
suicide but if you hope I will save you once again the answer is NO. This
time you must do it yourself and from the evil you do to my son in trashing
me by lying about me on the Internet you really need serious help. I would
not do that to you. I do not do that to your kids, Lord knows they have
enough to bear with such a mom. Please remember I am the only one in the
family who got a college education, not just for myself but to help the
family upgrade itself. At 79 y/o I am a cartoonist and researcher of the
forest giants known in the Bible as Zumzimmim Deut 2:20. I am working on my
second book. .And of the growing horrors being perpetuated on the children
of this and other nations in the guise of help. I know you will never thank
me for any thing I did as you are so incapable of it, but the crap you put
out on me you need to apologize for to all involved or you'll go to hell
with mother our
amphetamine choclaholic mother with the horrible horrible temperament. Stop
trying to get Carl involved as he has enough to deal with
already. Talking about someone behind their back always comes out. If you
won't I'll write to Dr. Phil for help as I suspect he's the only one can
really help.

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