Sunday, May 10, 2015

Fwd: Give 'Em Hell, Bernie: by Matt Taibbi,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Carl Jarvis <>
Date: Sun, 10 May 2015 07:42:32 -0700
Subject: Give 'Em Hell, Bernie: by Matt Taibbi,
To: Blind Democracy Discussion List <>

Exactly right, Alice. We toss the word, "Free" around as if it were
really so. Of course we, all taxpayers, foot the bill for "Free"
education. But at the same time, all of us taxpayers foot the bill
for the results of No Education. Poverty, crime, domestic violence,
child abuse, the list goes on. For ever and ever I have advocated
"Free" day care for any child in need of a hot meal and a loving
adult. Children raised in loving, safe environments are less likely
to become hostile adults. Invest our tax dollars in Full Care Day
Care Centers, 24/7, and the return will be amazing. Coupled with an
offer of "free" education, more of the disadvantaged children will be
more able to take advantage of learning. Provide those who make it to
the Pot of Gold, an offer of a job, and the return to our public
coffers will be increased ten-fold.
As far as providing the exact job desired by the successful graduate,
that could be dicey. Perhaps offering a selection of jobs in the
graduates desired field?
But this Free Plan will only work if we change focus and place People
ahead of Profit. Presently we are hooked on a Corporate Capitalistic
System where the bottom line is Expansion and Profit. We Americans,
the real Americans,need to reign in those Cancerous Corporations.
They have no business in our America.
But while we Working Folk sweat and labored to scrape out an
existence, as well as providing the Corporate Masters a high level of
life, the Corporate Thinking was nurtured for generations, until its
poison has invaded all of our thinking, to some degree. Still, the
Ruling Class did not arrive where it is by accident. And we will not
remove them by accident. It will take years, perhaps generations, to
turn the Ruling Class out.
But to those who hope and dream of a violent uprising, a revolution, I
caution that this has never been a violable solution. Violence begets
violence. Uprising against one dictator almost guarantees the
emergence of another. We are here, where we find ourselves, because
of a lack on our part. We have accepted our way of life through
deception, lies, and bribes. A small percent of our fellow human
beings have controlled our lives because we've allowed it. We forget
that our Masters, like any Cancer, must depend upon us for their
sustenance. We, the Masses, have the power to starve them out. But
they control us through fear, intimidation, and deception. They play
us against one another. Male against female, Black and Brown against
White, Educated against Uneducated, One nation against others.
Remember, the New World International Corporations are now too big to
fail. They have become bigger than mere nations. But still, they
play one nation against another.
Always it is, Divide and conquer.

But if I am right, and it will take generations to go through the
process of teaching Working Class people the world over to build a new
society, we are still faced with the very real possibility that our
Planet Earth cannot wait for this New Order to develop. Now, right
this minute, we need to be prioritizing the most critical issues, and
taking whatever action we can in order to stop, or at least to slow
them down.
Of course my favorite pipe dream is that all Working Class People
around the Planet would simply declare that they will no longer work
for their Masters. No one would build the guns and ammunition needed
to keep the Masses on the job. No one would pick up a weapon and
point it at anyone in the Working Class. No one would bring the
groceries to the Mansion doors. No one would haul off the trash of
the Ruling Class. No one would pay the tribute demanded by the 1%.
All workers would turn their labor to supporting one another.
Now that would be some Revolution!

Carl Jarvis(the dreamer)

On 5/10/15, Alice Dampman Humel <> wrote:
> The education isn't exactly free, it is paid for by all of us through taxes,
> or at least those of us who do not weasel out of paying taxes by exploiting
> the system to avoid paying into the public good. So we all pay for us all,
> so to speak. The cost is divided among the ma.ny.
> And I say OK to your plan as long as each successful graduate gets to choose
> which job he will do, which career path he will follow, and no one else gets
> to force him into a career he has no interest in, no official entity, that
> is. Many parents, for good or ill, have "forced" the oldest son to take over
> the family business, the youngest daughter to become a doctor, what have
> you, but I don't think that happens so much anymore. But I digress. I'm only
> talking about anybody in government, the school system, teachers, job
> counselors, or whomever.
> On May 9, 2015, at 12:09 PM, Carl Jarvis <> wrote:
>> It does say something about how beaten down the Working Class has
>> become. We can't even get together to support free education and a
>> better chance at life by our children. When I returned to college as
>> a blind man, my education was paid for by my state government...the
>> tax payers. The control was a simple one. My schooling was covered so
>> long as I earned passing grades. This novel concept could be applied
>> to All American children.
>> But instead, we are trained to be suspicious regarding "free"
>> education. Something for nothing runs against the grain. But wait a
>> moment, isn't that exactly what our Ruling Class is all about?
>> Investing our labor and money, and taking as much profit as they can.
>> And if something goes wrong, we are charged for the cost of failure.
>> Here's an idea. Free education for all who make the grades. At
>> graduation, a guaranteed job. Same rule applies to the job, do the
>> work or find yourself unemployed. If no job is forthcoming, our
>> Corporations will be encouraged through taxation to provide
>> employment.
>> That doesn't solve all of our problems, but it's a start.
>> Carl Jaarvis
>> On 5/9/15, Miriam Vieni <> wrote:
>>> And the lack of coverage is working. There's an individual on the DB
>>> Review
>>> list who was corresponding with me off list about a book, can't remember
>>> which one, and at some point he said something about a book written in
>>> the
>>> 90's which said that the country was moving back to the social welfare
>>> state
>>> of the New Deal. I responded that obviously, that hasn't happened, but
>>> that
>>> Bernie Sanders who is campaigning for the Democratic nomination for
>>> President has that kind of platform. He'd never heard of Bernie Sanderss
>>> and
>>> said he'd look him up so I sent one of the articles about him.
>>> Interestingly, he liked all of the platform planks but was uneasy about
>>> free
>>> college tuition. He felt that students would go to college without
>>> paying
>>> and spend all their time partying. Isn't it interesting that people
>>> assume
>>> that if someone doesn't have to pay for a service, he will abuse his
>>> privilege?
>>> Miriam
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: Blind-Democracy [] On
>>> Behalf Of Alice Dampman Humel
>>> Sent: Saturday, May 09, 2015 8:40 AM
>>> To: Blind Democracy Discussion List
>>> Subject: Re: Give 'Em Hell, Bernie: by Matt Taibbi,
>>> Miriam,
>>> Absolutely! And I have found the little of the NPR coverage of Sanders
>>> and
>>> the Dem race to the presidency I've heard so far to be so infuriatingly
>>> condescending and dismissive. They're treating Bernie like the little
>>> child
>>> who struts around the house in Daddy's shoes and proclaims, "I'm the man
>>> of
>>> the house." Isn't that cute, little man, like he's there for the
>>> amusement
>>> of the onlookers who are allowing him to play in Hilary's sandbox. So
>>> Hillary and her billionaire supporters and followers and contributors
>>> will
>>> pat him on the head, mouth some leftish sounding platitudes and go on
>>> about
>>> their grown-up business, leaving Bernie home with the baby sitter.
>>> Maddening, a man with his intellect, heart, integrity and track record,
>>> they
>>> can't even do him the small service of taking him seriously.
>>> Alice
>>> On May 8, 2015, at 5:48 PM, Miriam Vieni <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Charlie,
>>> When we say, "pull Hillary to the left", what we're talking about is
>>> getting
>>> her to sound more progressive than she has been sounding. Well,
>>> that's
>>> happening. But the fact that she's saying what we want to hear,
>>> doesn't mean
>>> that she will behave in ways that we would like her to behave.
>>> Miriam
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