Friday, May 8, 2015

looking at the world through foggy and distorted eyes

It always helps me to clear my head this early in the morning if I
utter a few choice cuss words.  Excuse me for a moment.
Ronald Reagan, Milton Frieman, George Bush.  Well, now I feel better.
In our work with older blind and low vision folks, the majority of our
clients still have some sight.  But because of the various eye
conditions, they see the world through distorted images, often clouded
as if looking through a fog.  What they think they are seeing is often
very different than what is actually there in front of them.
I say all of this to remind ourselves that looking at National and
World events through the damaged eye of our Corporate Mass Media is
very similar to what people see through damaged eyes.  The fact is, we
do not know who Putin is.  Heck, we don't even know who Obama really
Some years back the wife of a client told us, "Robbie still loves to
watch TV.  He pulls his chair up to within 3 feet, tips back, cocks
his head and has the best of times.  But I swear that we are watching
two different programs".  And that is how it is with us, peering
through the fogs and distortions of the Mass Media.
I just heard that 60% of the Brits put David Cameron, the
conservative, back in office, even providing him with a wider margin
of control over Parliament.  Is this a sign that the British voter
wants to hand over their hard earned wages to fatten the bulging
purses of the rich?  Or is it a sign that they are seeing the world
through the blurred, distorted lens of their Corporate Media.
Those in power have become very skilled at how they present
themselves.  Of course it can't last forever, even if they don't like
to look that far down the road.  A cancer eventually runs out of
nourishment and dies.  Usually after killing its host.  But assuming
there is something left after the Capitalist Cancer runs its course,
we are faced with an even uglier problem.  We have allowed ourselves
to become so mislead and deceived and divided that we do not have the
strong leadership or the well defined goals we will need to rebuild
Meanwhile, just so long as the Brits have their lovely Queen seated
upon the thrown, and the Americans have the World Series to cheer,
life goes on as if it were normal and never ending.

Carl Jarvis

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