Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Welcome to the ConfederateOligarchy of America!

Good wet Spring morning to all:

Maybe my choice of Confederate is not grammatically correct, but the
idea isn't so hot, either.
My point still stands. The United States of America was established
as an Oligarchy, not a Republic, as we've been taught from the ground
up. "a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their
elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated
president rather than a monarch."
It would sound like this is "us", until we review who holds power in
today's USA, and what the original document, "our" Constitution tells
us who "The People" being protected, were.
White, Male, 21 years, Land Owners, Great personal wealth...and did I
mention, White?
Those men forced to fight to free the Colonies from the grip of wicked
King George, could never tell the difference between their former
Masters, the entrenched British Empire, or the up and coming USA.
When those who survived the war returned home, they picked up their
plow and hoe and went back to their labor without having gained a
thing. They had no Rights, because they were not covered by the
While the Oligarchy functioned as a Republic, and over the years
included many people formerly unprotected, they never gave up control.
For example, allowing women the right to vote, freeing Slaves,
establishing Public Education, all these and more could be permitted
so long as the control stayed with the Oligarchy, the Ruling Class.
Elections can be managed and politicians can be bribed. Education for
all can be controlled as to what is taught and for what purpose.
Freeing the Slaves meant freeing cheap labor for Northern factories.
Of course we also are confused by the existence of bickering among the
various factions within the Oligarchy. Today, the Oil Barron's' and
the entire Military Industry control the direction of the nation,
replacing the former power center of Manufacturing.
But when the Corporate Capitalism that under girds the Oligarchy is
threatened, all the powerful Interests come together to put out any
brush fires.
And along comes Donald Trump. through his actions and from his loose
lips, Trump gives notice of his intentions of conducting a mission of
dismantling the Central Government, and passing governmental power off
to the States. Controlling the sprawling Federal government has
become a real drag on the members of the Oligarchy, taking away from
their major objective of owning just about everything.
And we, "The People" are either conned or forced into supporting
Trump's short sighted plan. What we see happening is what we get when
we have the leadership of the USA taken over by a Self Anointed
Entertainment Personality and self proclaimed Billionaire, and his
troupe of "High Priests" from Goldman Sachs
And great numbers of confused people cheer and cackle whenever their
Master says, "Make America Great Again!" What is the magic key that
will put this wicked Genie back in the bottle he oozed out of?
Have we really excluded words like, Reason, Wisdom, and
Thought-Process from the English language?
Just when did we turn our collective backs on the phrase, "Of the
People, by the People and for the People"?
Even though it is misguided in the direction it is taking us, the
Oligarchy believes it is protecting the interests of its Oligarchs.
So just who is looking out for the rest of us? Why are so many of us
behaving like sycophants? Haven't we learned that the bootlicker
becomes his master's doormat? Kissing up will never open the
cherished doors to the "Wonderland" of the rich. But just like our
belief in buying the winning lottery ticket, we believe that somehow
we could be one of those few people who manage to slip through. We
simply ignore the fact that our Great America is built like a Pyramid,
needing the huge numbers on the bottom in order to hold up the very
few on top.
Of course we can always head for Church, and pray to our God to be on
our side...but that's a different rant.

Carl Jarvis

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