Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Re: [acb-l] Voter Fraud

So what can we, the blind of America, do?
Knowing that foreign governments probably spy on us, as our government
spies on them, and knowing that there are those who put winning
elections ahead of the Will of the People, and knowing that we differ
among ourselves as to who or how our elections are tampered with, just
what can we do?
Well, I can offer my personal opinion. It is as valid as anyone's. I
would first suggest that we ensure that our ACB continues to be a
grass roots organization, run by the People through our leadership.
Demonstrating to ourselves that being involved in our own affairs
proves to us that democracy truly works.
Also, we should be constantly on guard to assure that our basic
organization does not change. That is, we must keep outside
forces...and dollars, from slowly taking over what we see as our
priorities. That means we must be more involved in the ACB at the
state and local levels, raising awareness, recruiting new members,
educating those new members, and raising support for our Programs
through group activities that not only raise much needed dollars, but
cement relations among members.
Finally, we need to educate ourselves to ensure that we don't fall
into the clutches of those fear mongers, who would have us believe
that we are being spied upon and under threat of total destruction.
An organization that looks to its members for strength, that
organization will stand against any outside forces to bring it down,
or divert its programs.
That is what we can offer to the rest of our nation, an example, a
success story. Democracy doing its thing!

Carl Jarvis

On 12/20/16, Carl Jarvis via acb-l <> wrote:
> All,
> I did write, "our own political leaders are allowing
> their overly eager election workers to use illegal means to alter
> votes."
> By "election workers", I was thinking of those workers who are drawing
> up lists of names of people they believe are voting multiple times.
> These names are being sent out to election officials and people with
> those names are being stricken from the voter registers, thus altering
> the vote.
> Many other people found that their names were not on the voters
> register, even though they had voted at the same polling place for
> years. These people were given a ballot to fill out, and told it
> would be held until their name had been verified. Inspectors found
> boxes of such ballots that had never been submitted for counting.
> But the problem goes deeper. Gerrymandering has been a political tool
> used by both major parties to attempt to secure political districts
> for their Party.
> Why are close to half of America's voters failing to vote? Could it
> be that they don't believe their vote will matter? Before we jump all
> over Russia, we might first make certain that all Americans have
> access to cast a ballot with the assurance that it will be counted.
> Carl Jarvis
> On 12/20/16, John Heim <> wrote:
>> In an attempt to get this back on topic, I'd like to address this issue
>> of voter fraud. This is an important issue for blind people because
>> Republicans have been using it as an excuse to pass voter ID laws.
>> There has never been any evidence of widespread voter fraud in this
>> country. We do not have a significant problem with election workers
>> altering votes. Those are myths prepetuated by the Republican party in
>> order to suppress the vote.
>> If anybody has evidence from a reliable source that voter fraud is
>> really a big problem in the United States, I'd like to see it. You want
>> proof that Republicans are using voter ID laws to suppress the vote?
>> Here is an article from the New York Times saying that Republicans
>> themselves acknowledge it:
>> Now, you can argue that that's just politiccs as usual. But you can't
>> argue that they're not trying to keep people from voting by passing
>> voter ID laws. They, themselves, admit it. I am not a Democrat. But if
>> you don't find what the Republicans are doing in this case to be
>> abhorant, then it's not my biase that is the problem, it's yours. What
>> they are doing is just wrong.
>> Carl Jarvis wrote:
>>> in our American election system. Not since Watergate has there
>>> been so much evidence that our own political leaders are allowing
>>> their overly eager election workers to use illegal means to alter
>>> votes.
>>> We are on a steep downhill slide unless we do something soon to end
>>> this tampering.
>>> Then we can worry about the Russians.
>>> Carl Jarvis
>>> On 12/19/16, John Heim <> wrote:
>>>> But, Carl, you haven't looked into the allegations that the Russians
>>>> hacked our election have you? I'll bet not because if you had looked
>>>> into it, you wouldn't be calling it "garbage". And that's very
>>>> irresponsible. Do your research first -- then make up your mind.
>>>> Here's the facts:
>>>> 1. A prominent group of security experts, most notably J. Alex
>>>> Halderman, of the University of Michigan did a statistical analysis and
>>>> their findings might indicate tampering. I do the computers for the
>>>> Math
>>>> Department at the University of Wisconsin and I know enough to know
>>>> bologna when I see it. This is not bologna. What they have done is
>>>> exactly what I would do to look for tampering.
>>>> 2. The CIA and FBI have already said the Russians were the ones who
>>>> hacked the Democrats email and planted fake news stories. It is not
>>>> that
>>>> much of a stretch to think they might have also tampered with voting
>>>> machines.
>>>> 3. It's not far fetched to think the voting machines could have been
>>>> hacked. Somebody, lots of people think it was our own CIA, tampered
>>>> with
>>>> Iran's nuclear centrifuges via a computer virus in 2007. Google
>>>> "Stuxnet" for mor information. A similar attack could have been
>>>> launched
>>>> against our voting machines.
>>>> 4. The day after the election, the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister,
>>>> Sergei Ryabkov, said they'd been working with the Trump campaign
>>>> throughout the election.
>>>> These are all facts. You can check them out. In fact, I would urge you
>>>> to do exactly that . Do your own research. I do my best to be fair and
>>>> to be skeptical but open minded. I just don't see what is so
>>>> unbelievable here. I think there is a huge problem here with people
>>>> hearing all these crazy things like President Obama being born in Kenya
>>>> and they think all this just goes in the same basket. But this is no
>>>> joke.
>>>> On 12/19/2016 07:30 PM, Carl Jarvis wrote:
>>>> > Well now, that's two separate issues. I may have lost my mind, but
>>>> my
>>>> > point that I was cleverly trying to make...with such high level of
>>>> wit
>>>> > and humor, was that I don't buy the Russians tampering with our
>>>> > election garbage. Maybe after we clean up our own bungling of our
>>>> own
>>>> > election process, maybe then I'll be up to thinking about the return
>>>> > of the Evil Empire.
>>>> >
>>>> > Carl Jarvis
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > On 12/19/16, John Heim <> wrote:
>>>> >> Dude... Santa is make-believe. Putin is not.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> I mean seriously, WTF? The Russians might have hacked into our
>>>> voting
>>>> >> machines and made Donald Trump President. You're comparing that to
>>>> Santa
>>>> >> making a list and checking it twice? Have you lost your mind?
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> On 12/19/2016 07:06 PM, Carl Jarvis wrote:
>>>> >>> From the beginning of the Human Species, we've had someone
>>>> meddling
>>>> in
>>>> >>> our personal affairs. I mean, look at old Adam. One bite of the
>>>> >>> fruit from the tree of knowledge, and someone told God on him.
>>>> And
>>>> >>> who squealed on Nero when Rome was burning and Nero was just
>>>> fiddling
>>>> >>> around?
>>>> >>> Of course it can be to our benefit when someone spills the beans.
>>>> >>> Remember Paul Revere? "The British are coming! The British are
>>>> >>> coming!" Thank goodness for that!
>>>> >>> Sure, it was so much simpler back before the internet. Even wen
>>>> the
>>>> >>> FBI tapped telephones back during the "Red Scare" of the late
>>>> 40's,
>>>> >>> you could hear a loud "click" on your phone...not that our phone
>>>> was
>>>> >>> ever tapped. But on the internet? Someone could very well be
>>>> >>> snooping around right now and we'd never know it.
>>>> >>> Of course that's supposed to keeps us all on our best behavior.
>>>> I
>>>> >>> remember my mother telling me that Santa watched me all year long,
>>>> to
>>>> >>> see if I'd been good or bad. I told a little friend of mine that
>>>> >>> Santa watched us every day. She said, "That's not true. Jesus
>>>> >>> watches us." Same difference, I guess.
>>>> >>> Anyway, I do not worry about the Russians meddling in our
>>>> political
>>>> >>> affairs. For one reason, they have enough troubles of their own.
>>>> For
>>>> >>> another, we are about as busy meddling in their affairs as they
>>>> are
>>>> in
>>>> >>> ours. And finally, I worry more about some of our home grown
>>>> meddlers
>>>> >>> more than infiltrators. And lastly, would we behave any different
>>>> on
>>>> >>> this list if we learned that someone was spying on us? If we're
>>>> being
>>>> >>> honest in what we write, who cares how many Special Agents are
>>>> >>> lurking? At some point I decided to say what I meant, and do my
>>>> best
>>>> >>> whether Santa was watching, or not.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Carl Jarvis
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> On 12/19/16, John Heim <> wrote:
>>>> >>>> I'm glad to see this stuff is registering with people. This stuff
>>>> about
>>>> >>>> the Russians interfering in our election, possibly even hacking
>>>> voting
>>>> >>>> machines is seriously scary business. The evidence is
>>>> circumstantial
>>>> >>>> but it is enough to warrant an investigation. I read up on the
>>>> >>>> statistical analysis the security experts did and it looks right
>>>> to me.
>>>> >>>> I mean it's not bologna
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> On 12/19/2016 01:33 PM, Carl Jarvis via acb-l wrote:
>>>> >>>>> Well, of course we might refer to Herr Trump as, Führer, but his
>>>> >>>>> Russian title would be, vozhd.
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>> Carl Jarvis
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>> On 12/18/16, Karen Rose <> wrote:
>>>> >>>>>> I only hope to live long enough to see this! And that our New
>>>> fewer
>>>> >>>>>> elected
>>>> >>>>>> by the Russians does not destroy our world before this can
>>>> happen.
>>>> >>>>>> Karen
>>>> >>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> >>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>> On Dec 18, 2016, at 1:33 PM, Carl Jarvis via acb-l
>>>> >>>>>>> <>
>>>> >>>>>>> wrote:
>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>> Right on, Carla!
>>>> >>>>>>> Not only do I see the day when all transportation vehicles are
>>>> >>>>>>> driverless, but they will be "on demand" to citizens,
>>>> foregoing
>>>> the
>>>> >>>>>>> need to make expensive purchases. A touch of a button and a
>>>> car
>>>> >>>>>>> awaits you at the curb. Furthermore, I predict that these
>>>> cars
>>>> will
>>>> >>>>>>> use no oil products to run them. They will float on a cushion
>>>> of air
>>>> >>>>>>> and be driven by the Earth's magnetic energy.
>>>> >>>>>>> Solar energy will run our homes and even water craft will
>>>> float
>>>> above
>>>> >>>>>>> the water. It will be a very quiet world. Homes will be
>>>> built
>>>> in
>>>> >>>>>>> the
>>>> >>>>>>> hills and mountains, leaving flat, fertile bottom land for
>>>> crops.
>>>> >>>>>>> Of course, if we don't get with it soon, there will be no one
>>>> left to
>>>> >>>>>>> enjoy it all.
>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>> Carl Jarvis
>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>> On 12/18/16, Carla Ruschival via acb-l <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> >>>>>>>> For the last week, there has been at least one story every
>>>> day,
>>>> >>>>>>>> sometimes
>>>> >>>>>>>> more, about people being killed in automobile accidents
>>>> around
>>>> town
>>>> >>>>>>>> and
>>>> >>>>>>>> nearby. I daresay that is true of most metropolitan areas.
>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>> So, if we don't want to see anyone get hurt, we should outlaw
>>>> all
>>>> >>>>>>>> cars
>>>> >>>>>>>> until
>>>> >>>>>>>> the killing of thousands on our highways, and the maiming of
>>>> tens of
>>>> >>>>>>>> thousands, including children, can be put to a stop.
>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>> Since this suggestion is obviously ridiculous, why are we so
>>>> worried
>>>> >>>>>>>> about
>>>> >>>>>>>> the development of the driverless car? In m1llions of miles
>>>> of
>>>> >>>>>>>> testing,
>>>> >>>>>>>> it
>>>> >>>>>>>> has certainly proven to be far safer than the vehicles we use
>>>> every
>>>> >>>>>>>> day.
>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>> Bring it on.
>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>> Carla
>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Dec 15, 2016, at 12:09 PM, Rich Vonderhaar via leadership
>>>> >>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>>> Here's a link to an article that came out this morning about
>>>> the
>>>> >>>>>>>>> driverless car thing. While I think it is a great idea, I
>>>> would
>>>> >>>>>>>>> hate
>>>> >>>>>>>>> to
>>>> >>>>>>>>> see any one get hurt.
>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>>> --
>>>> >>>>>>>>> Rich V
>>>> >>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> >>>>>>>>> leadership mailing list
>>>> >>>>>>>>>
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>>>> >>>>> acb-l mailing list
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>
>>>> On 12/19/2016 07:30 PM, Carl Jarvis wrote:
>>>>> Well now, that's two separate issues. I may have lost my mind, but my
>>>>> point that I was cleverly trying to make...with such high level of wit
>>>>> and humor, was that I don't buy the Russians tampering with our
>>>>> election garbage. Maybe after we clean up our own bungling of our own
>>>>> election process, maybe then I'll be up to thinking about the return
>>>>> of the Evil Empire.
>>>>> Carl Jarvis
>>>>> On 12/19/16, John Heim <> wrote:
>>>>>> Dude... Santa is make-believe. Putin is not.
>>>>>> I mean seriously, WTF? The Russians might have hacked into our voting
>>>>>> machines and made Donald Trump President. You're comparing that to
>>>>>> Santa
>>>>>> making a list and checking it twice? Have you lost your mind?
>>>>>> On 12/19/2016 07:06 PM, Carl Jarvis wrote:
>>>>>>> From the beginning of the Human Species, we've had someone meddling
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> our personal affairs. I mean, look at old Adam. One bite of the
>>>>>>> fruit from the tree of knowledge, and someone told God on him. And
>>>>>>> who squealed on Nero when Rome was burning and Nero was just
>>>>>>> fiddling
>>>>>>> around?
>>>>>>> Of course it can be to our benefit when someone spills the beans.
>>>>>>> Remember Paul Revere? "The British are coming! The British are
>>>>>>> coming!" Thank goodness for that!
>>>>>>> Sure, it was so much simpler back before the internet. Even wen the
>>>>>>> FBI tapped telephones back during the "Red Scare" of the late 40's,
>>>>>>> you could hear a loud "click" on your phone...not that our phone was
>>>>>>> ever tapped. But on the internet? Someone could very well be
>>>>>>> snooping around right now and we'd never know it.
>>>>>>> Of course that's supposed to keeps us all on our best behavior. I
>>>>>>> remember my mother telling me that Santa watched me all year long,
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> see if I'd been good or bad. I told a little friend of mine that
>>>>>>> Santa watched us every day. She said, "That's not true. Jesus
>>>>>>> watches us." Same difference, I guess.
>>>>>>> Anyway, I do not worry about the Russians meddling in our political
>>>>>>> affairs. For one reason, they have enough troubles of their own.
>>>>>>> For
>>>>>>> another, we are about as busy meddling in their affairs as they are
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> ours. And finally, I worry more about some of our home grown
>>>>>>> meddlers
>>>>>>> more than infiltrators. And lastly, would we behave any different
>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>> this list if we learned that someone was spying on us? If we're
>>>>>>> being
>>>>>>> honest in what we write, who cares how many Special Agents are
>>>>>>> lurking? At some point I decided to say what I meant, and do my
>>>>>>> best
>>>>>>> whether Santa was watching, or not.
>>>>>>> Carl Jarvis
>>>>>>> On 12/19/16, John Heim <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I'm glad to see this stuff is registering with people. This stuff
>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>> the Russians interfering in our election, possibly even hacking
>>>>>>>> voting
>>>>>>>> machines is seriously scary business. The evidence is
>>>>>>>> circumstantial
>>>>>>>> but it is enough to warrant an investigation. I read up on the
>>>>>>>> statistical analysis the security experts did and it looks right to
>>>>>>>> me.
>>>>>>>> I mean it's not bologna
>>>>>>>> On 12/19/2016 01:33 PM, Carl Jarvis via acb-l wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Well, of course we might refer to Herr Trump as, Führer, but his
>>>>>>>>> Russian title would be, vozhd.
>>>>>>>>> Carl Jarvis
>>>>>>>>> On 12/18/16, Karen Rose <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I only hope to live long enough to see this! And that our New
>>>>>>>>>> fewer
>>>>>>>>>> elected
>>>>>>>>>> by the Russians does not destroy our world before this can
>>>>>>>>>> happen.
>>>>>>>>>> Karen
>>>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>>>>> On Dec 18, 2016, at 1:33 PM, Carl Jarvis via acb-l
>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Right on, Carla!
>>>>>>>>>>> Not only do I see the day when all transportation vehicles are
>>>>>>>>>>> driverless, but they will be "on demand" to citizens, foregoing
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> need to make expensive purchases. A touch of a button and a car
>>>>>>>>>>> awaits you at the curb. Furthermore, I predict that these cars
>>>>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>>>>> use no oil products to run them. They will float on a cushion
>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>> air
>>>>>>>>>>> and be driven by the Earth's magnetic energy.
>>>>>>>>>>> Solar energy will run our homes and even water craft will float
>>>>>>>>>>> above
>>>>>>>>>>> the water. It will be a very quiet world. Homes will be built
>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> hills and mountains, leaving flat, fertile bottom land for
>>>>>>>>>>> crops.
>>>>>>>>>>> Of course, if we don't get with it soon, there will be no one
>>>>>>>>>>> left
>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>> enjoy it all.
>>>>>>>>>>> Carl Jarvis
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 12/18/16, Carla Ruschival via acb-l <>
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> For the last week, there has been at least one story every day,
>>>>>>>>>>>> sometimes
>>>>>>>>>>>> more, about people being killed in automobile accidents around
>>>>>>>>>>>> town
>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>> nearby. I daresay that is true of most metropolitan areas.
>>>>>>>>>>>> So, if we don't want to see anyone get hurt, we should outlaw
>>>>>>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>>>>>> cars
>>>>>>>>>>>> until
>>>>>>>>>>>> the killing of thousands on our highways, and the maiming of
>>>>>>>>>>>> tens
>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>> thousands, including children, can be put to a stop.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Since this suggestion is obviously ridiculous, why are we so
>>>>>>>>>>>> worried
>>>>>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>>>>>> the development of the driverless car? In m1llions of miles of
>>>>>>>>>>>> testing,
>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>> has certainly proven to be far safer than the vehicles we use
>>>>>>>>>>>> every
>>>>>>>>>>>> day.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Bring it on.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Carla
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Dec 15, 2016, at 12:09 PM, Rich Vonderhaar via leadership
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here's a link to an article that came out this morning about
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> driverless car thing. While I think it is a great idea, I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>>>>>> hate
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> see any one get hurt.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rich V
>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>> leadership mailing list
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