Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Join us to get this IQ-Lowering Pesticide out of your food!

The links in this article may not work, since I simply copied it and
pasted. But the warning is very clear. We working class Americans
are losing one protection after another. We now know that Trump's
boast that he is "returning America to her Greatness", means he is
taking us back to the Glory Days when Capitalism ruled with little
interference from Government.
Now I'm wondering about his claim to "drain the swamp". Is working
class America the swamp he means? Does Trump and his Merry Band of
Billionaires need us? They now have more and more robots doing the
work we once did, along with the really cheap labor from Third World
countries...like we're becoming.
Carl Jarvis

Don't Let Trump Poison America's children and farmworkers
Join us to get this IQ-Lowering Pesticide out of your food!

Don't let Trump turn the EPA into a Polluter's Paradise – take a stand
today - If this pesticide can lower a child's IQ it has NO Business
being sprayed
on our food! – Every voice counts! >>

Dear Carl,

In a stunning blow to science, democracy and human health, the Trump
administration has overruled the Environmental Protection Agency's
(EPA) own career
scientists and stubbornly refused to ban the toxic pesticide
chlorpyrifos, which has been linked to dangerous impacts on young
children's brains — including
higher rates of ADHD and autism and most shockingly lowered IQs for
children whose mothers are exposed to the pesticide during pregnancy.

The science behind chlorpyrifos damage to young children's brains is
so conclusive that career EPA scientists actually went so far as
recommending the
pesticide be completely BANNED from agricultural use, but Trump's EPA
administrator Scott Pruitt personally reversed this decision.

According to multiple media reports, Pruitt's decision came after a
brief meeting with the CEO of Dow Chemical and an intense push by
agribusiness lobbyists
who advised Trump's political appointees at the EPA to ignore the
multiple health studies that show the pesticide chlorpyrifos can harm
children's brains.

Fortunately, the Senate is now stepping up to protect people and the
planet from this dangerous synthetic pesticide and a handful of
Senators just introduced
a bill that would ban this toxic pesticide for good called the
"Protect Children, Farmers and Farmworkers from Nerve Agent Pesticides
Act of 2017."

Stop the use of this dangerous pesticide from harming America's
children — Tell your Senators to pass Senate Bill 1624 to Protect
Children, Farmers and
Farmworkers from Dangerous Pesticides — Every voice counts!


Trump and Pruitt Plan to Turn the EPA and America into a Polluter's Paradise.

The pesticide chlorpyrifos, largely manufactured Dow Chemical, is
classified as a neurotoxin by the Center for Disease Control and is a
known endocrine
disruptor that interferes with important developmental human hormones.
Strong scientific evidence shows that it can lower IQs and increase
the risk of
autism in young children. Chlorpyrifos is sprayed on corn and soybeans
in the Midwest and fruit and vegetable crops in the Southeast,
Washington, and California.

Make no doubt about it, Pruitt's decision to unilaterally overrule EPA
career scientists was no accident.

What makes this decision so egregious is that Trump and Pruitt
intentionally chose to put Dow Chemical's polluter profits over the
health and well being
of America's children and farm workers. Pruitt and President Trump
even went so far as ignoring the advice of the American Academy of
Pediatrics, which
represents more than 66,000 pediatricians and pediatric surgeons, who
were "deeply alarmed" by the EPAs decision.

Instead, the Trump administration accepted the corporate talking
points from the CEOs of CropLife America, the Fertilizer Institute,
and the American Soybean
Association, which are all run by the likes of Dow Chemical, DuPont
and Monsanto.

The complicity is so blatant that in February, while signing an
executive order that mandated the rolling back of government
regulations, Trump handed
the pen he used to Dow Chemical's CEO Andrew Liveris, who stood next
to him during the ceremony.

It should come as no surprise that Dow Chemical famously wrote a $1
million check to help underwrite Trump's inauguration, after which
Trump named Dow
Chemical's CEO to head his now disbanded "American Manufacturing Council".

In an effort to combat this blatant collusion with the pesticide
industry, Senator Tom Udall (New Mexico) has introduced a new bill in
the Senate, known
as Senate Bill 1624 or the Protect Children, Farmers and Farmworkers
from Nerve Agent Pesticides Act of 2017, and they need our help to
protect America's
children and farm workers.

Don't let Trump turn the EPA into a Polluter's Paradise – take a stand
today to help ban this dangerous brain-damaging pesticide. If this
pesticide can
lower a child's IQ it has NO Business being sprayed on our food! –
Every voice counts!


It's time to take a stand for America's children, farmer workers and
the environment! Trump and his corporate cronies have already signaled
their plans
to roll back landmark environmental and human health protections by
gutting clean water rules, limiting the endangered species act and
carving up and selling
off national public parks to corporate polluters. We can't let them
get away with this.
Take action today to put an end to the corruption of our democracy and
the poisoning of our food and environment!

Remember, democracy is like muscle, if you don't use it you lose it.

Thanks for participating in food democracy,

Dave Murphy
Founder / Executive Director
Food Democracy Now!


1. "EPA chief met with Dow Chemical CEO before deciding not to ban
toxic pesticide", Los Angeles Times, June 30, 2017.

2. "That EPA push to ban a pesticide that harms babies' brains?
Dropped after Trump EPA chief Pruitt met with Dow CEO", BoingBoing,
June 28, 2017.

3. "Blythe Danner: How Scott Pruitt Is Putting Our Kids and
Grandchildren in Danger", Time, Aug 15, 2017.

4. "
EPA Welcomed Industry Feedback Before Reversing Pesticide Ban,
Ignoring Health Concerns
", The Intercept, August 18, 2017.

5. "UPDATED: Trump's EPA Just Greenlighted a Pesticide Known to Damage
Kids' Brains", Mother Jones, March 27, 2017.

6. "Trump's EPA Greenlit This Pesticide Linked to Brain Damage. Eight
Senators Are Fighting Back.", Mother Jones, July 26, 2017.

7. "UPDATE 1-U.S. senators seek ban on pesticide chlorpyrifos"
Reuters, July 25, 2017.

8. "S.1624 - Protect Children, Farmers, and Farmworkers from Nerve
Agent Pesticides Act of 2017", Congress dot Gov, 115th Congress, July
25, 2017.
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