Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Donald Trump, Poster Boy for American racism

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From: Carl Jarvis <carjar82@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2017 08:23:10 -0700
Subject: Re: [blind-democracy] Re: American racism
To: Roger Loran Bailey <rogerbailey81@aol.com>
Cc: blind-democracy@freelists.org

One of my Directors, when I was an employee of the Commission for the
Blind, was a man who was hired by the Commission Board because he
belonged to none of the Blind Organizations, and claimed to represent
"All Blind People".(beware of such claims!)
The year was 1980, and the agency was in total chaos, being under
attack by the president of the NFB, as well as locally by the Seattle
PI paper and King TV. Agency employees were divided into small camps,
some never speaking to others. Client services were in danger of
being compromised. So this new "Leader" went to his office and began
writing memos as fast as his secretary could write...he was totally
blind and had no computer skills. After he sent a ton of memos out,
he sat back and waited for results. He had no "Vision", no "Big
Picture Plan", and so his memos sat on employee's desks. Since most
of them needed cooperative interaction, and since most workers were
"minding their own business" and not talking to anyone
else...including me, with my nose firmly in my classroom, the Agency
began to flounder. Commission meetings became screaming sessions.
Finally, after only one short year at the helm, the Director was
I tell this story because it reminds me that it is much easier to get
rid of an incompetent Director, than to fire an elected President.
Donald Trump should stand as a living reminder of what the White
Oligarchy pays big bucks to elect as a "leader". Trump has done
nothing to bring the nation together. Indeed, he is actually doing
the bidding of the Oligarchy, by dividing and turning one group upon
another. Now he's taken on the National Football Players. The man is
so blinded by his own privileged white skin that he claims that he is
not a racist!!!
He has no concept of Black and White football players joining together
to protest the divisive, racism being allowed to grow under the
careful nurturing of our President and His carefully selected Cabinet.
And just as scary is the fact that this "Leader" has no vision for a
World Peace. His vision is looking backward toward returning America
to her "former Greatness". Which, sad to say, never was.
Like my former Director, Trump sends out his little memos in the form
of Tweets, upsetting any efforts by others to bring folks together,
and then pointing to the disruption he has created, as proof that we
need to be spied upon and controlled by a military-like police force.
This has been the pattern of every nation that had its roots in some
form of popular rule.
When our "leaders" tell us that "We are under threat", just who are
they referring to? Working Class Americans have less and less to
lose, so it must be the Corporate Capitalists who stand to lose. And
we have the duty to protect their world-wide interest. For Free!
I say, let the Capitalists fight their own battles, while we go back
to our shops and fields.

Carl Jarvis

On 9/25/17, Roger Loran Bailey <rogerbailey81@aol.com> wrote:
> Considering all the hurricanes, health care reform in the congress and
> certain countries setting off nuclear bombs I'm not sure that a true
> leader would spend the weekend tweeting twenty tweets bashing football
> players.
> On 9/25/2017 9:03 PM, Carl Jarvis wrote:
>> To Bob Evans, And All.
>> You wrote: " The United States is no longer the place of equal
>> opportunities.
>> It used to be but, now it plainly isn't."
>> Actually Bob, The United States of America is not now, nor has it ever
>> been a Land of Opportunity for All.
>> From the day this nation was formed from the 13 colonies, it was an
>> Oligarchy. True, the 13 colonies fought England and gained their
>> freedom. And true, the 13 colonies formed States and joined together
>> to form the United States of America, but most of those who fought in
>> the ranks of the Colonial Army, were never citizens of that new
>> nation. Only White Men, 21 years of age and older, Landholders or Men
>> of great wealth were allowed to participate in the new government.
>> Women were denied participation. Negros had no voice and in fact,
>> they were counted as only three fifths of a person, Native
>> Americans(Indians) could not participate in the new government, nor
>> could Mexican Americans and Chinese Americans. In short, most people
>> living in the Land that became the United States of America, had no
>> voice in the government that ruled their lives.
>> Although many of those mentioned, came to secure the right to vote and
>> to hold office, and to own land in their own name, the original
>> Oligarchy began to set in place road blocks to prevent many Americans
>> the rights afforded the original Citizens.
>> Today's struggle, although certainly a struggle over racial
>> discrimination, is really a struggle between those who proclaim that
>> all citizens have a right, and a duty to vote in the elections held in
>> their Land, and those who would turn back the hands of time to a time
>> when only the Elite White Men handled the nation's affairs.
>> Of course some of us also believe that even if we all did have the
>> right to vote, the Two Party System in America is so corrupt that it
>> must be replaced. But first things first. And that is to fight for
>> the right for all Americans to vote.
>> And so far as Donald Trump being a Leader, that is impossible. Donald
>> Trump is a shallow minded fool. He grew up scamming people, showing
>> disdain and contempt for those who looked to him for employment.
>> True Leaders watch out over all their people. They are leaders
>> because they are visionaries. Donald Trump is a showman, believing,
>> as did P. T. Barnum, that there is a sucker born every minute. That
>> is what separates a Leader from a Huckster.
>> Carl Jarvis
>> On 9/25/17, Carl Jarvis <carjar82@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 9/25/17, Bob <ebob824@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Racism is the prejudice that members of one race are intrinsically
>>>> superior
>>>> to members of other races.
>>>> white supremacists along with Donald Trump made their nation racially
>>>> nonreversible.
>>>> As he ignominiously disparaged soccer players, what a terribly
>>>> petulant
>>>> and infantile character.
>>>> Their pride is wholly spurned.
>>>> Their America first agenda brought them fractionation, tumultuousness,
>>>> racial disparity, detestable rhetoric and interminably factional
>>>> conflict.
>>>> I urge my fellow Muslims to utterly ostracise American enterprises.
>>>> I keep my sentiment stiff, these people are worthy of being relegated.
>>>> Their counterfeit mottoes of democracy are no longer believed.
>>>> I urge immigration applicants from our Muslim world to seek settlement
>>>> in
>>>> Canada.
>>>> At least, therein, they do not advocate for expatriating licit
>>>> occupants.
>>>> I myself have the desire to submit an immigration form to Canada.
>>>> I just await until I match their requirements.
>>>> I do not exaggerate, Americanism certainly became a major threat to
>>>> cultural
>>>> diversity.
>>>> In Britain, they honour royalty and succession.
>>>> Nevertheless, they do not embrace xenophobic temperament, even with the
>>>> rise
>>>> of controversial Brexit talks.
>>>> I talk to people there and they never denigrated outlanders.
>>>> So, what is the trouble in the States then?
>>>> Basically, it is racism.
>>>> They base their primal tenets on racial discrimination.
>>>> Despite nullifying this statement, they explicitly are convicted of
>>>> doing
>>>> so.
>>>> The United States is no longer the place of equal
>>>> opportunities.
>>>> It used to be but, now it plainly isn't.
>>>> Bob
>>>> ---
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