Thursday, November 30, 2017

is the problem sex, or disrespect?

Old PT Barnum would fall into a dead swoon over this Three Ring
Circus featuring Sex as the centerpiece.
What an opportunity for those wanting the Limelight. Just point the
finger and cry, "Wolf!"
And yet, every accusation needs to be taken seriously, and have its
day in court. That means a desperate need for appointing judges to
those long vacant benches, and hiring more court attendants. Talk
about a boost to our lagging economy!
But once again, aren't we getting all caught up in the Sex aspect of a
much deeper issue? Tell me, is being groped by your fat old, gross
smelling boss any more insulting than being forced to go into debt in
order to obtain the education you need to enable you to work for that
slimy old Octopus? Is having some smirking, inebriated coworker never
looking higher than your chest, any more degrading than learning that
your bank is cheating you?
This nation is still in the grip of a terrible depression, with many
of us losing huge chunks of our life savings, and in spite of some
coverage, that depression has not begun to create the rage generated
by our "Fondling Fathers". And yet, they are symptoms of the same
problem. Disrespect! The manner in which we are treating, or being
treated, is brought about by our disrespect for one another.
Can you respect the company president who backs you into a corner and
shoves his warty tongue down your throat? Well, while you're
protesting this behavior, don't forget to protest the fact that his
company is padding costs, or sending jobs off-shore, or moving his
factories to Mexico. But which offense is more apt to ruin the
company president's reputation? And while he receives a slap on the
wrist and his fourth wife leaves him, for his indiscretions, he'll
receive the "CEO Man of the Year" award for his skill as a manager.
I am just as offended by a government that is allowing its children to
become debtors, disabled veterans to go months waiting for treatment,
elderly blind people living and dying lonely, forgotten lives because
their government has diverted money that could have made their lives
fuller, and prisons that have become Slave Camps.
I'm not suggesting that we go lightly on the macho predators, but I am
urging us to broaden our nets and see if we can't get to the bottom of
this offensive behavior. Let's begin treating one another, and
ourselves, with respect and honesty.

Carl Jarvis

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