Hi Clifford,
Believe it or not, CBS News actually did a pretty good job covering this mess. They mentioned the questionable behavior of both the high school students and the black protesters. IMHO, there are no good guys here with the exception of the elderly Native American guy with the drum.
AS for the hat and what it says, Trump is in no way "making America great again." He is actually driving us closer and closer to civil war.
Bob Hachey
-----Original Message-----
From: Carl Jarvis via acb-chat [mailto:acb-chat@acblists.org]
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2019 9:55 PM
To: blind-democracy@freelists.org
Cc: Carl Jarvis; my blog carl jarvis; General discussion list for ACB members and friends where a wide range of topics from blindness to politics, issues of the day or whatever comes to mind are welcome. This is a free form discussion list.
Subject: Re: [acb-chat] [blind-democracy] Re: Hatred, intimidation and make America white again
It appears this subject has linked together both ACB Chat and Blind Democracy.
It's interesting to see that each of us bends this story to suit our own political bias'.
For the record, the Media referred to here, is the property of the American Oligarchy. The networks and the publishing Houses are owned by those with a vested stake in protecting the Establishment. Donald Trump is a master at manipulating the Media. Like a tornado, he has spun so many stories that the Media falls over its own tongues trying to keep up with him. Keeping America stirred up and turning different factions against one another is part of an age old formula for success...Divide and Conquer!
While we are bickering over who said what and who did what, the Ruling Class is busy battening down the hatches.
It's difficult to believe that the American Empire could keep a straight face when it announces that it is going about the world preaching Peace and democracy. Do we really want to point to our own national mess and tell the world that this is what democracy looks like?
Carl Jarvis
On 1/23/19, Clifford <clifford@tds.net> wrote:
> Dear Frank and List Members:
> You and I heard quite different accounts of the events involved here.
> It is my understanding that the catholic school students were on a trip to D.
> C. and most were wearing caps with a pro-trump initials which drew the
> attention demonstrators in the area and that is was the demonstrators
> and a few under the influence who aggressively challenged the
> students. The mainstream reporters initially put the same spin on
> this, which is reflected in your statement. It appears that school
> age children are targets of the media, if they dare to wear a cap with, MAGa on their caps.
> These are trying times and the "mainstream" media are a large part of
> the problem
> News should be factual and not simply anti Trump spin.
> Yours Truly,
> Clifford Wilson
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Frank Ventura via acb-chat [mailto:acb-chat@acblists.org]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2019 8:17 PM
> To: General discussion list for ACB members and friends where a wide
> range of topics from blindness to politics, issues of the day or
> whatever comes to mind are welcome. This is a free form discussion list.
> <acb-chat@acblists.org>
> Cc: Frank Ventura <frank.ventura@littlebreezes.com>; my blog carl
> jarvis <carjar82.carls@blogger.com>; blind-democracy@freelists.org
> Subject: [acb-chat] Hatred, intimidation and make America white again
> Now that the hour plus long video has surfaced of a group of Catholic
> School students engaging in multiple confrontations in our nations
> capital the picture is clearer and worse than ever. There was a group
> of black Hebrews loudly protesting the president's policies, namely
> the wall. The group of teens and their chaperones, wearing MAGA hats
> loudly counter protested with build the wall and go back to Africa
> chants. At this point the confrontation was mostly peaceful with the
> teens staying about 15 feet away from their intended targets. At that
> point 3 native Americans started playing their drums and chanting.
> This is where things took a turn for the ugly. The teens surrounded
> them and started to close in their circle around them, blocking their
> exit or retreat. Taking it a step further one of the teens, in a
> threatening move, took off his shirt and got directly within inches of
> the native Americans who were powerless to retreat. While the apologists will be quick to point out that no
> assault occurred, lets look at another crime that doesn't get as
> much air time. It is called menacing. Yes, in many locales that is a
> felony. It is to act in a manner which would make the victim believe
> they are in jeopardy of injury or death. Evidentially those lads were
> willfully ignorant of the legal consequences of their actions. If a
> group of black, Hispanic, or Muslum males surrounded a member of the
> privileged class or a police officer in the manner these lads did they
> would have been shot. Let's look at another example that occurred on
> this list. There was a theory set forth by some here who believe their
> status as members of the privileged class allows them to forego
> tipping a wait staff. Those folks are willfully ignorant of something
> known as "theft of service", which is a very real crime in many
> places. What these two aforementioned examples teach us is that when
> you are a member of the privileged class you can be as willfully
> ignorant of the law as you choose to be; be cause in the end the laws
> don't apply to you. So like it or not, those fine lads from their
> wealthy, plaid tie, blue blazer, embroidered breast pocket private
> school have become the face of the new privileged class and an icon of everything that is wrong with the ever-increasing socio-economic divide.
> Frank
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