Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Transformed.  That brings us back to most religions.  We shall be Transformed.  Well I should hope so.  I'd hate to arrive in the Hereafter and find some of my dear family waiting for me.  Waiting to pick right up where they left off, talking over one another, getting in their little digs, putting one another down in cute little ways.  And what about those rich kids I grew up near.  I'd say I grew up with them, but they would never have allowed that to happen.  Would I have to sit around and hear about their really successful lives?  And my grandmother Jarvis, who believed without a doubt that she was headed straight for Heaven, but the Colored Folk would have to "stay in their own place". 
Man, I sure do hope that there's an Agnostic Land.  We wouldn't keep anybody out, but they'd have to leave their prejudices at the door, including their narrow minds.  Oh what fun we'd have sitting around all day trying to figure out what it is that we're trying to figure out.  And then we'd end each day with a big clam bake...or weenie roast...or marshmallow toast...or maybe just a couple of glasses of rum and Coke. 
Carl Jarvis

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