Wednesday, March 2, 2011

when is a government no longer a government?

When is a government no longer a government?  When it becomes the Oppressor. 
Can we honestly sing, "Oh say does that Star Spangled banner yet wave, o'er the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave"? 
Curious Carl
Subject: [acb-l] Uniting a State's Body Politic

The following is an e-mail message I received from a friend who is working
for Wisconsin's Department of Workforce Development:

Just a tiny quote from an article about the latest budget bill:
Medicaid, the state-federal health plan for the poor, includes BadgerCare
Plus, Family Care, SeniorCare and other services. It covers 1.2 million
people in Wisconsin, or one in five residents. Enrollment has swelled in
recent years as eligibility expanded and the recession led more people to
sign up.
Walker called the program "an unsustainable budget challenge" and proposed
$500 million in cuts.
About $110 million would come from Family Care, which provides long-term
care for people who are elderly or disabled. The reductions mean about 5,000
people on a waiting list for care would be taken off indefinitely, said Lynn
Breedlove, executive director of the advocacy group Disability Rights
"For some people, it could mean they'll be forced into a nursing home," he
SeniorCare recipients who qualify for Medicare Part D would have to enroll
in the federal drug program instead, saving the state $15 million.
Other trims would come from limiting payments for end-stage kidney disease,
getting rid of birth control services for men and eliminating supplemental
payments to some hospitals.
To achieve much of the savings, the state would scrutinize Medicaid
enrollment and make patients pay more for services.
Walker's budget repair bill for this year, introduced last month but stalled
after 14 Democrats boycotted a vote in the Senate, would give the state
Department of Health Services new powers to restrict eligibility, modify
benefits and make other changes to Medicaid with less legislative review
than is required now.

(Thank goodness for the "Wisconsin 14")

I think it is important to note that this friend has always been a
conservative much more in the GOP camp than even an independent!

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