Friday, February 7, 2014

rambling thoughts regarding Dylan Farrow's open letter

Too many of these "so called
awards", like the Golden Globe, are simply promotional events. Since such
awards and the hype
surrounding them are often superficial, I simply do not watch them.
However, I most certainly will not try to force my disgust off onto others,
nor try to revoke awards already presented. But that is because the entire
process is pure silliness, to me, in my humble opinion.
One last thought. When I am captivated by an actor, director, singer,
comedian or entertainer, I accept them as I find them, as they are
presenting their particular skills to the public. But I seldom look past
the performance. I don't know these people. I'll never sit in their living
rooms and sip cocktails with them. All I care about them is how well they
do their job.
This was true with my staff at the OTC, too. I cared about how they did
their job. I never indulged in some of the gossip that went around the
agency regarding other's personal affairs. Even the ones that were in my
face. We had a job to do. We did our work and were rewarded by the folks
who left the program better than they entered. But if someone had told me
that I was up for the Rehabilitation Golden Goose Award, I would have turned
them down. I would refuse to be used in that manner, promoting Rehab by
promoting myself.
Of course that's different than in the entertainment field. There,
promoting oneself is how one gets ahead.

Carl Jarvis

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