Friday, February 7, 2014

speaking of child abuse

Subject: Re: speaking of child abuse

I wonder if anti abortionists feel sorrow over cases such as this one? I
feel sorry for that little five year old girl in the article below. Who
knows what other
tortures she endured in her short life. Would she not have been better off
to have never been born?
I wonder what the anti abortionist's God is thinking as He watches these
tragic events, over and over again.
I often think of how strange we Humans are. We are required to study and
take exams and be certified for so many of Life's tasks, teachers, auto
mechanics, plumbers, doctors, nurses, etc.
But when it comes to the most important task assigned to us, that of
producing our next generation, we just leave it up to chance. Why do we go
on pretending to believe that any two people who can produce a baby will
automatically know how to raise it?
But sex education at an early age causes many adults to run for their
Bibles, quoting chapter and verse, and forbidding the Educators from
engaging in such personal discussion. Why, they might expose the youngsters
to concepts that do not agree with those of the parents.
After 333 years as a "Christian Nation", you would think that God might have
gotten it right. He might have taught us how to raise our children in love
and with respect, teaching them to be responsible, contributing adults. I
have to say, in all honesty, that I consider it sheer foolishness to follow
along after a God who can't even protect His youngest members.

Carl Jarvis
----- Original Message -----
From: "joe harcz Comcast" <>
To: "blind democracy List" <>
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 5:16 AM
Subject: speaking of child abuse

Tennessee couple charged in girl's grape soda death Associated Press An East
Tennessee couple is charged with murder in the death of the man's 5-year-old

daughter after an autopsy revealed the girl died from being forced to drink
more than 2 liters of grape soda and water. According to the Hawkins County

Sheriff's Office and the autopsy report, Alexa Linboom was brought in to the
emergency room on Jan. 1, 2012, by her father, Randall Vaughn, and his wife,

Mary Vaughn. The girl was blue and not responding. She had severe brain
damage. An investigation revealed the girl had been forced to drink the
water and

soda over one to two hours as punishment. The massive intake of fluid caused
her brain to swell and herniate. The couple is being held at the Hawkins

Jail on a $500,000 bond each.


Blind-Democracy mailing list

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