Tuesday, June 7, 2016

RE: AP and NBC now report the news before it happens!

Thank you Carl. I've been so furious about this with no way to express my
anger. The incredible nerve of these people, to count those super delegates,
and the pledged delegates so far, omitting 6 states, especially California,
and using their pseudo news to influence today's California vote. And for
whose benefit? It isn't even for the benefit of the Democratic Party. I
haven't been able to post all of the articles I've been reading for the past
few days which outline Hillary's weaknesses as a candidate, the hope that
our esteemed VP, or Secretary of State, will suddenly jump into the ring and
save the party. Anybody but the popular candidate whose been winning huge
numbers of votes and has had masses of people at his rallies. Joe Biden, the
bankers' friend and the guy who said Obama was a good candidate because he
was "clean", meaning most black folks aren't, I suppose, and Kerry, who's
already lost once?


-----Original Message-----
From: Carl Jarvis [mailto:carjar82@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 10:13 AM
To: blind-democracy
Cc: my blog carl jarvis; Miriam Vieni
Subject: AP and NBC now report the news before it happens!

Yes friends, no longer satisfied with reporting the news as it happens, AP
and NBC are reporting the news *Before it happens!
Gazing into their crystal balls, these two news gathering agencies have
devised a mysterious formula for predicting the outcome of the Democratic
selection for President. And who do you think these two unbiased media
giants would point to? Could it be Bernie Sanders, the *Socialist democrat?
Or perhaps it might be Alice in Wonderland. But no! Shock of all shocks,
the poll numbers all shout out the name of Hillary Clinton. The new Wall
Street Darling. True, these clever predictors missed one call. Never in a
billion dollars did they see the Son of Pandora, Donald Trump, winning the
Republican nomination.
No, AP and NBC put their reputations on the line, first for Jeb(where are
those Koch brothers)Bush, then to Scot(take a hike)Walker, even looking at
the likes of Ted(Onward Christian Soldiers)Cruz, before sheepishly admitting
that their Republican crystal ball was cracked beyond repair. But now they
have dusted off their new and improved crystal ball just in time, the very
night before six states have their primary elections, including California,
just in time to tell a waiting world that Hillary is the winner!

And just who does AP and NBC speak for? Well, they say you can't serve two
Masters. AP and NBC do not serve the working class Americans. Even they
have stopped pretending. Even NPR no longer does more than to pay lip
service to the people they dun several times a year for financial support.
No, AP and NBC are the neutral possessions of, are you ready for this? they
are representing Wall Street! NBC and AP, along with all major news
outlets, report, I repeat, report the news to you. The news they report is
the news determined by their long years of sucking up to their owners, the
1% Honest to Goodness True First Class Corporate Americans.
Try putting yourself in the shoes of the 1% folks. Who do you back?
A hoarse little Vermont senator who has spent most of his time in congress
as an Independent, and has Socialist leanings? Or do you go with the known
commodity? Years of public "service" has shown them that Hillary Clinton
can spin the web of deceit while carrying forth the Empire's desires.
Indeed, unless a bombshell blows up exposing some horrific misdeeds by
Clinton, the smart money will be placed on Hillary Clinton, and old Donald
Trump will be thrown to the wolves.
But no matter, we, the working men and women of America, have long ago lost
our pretty little democracy. The United States exists...on a map only. The
Corporate American Empire has gone international. The USA is nothing more
than one more resource to be exploited. So, trundle off to bed my little
ones, safe in the knowledge that Daddy won't allow the big bad wolf to
gobble you up in your sleep. Hillary will be there in the morning, watching
over you.

Carl Jarvis

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