Monday, October 10, 2016

crooks clowns and candidates

As spectator sports go, I'd rate the Sunday Presidential "debate" just
below a heavy weight boxing match between two worn out stumble bums.
Lots of pawing, mauling, dirty looks and wheezing. But neither has
the depth of character or the skill and the vision to "save the day"
and snatch victory from the jaws of...Corporate Capitalism.
The centerpiece of this three ring circus seemed to be the videos of
Trump, being...well, being Trump. Right up front, the central issue of
the day, folks. Come one, come all and watch the Crook and the Clown
snort and wheeze.
The best part of all that nothingness, was Billie Bush. Now, since I
stopped watching NBC Good Morning many years back, I had no idea of
who co-hosted this sad excuse for "informed entertainment". I listen
to NPR for that sort of light opera. But there in the not so far
background was the snickering sound of what could be likened to a 14
year old boy being lectured by his "dirty old man" uncle. And NBC had
to suspend him? My God! If some of my most stupid moments were
captured on video and waved before the public, you couldn't find me to
tell me I was suspended. And trust me, I have some pretty stupid
moments in my wild young days. But rather than to decide the nation
needed my cleverness and wisdom, I decided to try growing up, instead.
Folks, we are in deep doodoo. Up to the chin, deep. And the even
badder news is, we're stuck with one or the other, the Crook or the
Now back in the us old geezers are fond of saying, back in
the "good" old days we working class owned a large part of the
Democratic Party. Sure, we still had to rub shoulders with the
Dixicrats and some of the up and coming corporations like Boeing, but
mostly we held sway. We had our Union Solidarity marching shoulder to
shoulder with our promising young politicians.
But today? We're nothing but consumers, at best. We are told who we
can "choose" between, Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dum. And off we go,
happy to "do our bit for democracy". What a funny thought, as I
listened to bits and pieces of the Sunday Night Show of Shows,
democracy, a word that has lost its meaning.
Ah, Cathy is now stepping from the bed room after a sleepless night.
There must have been Evil Spirits flowing across the nation from that
horror show. Anyone else have a miserable night? Hope not, because
there are real bad times coming down the road.

Carl Jarvis

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