Wednesday, March 20, 2019

and now for the rest of the story...

Once again I have been bested by my computer. It takes control from
time to time.
But undaunted, I try try try again.
Here's the AP report:
SEATTLE (AP) — The National Weather Service says Seattle's high
temperature of 79 degrees makes it the warmest March day on record
since 1894.

The National Weather Service said on Twitter that the temperature was
recorded Tuesday afternoon. The previous record was 78 degrees on
March 29, 2004.

On Monday, Seattle hit 76 degrees which was the earliest ever in the
calendar year that Seattle has been that warm.

The weather service says other cities in Western Washington including
Olympia, Bellingham and Hoquiam also broke daily record high
temperatures on Tuesday.

The reference to 1894 does not suggest that a hotter day was recorded.
1894 was the year official records began being kept in the area.
As much as I am a Sun Worshiper, our happy little home is nestled
beneath four huge, one hundred year old Cedar trees, and surrounded by
lush forests and tangles of underbrush. We count on the off-shore
flow and the soggy Spring that often sags well into late July, to keep
down the threat of forest fires. While we keep a 30 plus foot fire
lane around the house, those giant Cedars loom above our roof. Our
water tank holds 500 gallons, which would amount to spitting into a
tornado, and we have only one quarter mile road out to the county
road. As I approach my 84TH birthday, and as a totally blind man, I
would never imagine out running such a fire. Might as well get out
the mustard and mayonnaise and wait to be grilled.
In saner times a government that really cared for the well being of
its people, might have at ready a fleet of air born tankers that could
dump tons of water and chemicals on pesky fires, both in forest land
as well as in the towns and villages. But we have chosen to support
building a military machine that protects the properties and potential
properties of the Greed Driven Profiteers. And towns like Paradise be
While some of our friends question why we would risk living in this
potential tinderbox, we remind them that ALL working class citizens
live at risk of losing all they have struggled for, if it becomes
desired by members of the Ruling Class.
An old friend of mine lost his 100 acre farm south of Seattle.
Property taxes were raised so high that he could no longer raise
enough produce to pay them, let alone make a living. His farm today
is an Industrial Park. 100 acres of rich dark farm soil now covered
with cement.
My Mother-in-Law was forced to sell her home of over 25 years, well
below market value. For over 12 years the city of Renton had not
allowed any improvements to be made to the homes in her immediate
area, while the city fought through the courts in order to make
"improvements" in the area. First they widened the highway and took
nearly all of her front yard. Then the entire house began to fall
into disrepair.
The corporation that finally bought the house mowed it down and built
a cement block storage building.
The city of Renton continued to claim they had condemned the property
in the Public interest. Yes my friends, we live in a land of equal
opportunity. Equal, that is, if you can afford to buy it.

Carl Jarvis

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