Sunday, August 14, 2011

Eat the Rich, then what?

Subject: Re: Eat the Rich, then what?

Pour another cup of tea my friend, and settle down.  Manipulating official statistics and people's minds is what these Puppets do for a living.  You can spot them by their big brown lips and twitching noses.  They are well paid to spin their webs of hooey. 
The hard part of it is that because they put on a clean suit of clothes and comb their hair...usually...many Americans find them credible. 
We work with many older folks who are scared witless over the current unrestrained plunder of our economy.  They see their life savings going down the toilet.  Who do they blame?  They know that they did everything they were supposed to do in order to have a secure retirement, so it can't be them.  And it can't be their bankers and stock brokers.  These are the "good guys" who advised them over the years.  So they tune on Fox News and learn the truth.  It's that incompetent government and those greedy welfare bums and all those illegal's as well as Terrorists and other non Christian trouble makers.  Cathy and I do what we can, but the fact is that they've been so overwhelmed with the Ruling Class Party Line that we're about as effective as when we try to explain to an eighty year old lady that she can live a full life without eyesight.  People don't rely on their eyes for 80 years and then suddenly accept the idea that they can just pick up and go forward without their precious sight.  Neither can we expect folks to have lived under this never ending barrage of lies and then suddenly see the light.  We don't give up our beliefs that easy. 
It's sort of funny when you stop and look at it.  Here we are, thinking that we can inform the American People, when they already believe that they are informed. 
But hey, let's try pushing that boulder up the hill again. 
Curious Carl (the happy pessimist)

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