Saturday, August 20, 2011

money, money money!

Subject: Re: money, money, money!

It's getting crazy.  I signed my name to a couple of petitions and all at once I began receiving begging letters from all corners of the Universe.  Some Martian is trying to replant Mars and needs money.  A fellow from Sirius is getting serious about a famine spreading among a rare breed of Glutterbogles on a distant planet. 
Most of these I do not post to the Blind Democracy list because, as it has been pointed out, many of us are poor senior citizens struggling to avoid having to draft a begging letter of our own. 
Curious Carl
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2011 5:46 PM
Subject: money, money money!

So, if the emails aren't asking me to sign another petition saying the same
thing that all the other petitions said, they're asking for money.  And I
began answering calls from numbers I don't recognize in case they were from
politicians to whom I could express an opinion, but they're all groups,
asking for money.  To the last one who called, I said, "You're asking for
money at this time? I'm a senior citizen who receives social security and
medicare and I can't donate money to anyone at this point in time".  But you
know, I wonder if all of the social security recipients, the poor, the
working families, the disabled, are even real to the groups who are
supposedly advocating for us."  Do they think that everyone who's on their
lists of email recipients and former donors are financially secure
altruistic people?  I don't have my own deficit yet, but if I donated to
everyone who asked, I would.


Blind-Democracy mailing list

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