Monday, October 1, 2012

a star is born!!!

A Star is Born!

Saturday morning at 8:00 A.M. found Cathy an me pulling down the alley behind radio station KONP, Port Angeles.  Each week, Mark Harvey hosts an hour long program on a variety of health topics.  Mark's day job is as a social worker for the Senior I&A on the North Olympic Peninsula.  We had made this commitment some weeks back, and as the day drew close I began to twitter.  No, not twit, just twitter. 
So, trembling just a wee bit, with a mouth full of cotton, I was seated before a microphone and outfitted with a set of headphones. 
The first thing I discovered was that in an hour on the air you only get 39 minutes of actual talk. 
Whew!  That was good news, because even as nervous as I get, I can always babble for 39 minutes. 
The second discovery was that it really helps to have a professional interviewer feeding you questions.  Mark Harvey is about as good as they come. 
We chatted about the independent living, older blind program, and the WCB, and the ACB and the WTBBL.  And finally we even talked about my most favorite subject.  Me! 
Cathy and I drove away wondering if anyone listens to KONP at that early hour.  This morning the Fed X driver brought a delivery and when I opened the door he said, "That was a really good program Saturday morning, Thanks". 
Wow!  A star is born! 
So what's my point, other than blowing my own horn?  Well, if Jarvis can go in front of the microphone, just about anyone can.  If we contact enough talk programs, our name will be floating around and when folks have vision issues they will remember that there is an organization standing ready to help. 
Carl Jarvis

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