Monday, October 29, 2012

We are Us

Ashley and All who think the Privateers can run a better democracy
Government is us.  We are government.  If we can't take care of ourselves, why would we expect to hand off our responsibility to some private, for profit company?  Aren't they people, too?  Why do we buy this garbage, and it is also polluting our brains, this garbage that somehow we are different when we get together and do something because we are a community, and when we give it to someone wanting to suck our wallets clean? 
Let's get over this Left and Right thinking.  This is the Village versus the profiteers. 
We are bright enough to take care of our own needs without having to hand off control.  We are the People.  We are the government.  Government is us.  Am I coming through?  Do we want to hand off the protection of our nation to some "for profit" folks?  Who is sitting out there watching our borders?  It's us, our sons and daughters.  It is us, the United States of America.  Not the United Corporations of America.  Although we are certainly headed that way.  We are now both the United States and the American Empire.  The United States is still the people's government.  The American Empire is the corporate government. 
Right now we are in a life and death struggle for the existence of our government.  We're so silly that we are actually handing off our nations public school to privateers.  Think of it!  The wolves have broken into the hen house.  Do you suppose that the Private, for profit corporations are going to teach our children democracy, or freedom of expression?  Get real! 
Carl Jarvis
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2012 10:44 PM
Subject: Re: [acb-chat] FW: [PnaiOr-Phila] URGENT: Preparing for the Storm

holly cow. All human activity doesn't cause the storm we might have.
We need to care and clean up our environment and yes some beaches are dirty. But others such as that one on the island I went are beautiful and yes you can still walk barefoot. Its clean.
I think we need to clean up the environment and yeah stop the pollution but where I differ with the far left is government cannot solve this problem.
We need to encourage and reward somehow responsible behavior; recycle more, reuse containers, and of course stop littering the beaches and roads.
Yes there is plastic in the rivers and oceans. But again, I'm not sure government can stop it; you cannot enforce some of  these laws should they be passed as we don't have an official monitoring every beach and public highway.
Anyway, back to the storm, it will be here. I think a better  discussion could be what do you do to prepare. I doubt our house is in a position to be flooded, but homes in other cities nearby are such as Alexandria. What do you do to lessen flood damage if possible?
Sandy, if you're reading, I had a similar reaction. Why forward a piece of crap to sign a petetion when it doesn't even say what the petition is about or what it will actually do. Is there a certain law or program to be supported by signing such a petition. Meanwhile, you have people being forced to evacuate from homes, you have airports closing, if what they say does happen houses will suffer water damage, mass power outages, and more.
So, I am with you and bracing for the storm. If I lose power, I'll write to you all days later. I'm also thinking of volunteering in the aftermath to assist the red cross and other victims who need help.
Hi Clifford and all Air Breathers and Those dependent upon the Land,
In 1962 I was riding with my father-in-law, coming home from down town Seattle after a hard days work in the drapery factory.  Mike had the radio tuned to the local news.  The mayor had just announced that he'd hired a consultant to determine the air quality in our Fair City.  60 thousand dollars.  Now at the time I was making around 2 dollars an hour.  60 thousand dollars was a pile of money to me back then.  I glanced over my shoulder and saw, hovering above the city, a brownish yellow haze.  "I could have saved the mayor 50 thousand dollars," I told Mike.  And for only 20 thousand dollars I'd tell him whatever he wanted me to say". 
Skipping ahead 50 years we find that my offer was taken up over and over again.  Hundreds, maybe thousands of sooth Sayers have pocketed someone's money and given them scholarly, scientific reports on the
positive or negative impact of Humans upon our climate. 
Tor the right amount of money you can get someone to document any point short of actually predicting the Second Coming...and there are those who even do that. 
So I simply revert to that tried and true method from 50 years ago when I looked over my shoulder. 
Of course these days I'm totally blind, so my other senses need to come into play.  I sniff the air and find that there is a great difference between the Cedar scented air of the Olympic Peninsula and the harsh, acrid air of down town Seattle.  Here, on my deck I can hear a leaf hit the ground.  Far off I hear a hawk.  A fish leaps in the Beaver pond.  In the city I can barely hear myself scream on the down town street corner. 
Out here the trails and back roads are clean of all debris.  Until the hunters pour out of the cities and towns.  They roam the roads and trails shooting at anything that moves, and much that does not move, and throwing their fast food containers, whiskey jugs and beer cans over their shoulders as they plunge and plunder through the land.  When they leave, we go forth with garbage bags and remove their spore. 
Living in this near Paradise, I can tell at once just how Humans are caring for their planet.  The pollution is beyond belief.  Even in the deepest parts of our oceans we find bits of plastic contaminating the creatures living there.  Beaches piled with stinking garbage.  In Hawaii we saw the beautiful land marred with garbage strewn along the highways. 
Such scenes are repeated around the globe.  Seven Billion of us tossing our junk into the lakes, rivers, oceans, roads and neighbors yards.  We are depleting our natural resources, running out of fish and sea foods, playing with the molecular structure of our food, without really knowing what we're doing.  And we shrug our shoulders and say that we can't prove that we are really affecting the planet's weather. 
Clifford, I am 77 years old.  I can remember what my world looked like back as far as the 1940's. 
It was not a  perfect world, for sure, but you could drive fifteen or twenty minutes to the North, East or South of Seattle and find yourself in farmland.  West was Puget Sound, where salmon still swarmed and clams could be easily dug along fairly clean beaches. 
Today the farms are gone, given over to sprawling housing developments and industrial parks.  The salmon are gone and no one would think of eating the clams, if any could be found.  And you had better wear shoes when walking on the sandy beaches.  They are riddled with broken bottle fragments and used needles, and worse.  The beaches are strewn with garbage, broken cars, furniture and unknown things.  The streets of the city are grungy and seldom swept.  Pot holes are appearing and bridges and over passes are in serious condition. 
All of these observations tell me that if we can't take care of what we put here, how would we believe that we care for that which Nature/God has put here?  And even as our pollution kills life around the waters and in the fields, how can we deny that it is not also killing our beloved planet Earth? 
For anyone to even suggest that this is not so is a sign that they need to leave their easy chair and turn off their TV and head out across their country. 
Carl Jarvis
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2012 7:10 PM
Subject: Re: [acb-chat] FW: [PnaiOr-Phila] URGENT: Preparing for the Storm
Dear Bob:
    I do not own stock in any companies that are involved with the coal,
natural gas, or oil companies, but I am skeptical of the claims of some
scientists that claim all of the increased temperatures we are seeing North
of the equator, are the result of activities of man kind.  A huge amount of
CO2 is belched out of volcanoes around the world, and there are many other
factors that cast doubt on the claims of the politicians that would have all
of us riding bikes and living in wool cocoons during the Winter to avoid the
use of heat in our homes.  By the way, I enjoy bike riding, having put in
thirty miles on my tandem last weekend, but before you consign me to the
bike year round, I want to point out that I have always had  an interest in
science and wanted to be a physicist, but that was derailed when the head of
the physics department discovered that I could not read a slide rule.
    When scientists start out to prove a given proposition, they often can
come up with some evidence to  support their conclusions, and when you add
to that mix, the political desire of some to make oil, natural gas, oil, and
nuclear targets, we end up with no source of power or energy.  I was
recently in Alaska, and overlooking the port where we set out for salmon,
was a large wind mill generating facility, which we supposed was taking
advantage of the winds, as it was turning, but NO, it was simply turning
without generating a watt of power.
We were told that this was a multi-million dollar stimulus project.  The
folks in Alaska could certainly use some of the energy that this project
should have brought to bear, but  it turns out that it is a large and
expensive joke.
    Science has discovered that cycles in the Pacific have a huge impact on
the climate in our country as well as others, which has much greater effects
on climate than the fractional changes attributable to Man's existence on
    Yes, I am one of those who is skeptical as to the claims of the left, as
all weather or climate sour notes are blamed on our activities.
    Now, having said all of that, I certainly hope that the storm heading
for the East coast does little damage and that all of you who live in the
area are safe.

Yours Truly,

Clifford Wilson
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Hachey" <>
To: "General discussion list for ACB members and friends where a wide range
oftopics from blindness to politics,issues of the day or whatever comes to
mind are welcome. This is afree form discussion list." <>
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2012 9:11 PM
Subject: Re: [acb-chat] FW: [PnaiOr-Phila] URGENT: Preparing for the Storm

> Hi Eric,
> This is an excellent post. I agree wholeheartedly with the contents. This
> would be a good one to send to any climate deniers you may know. Those are
> the ones who argue that there is no climate change and any anomalies that
> one finds are not caused by human activity. Those are the ones who put
> corporate profits above preservation of the environment. Those are the
> ones who will latch onto anything they can find to support their
> unwillingness to have us Americans change our piggish ways such as driving
> in huge vehicles and wasting energy. Those are the folks who have their
> heads implanted firmly inside of the corporate posterior.
> Bob Hachey
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