Sunday, October 23, 2011

Biased? You betcha!

Subject: Biased? You betcha!

Biased?  Only a fool would deny it.  But what is even worse is that we human beings are totally brainwashed.  And a majority of us around the world do not believe that we are.  Worse than that, we did it to ourselves.  Long, long ago.  Even before old blind Homer was wandering around trying to make sense out of stuff.  Back to those fearful folks huddled around the first camp fire, staring out into space and wondering what it was all about. 
So they made up a story.  They created a mighty Being, even at times they created many mighty Beings, who had all the answers. 
That made it much better.  They now could go about the business of tracking their dinner and gathering their berries.  They even began to make up stories about just what the mighty Being, or Beings did, and how He/They pulled off this creation. 
I could go on, but the point is that human beings came to rely upon the single, wise Creator.  This fellow knows all. 
This might be of no particular consequence except that we carried the concept over to our daily lives. 
Because of generations of conditioning we never really believe in our collective strength to solve our problems and to make a better world to live in.  We must have our brilliant leaders.  While we talk about democracy, we look to the strongman to lead us.  Like our great Creator, we believe that it takes one very wise person to guide us.  And even when they turn out to have feet of clay, even as our great Creator has, we quickly turn to the next emerging wise leader. 
Now we see around the world the strongmen are falling.  With each mighty crash we cheer, believing that now the world is a safer place to live in.  Yet if we just glanced through our dusty old history books we'd see that this has been going on longer than the written word.  Mighty leaders rise up, stride the Earth and then crash and burn only to be followed by another, and another.  Do we learn anything from this? 
Instead of pondering what it all means, we rush to our place of worship and pray to our Great Being to send us a new Savior. 
Ship of Fools? 
Curious Carl

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