Monday, October 17, 2011

Occupy the Boardroom. Send Wall Street a message today!

Subject: Re: Occupy the Boardroom. Send Wall Street a message today!

Dick and all lovers of Capitalism,
We disagree here.  My view is that government is the tool of the people.  The people who control the government.  In America today it is the 1% Ruling Class who can afford to pay for the finest government in the world.  This government of theirs has followed their instructions pretty consistently, giving them all sorts of ways to increase their wealth and control over the 99% who cannot afford to buy a government. 
Americans say we do not want war.  We want peace.  Yet, there is greater profit in war than there is in peace.  So the 1% pay their governmental officials to give them some good wars. 
The 1% no longer need to locate their factories in America, and no longer need to mess with unions.  They have paid a government to open the doors for them to move about the world and find cheap labor and then ship their products back into America to sell. 
The Ruling Class educates their own children in private schools.  They do not want to pay high taxes to support schools for the masses.  They pay their government to begin the process of dismantling public education.  First by discrediting all that it has done over the years to make this the strong nation it is, and then to cut off funding so the schools will fall apart.  Break the teachers unions and send them packing. 
The Ruling Class take care of their own elderly members.  They do not need Medicare or old age programs or nursing homes.  These are systems that are just burning up money that could be better spent in building better missiles.  So the Ruling Class buys a government that tears down all such spendy programs. 
The Ruling Class does not need jobs or job training.  They take care of their own.  President Obama can't push through a weak job bill because it would call for a teeny bit of sacrifice by the Ruling Class.  Why should they suffer even a little bit when they don't need to? 
And the best trick of all is that the Ruling Class has figured out how to manipulate the public perception to where many Americans think that it is the incompetent government that is the problem.  Trust me, Dick.  If the government were not serving the needs of the people who bought it, it would be dismissed in the next election and a new, more trust worthy government would be  bought and set in place. 
This is Capitalism at its finest! 
Carl Jarvis

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