Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Empire is Falling! The Empire is Falling!

The Empire is Falling!  The Empire is Falling!
"The Empire is falling!  The Empire is falling!" 
No, that's not little Henny Penny charging about in a panic.  It's the 99%, growing in numbers and determination each day.  Like King George IV, the American Empire is oblivious to the storm clouds gathering at its Wall Street door. 
As with all Empires, this greatest of all Empires merely scoffs and sneers at the rabble gathering in their back yard. 
They have much more important business to attend to abroad.  There is money to be made, resources to be captured, nations to be enslaved.  So busy are they that the stench of their own internal rot fails to reach their greedy noses. 
But the Empire is falling!  The Empire is falling! 
One day soon the Empire will awaken and the sneers and jeers will stop.  The condescension will end and the iron fist will come smashing down upon the 99%.  This is when we learn what we are made of.  This will be the moment when we stand the test or fall back into serfdom.  There will be no middle ground.  It is Class War, make no mistake about it. 
If history repeats itself, and it does, the Empire will have learned nothing.  Their eyes are clouded by greed and they will resort to the tried and true methods of all crumbling Empires.  Might makes Right!  They have the guns and they have the money and they have the Law. 
But we have our resolve.  And we have our children and grand children to protect.  All of the weapons and wealth and power will not stand up to our determination. 
Rather than sitting on the sidelines timidly peering out at the events unfolding, we must step forward and work to ensure that out of the crash a true Democracy will emerge.  A 99% plus Democracy. 
For one thing is certain.  The Empire is falling!  The Empire is falling! 
Carl Jarvis

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