Sunday, October 23, 2011

NPR, I knew Thee when...

Ah, dear NPR, I knew Thee when. 
Yes, I do remember you so well.  Young, fresh, eager, and pure of heart.  You swept onto the scene like a Home Coming Queen, swirling forward to have the first dance. 
I fell in love with you back then.  Your strong, independent spirit made the other networks appear dowdy and frumpy and stuffy.  A bunch of old crows gabbling over the back fence.  But you dashed about with open arms, embracing all that came your way.  I loved you, NPR.  I loved you because you were your own person.  You were wise beyond your young years.  You did not shy away from any new story.  You told us it all. 
But that was so long ago.  I weep to think of the terrible change that over took you my sweet NPR. 
That brightness, that fearless spirit.  Gone. 
Now I find you with the other old crows, hanging over the back fence, gossiping about nothing important.  Twisting the news and hiding from controversy. 
And so, NPR, it is to be Farewell!  We thank you for what you gave us in past years. 
But you have broken the trust between us by creeping into the beds of Corporate America and allowing them to seduce you. 
It's amazing that in my lifetime I have watched you go from a sweet, innocent virgin to a haggard, worthless prostitute. 
Curious Carl

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