Friday, April 20, 2012

Fw: My thoughts on this latest ObamaGate deal.

Subject: Re: My thoughts on this latest ObamaGate deal.

We just love a good scandal.  It takes no effort to blabber along over Secret Service staff and Hookers.  But to discuss issues that might bring down our nation?  Gads!  That takes some time and some thinking.  I hear that the brain must be exercised in order to maintain its size and its usefulness.  My bet is that if we went about opening the heads of people we would find little walnut sized brains bouncing about. 
Curious Carl
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 8:08 AM
Subject: My thoughts on this latest ObamaGate deal.

I think that what's going on here with the Secret Service Scandal and the
GSA fiasco is that people dig things up merely because of the guy who's in
office.  There have been scandals and improprieties that have taken place
with each president, whether it is Obama, the bush crowd, Nixon or Kennedy,
and now that we have internet, cellular service and youtube, things are a
never-ending carnival of video.
The race thing plays right into, and you can tell by listening to the
republican the talking heads, whose mission it is to find the most ugly,
obscene and disgraceful news and put it on the front pages of their news
rags or on their lousy three hour radio shows.  Oh,
Romney put his dog on the roof of his car; so, when Obama wrote his book, he
admitted that he ate dog, so he's worse. 
Bush 41 didn't know what a scanner was; and
Gore made up climate change.  Nixon had a
Chinese hooker or mistress; Jimmy
carter was the most incompetent president ever. 
When it comes down to it, everyone has baggage; nobody's perfect. 
Romney will come to the center and piss off
Baggers, while Obama will anger his base by saying things he needn't say to
gain favor for the majority of votes. 
When it all comes down to it, you pull you lever and takes your chances. 
Dogs a

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