Sunday, August 19, 2012

Fw: Gibson, Reader Supported News

Subject: Re: Time for a Revolution By Carl Gibson, Reader Supported News

So what does a military coup look like?  Read this article posted by Claude, and you'll have a pretty good idea. 
Carl Jarvis
Subject: Time for a Revolution By Carl Gibson, Reader Supported News

Time for a Revolution By Carl Gibson, Reader Supported News

17 August 12


"Those who make nonviolent revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK
"God forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion." - Thomas Jefferson
"Power concedes nothing without a demand ... The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress." - Frederick Douglass

If you've ever noticed an inconspicuous dome-shaped camera out in public, chances are good that a private company called Abraxas, consisting of highly-skilled CIA elites in Northern Virginia, have noticed you. And above just noticing you on camera, they have your face on file, track your movements from place to place, and know what car you drive, your home address, your occupation, and only God (and the CIA) knows what else, thanks to a program called TrapWire unearthed by Wikileaks and Anonymous. A whitewash scrub story by the New York Times calls the program "counter-terrorism software," but these leaked Stratfor emails show that TrapWire is mainly used to monitor activists, not terrorists.

The biggest news of the week that nobody's noticed thanks to the Olympics and Miley Cyrus's new haircut is that the Obama administration is appealing Manhattan federal judge Katherine Forrest's ruling that the indefinite detention clause of the National Defense Authorization Act is unconstitutional. The White House has presented no evidence to support their case, but they're still appealing, based on their claim that the executive branch has the right to put anyone deemed a potential terrorist threat in military jail for an indefinite period of time. The most troubling part of this story is that the White House refuses to say whether or not they're still indefinitely detaining people even after Forrest's ruling.

And the anti-protest law, HR 347, that was easily passed through both houses of Congress and signed into law by President Obama without so much as a peep from the media, makes it a felony for anyone to protest anyone, anywhere, where there is secret service protection. To capture the sad irony award of the year, the Department of Homeland Security assisted the Philadelphia Police Department in arresting dozens of nonviolent protesters guilty of nothing else than expressing First Amendment rights of free speech and free assembly at the Occupy National Gathering, in the same city that's home to Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell of all places, on the 4th of July weekend, of all times. On this chilling video, the last feed of the last livestreamer shortly before an unjustified arrest, you can hear the cameraman remind his fellow kettled protesters that they haven't been given any charges, nor any opportunity to disperse before a mass illegal arrest, which is technically a kidnapping.

Perhaps the calculated media silence is because corrupt governments and corporations don't like to have their corruption documented on film and seen by the public. In my current city, Manchester, New Hampshire, one man is facing 21 years in prison, or 3 7-year counts of felony wiretapping, for recording a Manchester police officer slamming the face of a high school student into a cafeteria table.

Our securitized surveillance police state has shown how it reacts to nonviolent protest movements - harsh and brutal retaliation. Protesters nonviolently demonstrating at a meeting of Northeastern governors and Canadian officials in Burlington, Vermont, were attacked with pepper balls and rubber bullets. Anaheim, California, is under what amounts to martial law after the unprovoked murder of an unarmed man by police. Even chalk drawings now are apparently cause for police to shoot artists with rubber bullets, like they did recently in Los Angeles. And in London before the Olympics, a group of bicyclists were tackled by police, pepper-sprayed and arrested for doing nothing other than riding bikes.

So, just to recap - we live in a country where your every move is monitored and tracked by thousands of cameras, where you can be deemed a terrorist threat without a shred of evidence, where protesting politicians and filming police is a felony, and anyone can be indefinitely detained without trial or representation at the order of the President. This means the entire bill of rights is being blatantly disregarded by the current government, with the exception of amendments 2 and 3. The only things that don't appear to be serious crimes worthy of government action are mass shootings like the recent ones in Colorado, Wisconsin and Texas, and, of course, the deliberate mortgage fraud perpetuated by the world's biggest banks, who all just got a free pass from the United States Department of Justice.

The only appropriate government response to mass shootings seems to be thoughts and prayers, combined with more prayers and and thoughts. And the government's official response to bankers kicking families out of their homes so they could buy a newer Bentley was to not press any charges. After all, there are more serious criminals to pursue, like people protesting the behavior of banks.

In a nation with a somewhat reasonable government, like Iceland, a nonviolent protest movement can sometimes lead to the current government being voted out, tried for their crimes, and replaced with a new government that arrests bankers, forgives fraudulent mortgage debt, and crowdsources a new constitution directly from the people.

Concerning less reasonable governments, like the Assad regime in Syria, a nonviolent protest movement had no choice but to take up arms against their government when their protesting was met with cold-blooded murder of children at the hands of state military and police. And after the loss of thousands of lives, the people appear to have almost achieved the seemingly impossible victory of overthrowing their tyrant. Good for them.

Though our elections are rigged, the state isn't yet massacring its citizens in the streets. I'd like to think the ability for the US government to be reasonable lies somewhere between Iceland and Syria. Because Occupy's methods of nonviolent, momentary disruption of society for the sake of civil disobedience were only met with state-sponsored violence and blatant suppression of freedoms, this means tactics must now be amplified if we're to force meaningful change. Acts of protest must now become acts of rebellion, like refusing to waive your 4th amendment rights at a border patrol checkpoint. It can mean blocking the Texas leg of the Keystone XL pipeline. It could even be similar to Roger Pion's retaliation to police in Vermont, when he ran over all their cruisers with his tractor in response to their constant harassment.

The state's first mistake was thinking they could continue their goal of redistributing the last of the wealth owned by the middle class to the richest 1% without resistance. Their second mistake was brutally suppressing the nonviolent uprising that swept the country last Fall, and then continuing their class war as if nothing had happened. If this government makes the third mistake of not responding to the multiple demands that have been made for accountability, for fair elections, or even just an equal shot at a good life for everyone, then the citizens have every right to do what according to Jefferson, should've rightfully been done a long time ago. If small acts of rebellion are ignored, the United States could become the next Syria. In all of history, no tyrannical power has ever conceded peacefully.


Carl Gibson, 24, of Lexington, Kentucky, is a spokesman and organizer for US Uncut, a nonviolent, creative direct-action movement to stop budget cuts by getting corporations to pay their fair share of taxes. He graduated from Morehead State University in 2009 with a B.A. in Journalism before starting the first US Uncut group in Jackson, Mississippi, in February of 2011. Since then, over 20,000 US Uncut activists have carried out more than 300 actions in over 100 cities nationwide. He currently lives in Manchester, New Hampshire. You may contact Carl at carl@rsnorg.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Reader Supported News is the Publication of Origin for this work. Permission to republish is freely granted with credit and a link back to Reader Supported News.

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 -9 # johninnc 2012-08-17 07:42
yes - and soon they will try to outlaw and confiscate all our guns to make any revolution impossible.
  +24 # independentmind 2012-08-17 08:09
And if we all start shooting at each other who wins?
  +18 # RLF 2012-08-17 08:19
No one wins until its over...Just because you're a liberal doesn't mean you have to be a wimp also. Attn: The JFK quote above. (Last ditch!)
  +32 # HowardMH 2012-08-17 08:57
RLF, Agree, but it really isn't about liberals or conservatives. It is more about stupid people than anything else.

As one Idiot Senator said how can there be global warming when we can build a snow man and igloo on the mall in Wash DC, which his kids actually did a couple years ago. However, the real problem is the millions of idiots that voted for these morons. Until food prices doubles or triples these stupid people will not get it – and by then it just might be too late to stop global warming.
As long as the oil and coal companies continue to own the politicians, nothing is going to change on Capital Hill. Until there are two hundred thousand really, really pissed off people on Capital Hill (all at the same time) raising some serious hell absolutely nothing is ever, ever going to happen to these totally bought and paid for by the richest 50 people in the world that are becoming more and more powerful with each passing rigged election thanks to the stupid people.
  0 # Billy Bob 2012-08-17 16:26
Wimp equals not trying to overthrow the American government by force?
  +10 # carpepax 2012-08-17 10:16
Hahahahahahahah a! This is where those on the right and left will disagree with that notion. From millions of cold dead fingers? Why do you think law enforcement left the Tea Party activists alone but cracked down hard on Occupy Wall Street? Because they know the peaceful protesters at Occupy aren't armed. Law enforcement is terrified of the 2nd Amendment crowd which, if things proceed to their likely end as this article warns, may just save any popular movement from total suppression.
  0 # Billy Bob 2012-08-17 16:25
Your guns are useless against the U.S. The only purpose they serve is to terrorize your neighbors.
  -25 # ecoforestree 2012-08-17 08:03
You are misinformed about Syria. The government is only trying to protect citizens from foreign terrorists led by Al CIAda and the corrupt US government. This article is not about revolution, It is about promoting another illegal US war against the people of Syria and Iran. The US government loves to brainwash people in to killing for democracy and this another excellent example of the not so subtle way they do this
  +22 # bmiluski 2012-08-17 09:13
So let me understand this. The Syrian government is trying to protect its citizens by killing its own women and children. Oh, I see.
  +2 # dbriz 2012-08-17 12:57
You do understand the geopolitical background in which Syria finds itself.

Then you are likely aware that Syria is (soon to be was) one of the few Middle Eastern nations where Christians are free to worship.

And that our sworn enemy Al Qaeda(now our friends strangely enough)are leading players receiving financing and encouragement in no small way from CIA/MI6 (Turkey and the Mossad have also provided fingerprints) sponsored operatives so they can bring "democracy" to the people of Syria (unless they are Alawites or Christians of course).

The illogic of all this is trumped by the reality that it pleases Bibi and his Likudnik friends in Israel and Washington.

And a final thought about the acts you ascribe to the Syrian government; you are aware that our benevolent Emperor in DC claims exactly the same right for his government?
  +2 # Activista 2012-08-17 12:57
Please read the author reference:
from USraeli mass media - pay attention - shooting at the government forces and burning down government buildings IS NOT PEACEFUL protest. Then google bit - and find out that Syria "revolution" was started by Al CIAda with Saudi, Qatar, Bahrain men and arm insurgency.
"The government is only trying to protect citizens from foreign terrorists led by Al CIAda and the corrupt US government" is correct ....
  +13 # pernsey 2012-08-17 10:36
Fox news loves to brainwash the uninformed...looks like they claimed another victim.
  +6 # Majikman 2012-08-17 11:18
I agree, ecoforest. The only possible way to understand what's really happening in Syria is via indy media and indy reporters who are actually on the ground. The rest of the garbage media is propaganda...doing what they do best.
  +7 # spritzler 2012-08-17 08:11
If you think it is time to start thinking about revolution, about whether it is necessary and--more controversially --whether it is possible in the U.S., then please read "Thinking about Revolution," which I co-authored, at .

--John Spritzler
  +27 # Activista 2012-08-17 08:37
man is facing 21 years in prison, or 3 7-year counts of felony wiretapping, for recording a Manchester police officer slamming the face of a high school student into a cafeteria table ...
Where are the media .. they are in Moscow criticizing Putin!
we live in a country where your every move is monitored ... anyone can be indefinitely detained without trial or representation at the order of the President (Obama). People WAKE UP!
  +29 # scotttonto 2012-08-17 08:48
One of the best articles I have read in a while now..... it is this serious... yet... this is the time.. we must ALL... turn up the heat.. and yes... they will kill more of us... this is true Fascism... and communism for the 1%. The so-called... good hearted people of this country.. just keep voting for the same people... party... that wants to leave them in the streets and fight for food with the dogs..... It is truly amazing... the blindness of the American self absorbed.. they absolutely can't see the forest from the trees.
  +6 # bmiluski 2012-08-17 09:16
Instead of groaning and moaning about our 2 party system, go out and start a new party and start at the grass roots in city/state government. Pay your dues and then get national.
  +11 # Erdajean 2012-08-17 10:53
Fine idea that comes WAY too late. Here we are faced with an election of either a very low-functioning criminally-programmed automaton and his blank-eyed,totally evil conjoined twin, OR another guy we KNOW -- by watching while he boosts his power to imprison us forever. Next he is going to sell us down the river to pick cotton for some of his richest plantation friends. A guy who is going to blame US, the poverty-stricken, should he lose, for not "giving enough" to offset what the robot rakes in from the richest thugs in the world. A guy whom all the Pink-Toes in Birkenstocks support without a qualm -- or a solitary caution.
No I do NOT like this man. Yet if we do not vote for him, Evil Robots Inc. take over.
We are in TERRIBLE trouble, my friends. I am very old, and my dreams go back to the rise of the Third Reich -- and the people, THEN, who thought if we just "went along" and ignored it, it would all be OK.
They, and their apathy, would soon be ashes.
  +8 # Eldon J. Bloedorn 2012-08-17 08:53
I have a suggestion for me-legally move to Canada.
  +22 # indian weaver 2012-08-17 09:15
Canada will get you if Amerika doesn't. Don't kid yourself. Canada is no place to hide. They are becoming a carbon copy of Amerika. It wasn't always this way. During Viet Nam, many did emigrate to Canada. My wife and I had an appt. with the Immigration Officer in Chicago in June, 1970 to flee the Viet Nam nightmare but I was exempted from serving in Viet Nam by a high draft number in May, 1970. Again, Canada is no longer a place to hide.
  +16 # Eldon J. Bloedorn 2012-08-17 09:54
I'm 71 years old. Just have had enough of America trying to build an empire. War after war after war. Things being relative, Canada is a peaceful country. Viet Nam, Kennedy authorizing a weapon of mass destruction-Agent Orange. Bush and Cheney authorized a weapon of mass destruction in Iraq-nuclear alloy ammunition. Several medical people (highly respected doctors) have stated (depends wich doctor you listen to) there has been a five to seven fold increase in the incidence of cancer since before and after the Iraqi war.
Nuclear ammo penetrates tank armor. Enters operator's environment-burns at a very high temperature, creates fires-sets off nuclear radiation, poisonous gases. If the operator is not instantly killed, slowly may die of nuclear radiation. Many soldiers return home with radiation diseases- usually affects reproduction. Bush and Cheney have to be very careful about which countries they wish to vacation in-several countries (including some Eastern states in the U.S.)have outstanding arrest warrents for them. The book, "The Ugly American" while written some time ago, is worth reading.
  +5 # indian weaver 2012-08-17 12:44
Canada does remain a more peaceful country but is mimicking amerika more by the minute - witness the tar sands oil fiascos getting underway in their arctic, displacing the native canadians there and destroying their lives and environment, just one example of Amerika Jr. today. During Viet Nam War Spring of 1969, we had to sew Canadian flags on our backpacks while hitchhiking thru Europe to avoid derision or worse by the French who'd just been defeated in Viet Nam in the earlier 1960s, like we were in 1975. The French during that time despised America due to our Viet Nam policy that they knew by then was b.s. I got a haircut in Nice, France in May, 1969 and the barber shaved my head when he found out I was an American. I wasn't paying attention to what he was doing to my hair, cutting off my long hippie hairdo down to my skull! I learned a lot at that moment - about European perception of us and that we weren't god's gift to planet earth and all people on it after all. In those days, I could hitchhike from Bloomington, IN to India via the middle east / Afghanistan with no problem, hard to believe isn't it. Try that now, and I covered 1/2 of the globe with $200 and endless kindness of strangers the entire way giving me rides and places to stay, or rent a bed in a youth hostel overnight or for weeks on a few dollars. Those were better days.
  +16 # reiverpacific 2012-08-17 08:58
My contempt for the paranoid, pathetic, pokin' into people's lives is unlimited (England is just as bad if not worse).
I hope that they enjoy my less-than-purty moosh on their cameras. It's not goin' to stop me being a raving lefty!
I may have to start wearin' my kilt on windy days, just to give the poor, humorless ol' darlins something to eyeball -might get done for indecent bum-showin or worse.
To quote the Monty Python/Johns Cleese Kn-n-n-iggit on the battlements "Ah fart in their general directions"!
  +2 # BeaDeeBunker 2012-08-17 09:25
This is a message for Abraxas.
Officially, I see no evil, I speak no evil, I hear no evil.
Unofficially, as you already know, it's a different matter.
Didn't your parents teach you that it is not nice to peek?
Stop doing it, or I will send you to bed without your supper! And definitely no dessert for you.
  +17 # Kootenay Coyote 2012-08-17 09:30
If you tie the teakettle lid down tightly enough while it's on the fire, you get an explosion. Same difference: so far, we can see it coming clearly, & the Establishment can't act sanely
  +23 # walt 2012-08-17 09:33
We are in a dangerous mode now as government and the big money of the "security" industry have joined hands against the people.

Most shocking of all is the Obama administration supporting the NDAA and even challenging in court when a judge declared it unconstitutiona l. Yes, American citizens can be arrested and detained indefinitely by their own military. Every founding father has rolled over in the grave several times on that one.

John Kennedy said it best with "Those who make nonviolent revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

If we don't demand change, we are headed for massive troubles.
  +14 # Eldon J. Bloedorn 2012-08-17 09:41
The "Citizens United" decision robbed America of a chance for improving our "err" Democracy.
  +16 # Capn Canard 2012-08-17 09:42
I would like to believe that we can all agree that we are currently in a fascist Police State. The 0.01% control our government as well as the Mainstream Media that "informs" us all. The voices of the oppressed are not heard and it is rare to hear the voices of well over 90% of the population. We get fed the opinions of assclowns like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Annderson Cooper, Bill O'Reilly, Piers Morgan, Drew Pinsky, Greta Van Susteren, Joy Behar, et al. The middle class is an empty husk, a withered patch of sterile ground during a wicked drought. Besides frustration and agner, what could possibly grow given such conditions? The people are restless and the powers that be are at best apathetic, sorry to say this but revolution is coming whether we want it or not. We are very near the tipping point. In the meantime some of us have other fish to fry.
  +11 # Above God 2012-08-17 09:57
The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws. Pubilius Tactius 56-117 AD. I guess nothing has changed in 2000 years.
  0 # bmiluski 2012-08-17 10:11
My dear, if things HAD changed we would have had a different species running this planet. Our DNA is what it is.
  +12 # SMoonz 2012-08-17 10:17
"So, just to recap - we live in a country where your every move is monitored and tracked by thousands of cameras, where you can be deemed a terrorist threat without a shred of evidence, where protesting politicians and filming police is a felony, and anyone can be indefinitely detained without trial or representation at the order of the President. This means the entire bill of rights is being blatantly disregarded by the current government, with the exception of amendments 2 and 3."

It is time for everyone to stop and think long and hard about where we stand as a nation. If you still think there is a "lesser of two evils" you are sadly mistaken. Evil is evil any way you look at it. Unless we all wake up and start voting differently, paying attention to issues that truly matter and stop living in fear we will end up in really bad shape as individuals, as communities and as a nation.
  +14 # Gwydion Frost 2012-08-17 10:28
First solution-- Forget "Voter Fraud". Classify "Election Tampering" as what it really is: TREASON. Make it punishable by death. That should shake some of the corruption off the tree.
  +1 # orwell, by george 2012-08-17 10:41
yet, so many democrats remain loyal to their fascist, murdering, war criminal president, obama.
sad. and a self-indictment.
  +8 # Majikman 2012-08-17 11:28
I don't think it's an issue of loyalty to Obama (I loathe what he's done---or allowed to happen) so much as a total hatred and fear of what would happen if the repugs got in. It may be moot, maybe not.
With every solicitation for funds from the dem's that I get, I send them a scathing letter in return, sans $$$, telling them to earn my support. I'm sure I'm not alone.
My few bucks goes to the Eliz. Warrens and her ilk.
  +5 # Erdajean 2012-08-17 13:08
Sir, you are NOT alone. You are right a hundred times over. I send back those demands, too, with the response that if Obama had acted with INTEGRITY, all the GOP's money could not have defeated him.

Of course should he lose, his freaks are going to holler that if ONLY we, the penniless, had give money equal to what Romney brought in, he would have won.

And, it does no good for the wise to speak up because the STUPID are so much louder.
Plus, the wise will soon be made non-people, and only the idiots will be allowed to speak. Pretty much as is already true, on the broadcast media.

We are in a re-play of Europe, 1939, but there is NO memory, and the country is too dumb to know it. Like Rachael, I am weeping for my children.
  +1 # Majikman 2012-08-17 15:13
Thanks, Erdajean, but I'm a ma'am, not a Sir. "Majikman" is my feisty, very opinionated Arabian with more horse sense than a lot of people I've met.
  +7 # Majikman 2012-08-17 10:58
Did you ever imagine that when you first read "1984" that it was a blueprint?
  +3 # Mrcead 2012-08-17 11:34
$10 says the feckless men of state plagiarised "1984".
  +7 # noitall 2012-08-17 11:02
When Americans have the guts for revolution, it will come. Right now most Americans are too well off, or to fucking stupid, or in denial, to take the leap that is revolution. Many will have to die to get Americans off their ass. It will take masses of people at demonstrations to start the flow. We can't rely on an objective media, they won't report truthfully what is happening. Turnouts like what showed up for the Rally for Sanity in D.C. 300,000 (although reported as much less). You get turnouts like that and the military will show rather than just tax paid goons.
  0 # Glen 2012-08-17 11:53
Yes, noitall, many thousands of Americans would die in a revolution. It isn't the time for that. Does anyone every want that, truly? Research the War Between the States and the aftermath. Does anyone desire such suffering?

The deaths would be for nothing. Citizens would not win. This isn't a revolution in France. Citizens cannot win in modern U.S.A.
  +3 # indian weaver 2012-08-17 12:34
Yes we can.
  0 # Billy Bob 2012-08-17 16:29
That's what david koresh and timothy mcveigh thought. How are they doing lately?
  0 # Glen 2012-08-17 16:30
How are you gonna do that, indian weaver?
  +7 # indian weaver 2012-08-17 12:01
Well put Mrcead. Most folks are committed to remaining ignorant of what Amerika has become and is becoming. Avoidance of truth, by choice, is the norm for now. Anyone can learn for themselves what is going on and choose not to learn. In 99% of Americans' cases, it is the personal human condition that rallies one to fight back. Once folks become homeless, starving, shot and imprisoned for no reason other than demonstrating, friends / family imprisoned for no legal reason other than fascist terrorism of state, kin folks blown to pieces in stupid pointless wars made up to make the rich richer with killing, torture and worldwide assassinations - making money off war machine weapons / parts / services thru Pentagon corruption = fascism, stuff like that. When you are cornered with nowhere to go, that's when the shit hits your fan and then you will have to decide whether to fight back or lie down and die. Once ultra hardship hits you, it's decision time for the cushy lazy of amerika. It'll come soon, not soon enough. Revolt is due now.
  +7 # Mrcead 2012-08-17 11:30
Ah, I misunderstood. I thought beating back the Nazis was a victory for freedom itself. Apparently freedom is rented and the landlord is merely adjusting his rental rates after fitting the property with shiny new cameras and placing frowny guardsmen all about.
  +1 # Glen 2012-08-17 12:35
Did anyone notice that the author of this piece is 24? That is an age that traditionally calls for revolution, rebellion, fighting a battle that cannot be won, joining the army, quoting members of society that earned their status through suffering and knowledge or experience in the subject, without having experienced anything close to that themselves. He was born toward the end of the Reagan era. He has experienced, as an adult, or close, three presidents. Where is his basis for comparison?

Sure this author has experience in all that he is credited for, but has he witnessed hollow point bullets hitting a comrade in the streets of Omaha Neb.? How would he feel when his town is firebombed?

All the above sounds extreme until one examines the realities of the domestic militarization of the U.S. To blythely even use a photo of the word revolution is irresponsible and ignorant of what a true revolution is.
  +3 # Erdajean 2012-08-17 13:28
So, Glen, exactly what do you propose that we do? I want to know what you think.I would love to know what those who watched Hitler and offered no opposition thought about, later, as their neighbors were hauled to the death camps and their left-behind belongings plundered.
Sheep kind of do like that -- i.e.nothing -- when the wolves are among them. Life at best is short, and eternity is a really long time to reflect, I fear.
  +1 # Glen 2012-08-17 14:17
I understand all of that. Believe me. What I wrote is the truth. Modern Americans have no idea what violence could be visited upon them should there be a genuine revolution.

Folks quote past leaders and the situation as in Europe and elsewhere, without truly understanding the genuine sacrifice made. A revolution means death, destruction, loss of homes, towns, a way of life. Just ask the people in New Orleans what it means to lose a way of life - and without a revolution, just a hurricane.

It is far too easy to rebel, as an adolescent. It is harder to make a plan to resist and not see your family killed.

This is not a military poster with Uncle Sam declaring "We Want You". It would be a very real situation with blood in the streets. People will die, damnit. Everything you know will be gone.

If you do not understand that, then you are blowing bubbles into a rainbow.
 Refresh co

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