Friday, August 3, 2012

Fox Rot

Bob and all free thinkers,
Here is a challenge.  Perhaps you have the intestinal fortitude to do it, but I will not fault you if you cut and run before reaching the end. 
the challenge begins with you turning off your computer, and all radios.  Put away all reading materials.  Then tune on Fox TV.  You must tune up the volume loud enough to hear what is being said from every room in your house or apartment.  Leave Fox go 17 hours each day from 6:00 A.M.  until 11:00 PM. each night. 
To get the most out of this challenge you should attempt to continue without stopping for 30 days. 
If you make the 30 days, and you are still aware of who you are, the second part of the challenge is to answer a few questions. 
1.  What president with the initials "R R" is acclaimed to be the most influential president in the history of the United States? 
2. Who is the only American president to have not been born in the United States--excluding those prior to  Martin Van Buren?
3.  How many Angels can dance on the head of a pin? 
4.  Who is behind the global warming scare tactics?  Large corporations who are attempting to create new jobs, or lying left wing socialist scientists? 
5.  Which is the only true American news channel not taken over by Liberal Dogs? 
6.  Who sucks up more of your hard earned dollars, corrupt  bungling government or lazy shiftless welfare bums? 
The truth is that after this constant barrage you will be hard pressed to gain control of your own mind again.  But the challenge demonstrates what happens when people are subjected to such brain washing year in and year out.  It does rob the brain of its ability to process any information.  
Try to keep this in mind as you walk among the living dead. 
Carl Jarvis
----- Original Message -----
From: Bob Hachey
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 6:46 PM
Subject: Re: Stop the Tax Hike

Hi Carl,
fincher is quite a spinmeister. Under the plan he wants, rich get richer and government programs other than defense get slashed big time. This is class warfare perpetrated by the rich upon the rest of us and for the benefit of the profit creators. Hey fincher, did you hear me? They're profit creators and any jobs they may create are simply a by-product of profit making and will likely be low paying.
Bob Hachey the proud socialist

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