Friday, August 17, 2012

Outcry Against Police Union Bigotry: Whose police are they?

The police are in the streets, saying they are trying to keep the peace.  Keep the peace for whom?  If they are keeping the peace for the local residents they need to take a look at their dismal record.  But in fact, they are keeping the peace for the wealthy members of the community by harassing the poor. 
The Upper Class citizens believe that they have police protection. 
The Working and Lower Classes believe that they have police harassment. 
Even worse than the tactics used by police forces in the inner cities is the fact that they are woefully under staffed, both on the street and in the courts. 
But much of that problem would be resolved if we addressed some of the real issues that cause high crime among the poor. 
If we Americans really cared about our people, we would begin to invest in them, instead of wars and graft.  We would build state of the art schools with small populations and small classes.  We would force abandoned buildings to be torn down or taken over by the town, and then torn down.  New low cost housing could be put in their place.  Free day care in safe facilities, for working parents.  Community service jobs for the people wanting work.  Training and placement centers. 
The list is endless, if we are serious about putting People First.  We need to label those huge corporations gobbling up our tax dollars, profiting from their war games, as Un-American. 
Traitors.  Home Land Terrorists.  Their profits come at the expense of the dignity and safety of the Working and Lower Classes.  If we really believe in our people, the money is readily available.  All we have to do is to take it back from those who stole it from us.  But if Americans really believed in the People, these changes would be on the top of the list.  Given a part in their community most people roll up their sleeves and carry their share of the load.  But in our inner cities, today's Black man carries your load just as surely as his father carried your bags at the railroad station or into the hotel. 
If we really cared for the people, we would see potential in every face we looked into, instead of becoming afraid for our safety.  The cop on the beat would be helping the small child or elderly citizen across the street instead of busting a hooker or shooting a drug dealer running down the road. 
But the Ruling Class sees us as "throw away's".  We either serve them or we annoy them.  In any case, we are beneath them. 
You know what?  If we 99% lived like the 1%, and the 1% lived in the slums, we'd have far more than enough cops to keep the peace. 
Carl Jarvis

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