Wednesday, May 25, 2011

feelin' glum tonight

I'm feeling very glum tonight.  Why do we have to relearn the lessons that my dad learned in the 1930's?  But then I suppose he was relearning the lessons from the turn of the century.  And back , back, back to the beginning of civilization. 
Tonight I was listening to a 20 year old speech by Howard Zinn, just after our mighty Desert Storm victory. 
Something Zinn mentioned that caught my attention.  He said that it appears that the Media has no memory.  The Media can't remember more than a few days in the past.  The Media has abdicated their role as keeper of the history. 
And so it's natural that we continue making the same mistakes over and over.  They are new to each new generation. 
And of course we believe any big lie told to us, since we have no information to test it against. 
We are told that we are the peace makers.  But we are not reminded of our history of brutal conquest.  Just how did we become so big?  I mean, if we're peace makers, where did all this land come from? 
We are outraged over the killing of nearly 3,000 Americans in the World Trade Center destruction.  As well as we should be.  But we have forgotten the hundreds of thousands of civilians that we have killed or allowed to be killed in our peace making efforts. 
Not only do we send our sons, and now even our daughters to fight the wars of the Empire, but we pay the cost of those wars, too.  And then we accept the loss of jobs, and we fight for the few jobs left.  And we are willing to under bid our fellow citizens in order to have any job at all.  Remember the definition of insanity?  Doing the same thing over and over, while expecting different results. 
So now we prepare for more war in the middle east.  More war in Africa.  And we keep looking for different results. 
Ship of Fools. 
Curious Carl

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