Monday, May 2, 2011

who killed Osama bin Laden? Does Terror bring an end to Terror?

Subject: who killed Osama bin Laden? Does Terror bring an end to Terror?

    Just who are these highly trained, secret agents who finally tracked Osama bin Laden down after only ten years?  They killed the killer.  No doubt about it, Osama bin Laden had earned the right to a violent death.  But what do reports concerning how we went about tracking him down and who our hired agents of Death are, tell us about prospects for a more peaceful future? 
And why, after ten long years of waiting, did the swat team decide to quickly bury the body at sea?  After this man had been the central figure in the deaths and horrors affecting thousands, even millions of people around the world?  Not to have presented his body for all to see?  Very strange. 
Did our killing of Osama bin Laden bring us to the place where we can now say, "mission accomplished"?  Can we bring our illegal wars to a close and be done with the bombings and killings? 
Or was Osama bin Laden merely a convenient peg on which to hang our aggression? 
If we are truly a nation of laws and justice, why do we have specially trained forces working outside the law, commissioned to hunt down and murder individuals who have never been afforded a trial, or held accountable for their crimes? 
Is this now the wave of the future?  A new Terror from within? 
And one final thought.  Osama bin Laden was just one man.  Certainly he master minded the death of thousands of innocent people going about their jobs in the World Trade Center.  But he is/was only one man.  This reign of Terror did not begin with Osama bin Laden.  We may desperately want to believe that Osama bin Laden's death will bring an end to the great suffering, but we are fools if we really  think it.  Can we honestly say that the hands of the American Empire are any less bloody than Osama bin Laden's? 
Carl Jarvis
Too long have the workers of the world waited for some Moses to lead them out of bondage. I would not lead you out if I could; for if you could be led out, you could be led back again. I would have you make up your minds there is nothing that you cannot do for yourselves. --Eugene Victor Debs

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