Monday, September 12, 2011

find a friend inside yourself

I responded to a note from a friend who suggested that without God in our lives we would be isolated and lonely.
Curious Carl
What a great question you put to Mike.  It goes directly to the heart of why rehabilitation works for some folks and not for others. 
You asked:
"Don't you get lonely without someone other than yourself to rely on, believe in, have faith that there's something beyond this vale of tears?"   
In fact, the job of the rehabilitation teacher is to show you that you do have the inner strength and resources to go the distance. 
Having or not having Faith in a Greater Power does not let us off the hook.  Whether we believe God has led us there, or a kindly, wise rehabilitation teacher, or Mother Goose, the bottom line is that we must come to terms with that person curled up inside us. 
We must pull that person up by the nose, shake him/her around until he/she stands on his/her own two feet.  Rehabilitation happens when that inner self looks around and says, "Hey!  I really can stand on my own two feet!"  It does absolutely no good to simply turn your life over to God or some other Great Power and then sit back and wait to be comforted and cared for.  How would you like a friend who always came running to you whenever they stubbed their tow?  We call such folks, Needy.  They are takers and after a while they can really get on your nerves.  I can imagine God sitting there on His royal Throne in His Royal Throne Room.  "Oh Myself!  Here comes that Carl Jarvis again.  What can he be wanting today?  Yesterday he whined that he lost his last pair of clean socks and wanted me to find them...and while I was at it, could I please do his laundry?" 
Lots of folks wonder why God never seems to answer their prayers.  Frankly, I'd take my phone off the hook, too.  But my point is that you can believe that you are guided by this Greater Power and still become totally isolated and lonely.  Unless you also learn that you have a real friend living right inside you.  Working together, sharing with one another, weeping and laughing together.  You'll never be alone again.  With or without God. 
You can tell folks that you heard that from a practicing Agnostic. 
Carl Jarvis, who is still wondering if I can prove that I exist...

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