Sunday, September 11, 2011

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg had to die.

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg had to die.  No way they could even serve life sentences, which would have been a far more appropriate sentence, if indeed they were guilty.  But from time to time conditions call for an example.  Many of my school mates grinned and laughed over the Rosenberg's executions.  They revisited the old song, "If I Knew You Was Coming I'd have Baked a Kyke". 
I have an unproven theory that we are just as violent natured as we were back when Julius Caesar discovered Brutus's knife sticking out of him. 
Only the faces change.  In America we have hated the Blacks, the Chinese, the Filipinos, the Muslims, the Italians, the Irish, the Polish, the American Indian, Catholics, Mormons, Jews, Samoanes, Japanese, Germans, Gays...who have I missed? 
And we don't think much of women or disabled folks, either. 
In fact, we don't like our elders or our children.  If we did we would make Damn certain that they had proper care and upbringing. 
Just what the Hell do we Americans like? 
As rehab teachers, Cathy and I go out and meet the kindest, most gentle older people.  Then something is said about the president and they come up snarling with venom dripping off their fangs. 
And you should see the shock if I happen to tell them that I would prefer that they not ask me to pray with them since I'm Agnostic.  Hoy!  You'd think I'd just grown horns and a forked tail.  But of course since we're giving them free services, from a government that they love to hate, since it is free then they manage to smile and hold their comments, at least until we're gone. 
Curious Carl
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2011 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: Opinion: They Messed With Texas

This reminds me of the replay I heard on Democracy Now of the description by
a radio announcer of the electrocution of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, all
done under proper protocol and, as I remember it, before sundown on a Friday
night to avoid the jewish sabbath on Saturday.  They were Jewish.  They were
convicted of treason, of giving atomic secrets to Russia.  Ethel did nothing
except write notes at a meeting.  It's questionable that Julius did anything
of importance.  The announcer's moralizing about their "treasonous act" and
the "justice" being done was horrifying.  He did sound a bit upset that
Ethel's electrocution did not go smoothly.  This was a national event,
cheered by everyone, ordered by  a Jewish judge at a time when anti-semitism
was still rife in the land.


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