Sunday, September 11, 2011

the many faces of Greed

Another face of Greed is Exploitation.  We might call it, "capitalism unencumbered". 
We are fed the malarkey that Pure Capitalism needs no other restraint than supply and demand. 
This might be an interesting model to study, if we not only removed government controls but also corporate controls.  No more enticing advertisements aimed at creating a false demand.  No subsidies, no tariffs, Just supply the product and see if folks will demand more. 
But before I get further over my head here, my point is simply that the Ruling Class never meant unrestrained capitalism.  Free enterprise to them means that they have the freedom to do as they want, and we have no rights at all. 
Remember, we have left our role as American Citizens.  We are now Consumers.  We even have proof of this.  We have a consumer index.  Have you ever heard of an American Citizen Index?  We will never level their playing field.  Continue to allow the Ruling Class to schmooze us and it will only get worse. 
Let's talk about how we can begin to carve out our own playing field.  What game rules will we need? 
Curious Carl
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2011 10:29 PM
Subject: Re: ny times: medical costs

that's not what I meant by that. And let's face it, no matter
what anyone says, the ruling class and super rich will always
interpret it to mean that they don't have to pay up like the rest
of society. All I mean is that there are two ways to approach
things. You can keep adding more and more money, and/or you can
cut costs. If landlords were not permitted to charge $3,000 per
month  for a tiny studio apartment, then perhaps minimum wage
might be sufficient to allow someone to live comfortably. So you
can either keep increasing minimum wage, and/or you can keep
rents and other living costs within a reasonable range, not allow
the "free market" to charge whatever they think they can extort
from the public to mmake the largest possible profit, If the
costs are permittted to rise beyond all reason, then minimum wage
will never be enough. Cutting what things cost is another way to
go about it. Same for medical costs. Why does a procedure that
costs $400 in France cost $4,000 , or $40,000 in America? Why do
drugs that sell for some affordable price in Canada bankrupt the
average family or senior who has to purchase that very same drug
in America even if they have some supposed insurance or drug
coverage plan? You can keep giving people more money to spend on
health care and/or you can lower the artificially controlled or
more accurately out of control prices.

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