Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"Vengence is mine", thus saieth the citizens of Georgia

Subject: "Vengence is mine", thus saieth the citizens of Georgia

Troy Davis must die to bring closure to the family of police officer Mark MacPhail, . 
So says the Georgia Board of Pardons in denying a stay of execution. 
It appears that closure is far more important than guilt or innocence.  And it appears that Justice turns her blind eyes to any talk of irregularities in the trial, such as witness tampering. 
So, once Troy Davis has been legally murdered, how is that going to bring closure?  Well, Mark MacPhail's mother will feel fine.  She has convinced herself that Troy Davis is the murderer of her son.  So to her, a death for a death is justice.  And so, at 7:00 PM., EST, she will suddenly be at peace.  Even if the wrong man is legally murdered, she will have her pint of blood. 
So where does that leave all of the families and friends of the victims of 9 11?  Are they all at peace now that thousands of lives have been taken in retribution for the murders of their loved ones?  Strange, I can't seem to feel peace in the air. 
And if closure really comes from the legal murder of those responsible for killing, why are we not screaming for the blood of those who lied to us and dragged us into illegal wars that have not only taken innocent lives throughout the Middle East, but cost hundreds of American lives? 
Why does closure work in the case of one man's legal murder, but not in the case of a large number of people responsible for mass murder? 
Will we ever learn that murder does not solve our problems?  Wars do not bring peace. 
Curious Carl

Too long have the workers of the world waited for some Moses to lead them out of bondage. I would not lead you out if I could; for if you could be led out, you could be led back again. I would have you make up your minds there is nothing that you cannot do for yourselves. --Eugene Victor Debs
"I am opposing a social order in which it is possible for one man who does absolutely nothing that is useful to amass a fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars, while millions of men and women who work all the days of their lives secure barely enough for a wretched existence."
Eugene Victor Debs 

Too long have the workers of the world waited for some Moses to lead them out of bondage. I would not lead you out if I could; for if you could be led out, you could be led back again. I would have you make up your minds there is nothing that you cannot do for yourselves. --Eugene Victor Debs

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