Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Georgia Board of Pardons Rejects Clemency for TroyDavis

Subject: Re: News Alert: Georgia Board of Pardons Rejects Clemency for TroyDavis

A sad day indeed. 
This Legal Murder scheduled for tomorrow is exactly why I am absolutely opposed to the death sentence. 
It is my belief that were not carrying out justice through the legal murder of another person, but instead, we are simply seeking revenge.  But worse than that, legal murder is not distributed equally in our Land of the Free and the Rich White. 
Let's say that I murder Granny Bell for her Welfare check.  Let's go one step further and say that I am a Person of Color and Granny is White.  The public is outraged, and rightly so.  What they shout is, "Justice!", but what they want is revenge.  And so a jury of my peers...mostly white men and women...find me guilty and recommend the death penalty. 
Now let's say that I am a White Man of great means.  I have been placed in a position of authority and trust.  Rather than grabbing the purse of a single defenseless old woman, I lie to the people whose trust I hold, and I use my authority to bring about illegal wars which kills thousands of men, women and children.  I further lie to the people who trust me, by telling them that we must hold people in prisons and torture them without the benefit of legal counsel, because they are a threat to our Freedom. 
I could go on but my question is, what was the outcome of my trial? 
Oh, you say there was no trial?  But where was the cry of outraged citizens, calling for revenge? 
Think about this when the next poor dumb slob is dragged from his cell and strapped down in the name of Justice. 
Are we really a Nation of Laws?  Are we really carrying out Justice?  Is Justice really blind, or is she peeking from behind those sleep shades? 
I understand that Justice now lives on a high hill behind a security gate, bought and paid for by the "gifts" of money showered upon her by the Empire Builders. 
Curious Carl

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