Thursday, June 27, 2013

Signs of the Times: is the NFB thinking outside of the box?

Some reactions to a report that the NFB uses live "callers" at convention,
to stand at specified places and call out their location, to assist blind

Subject: Re: Signs of the Times: is the NFB thinking outside of the box?

And that, Marsha, is what keeps this list hopping.
In fact, your observations are reflections of my personal experiences at
national conventions, both ACB and NFB. I have been dissected from behind
by probing canes. I have been pinned to the wall by dogs frantically trying
to keep up with their masters, who are clinging to the arm of a sighted
guide and dragging the poor mutt along. I stood against the wall waiting
for an elevator...actually I was waiting for the mass of pushing people to
thin out a bit, when a dog shoved between me and the wall. I raised my cup
of hot coffee and tried to push the dog around the other side. But just as
I reached down, Wham! the other half to this team crashed directly into me.
At least my coffee wasn't wasted, since he was wearing it. I have backed
away from angry, frightened dogs who have finally had it up to here with the
crowds and rude behavior of other dogs. I have waltzed directly through
gooey, stinking dog poop that has been tracked all down the hallway. I
cannot believe the responsible human did not know that their dog had emptied
three day's worth of poop on the center of the hallway.
True, such incidents are the exception, not the rule. But I often wonder
what, after the hotel thanks us for coming and invites us back again, I
can't help but wondering what they say behind closed doors after the last
cane has whipped someone in the legs and the last dog has peed on the rug.

Carl Jarvis

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marsha" <>
To: <>; "Blind Democracy Discussion List"
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 11:43 PM
Subject: Re: Signs of the Times: is the NFB thinking outside of the box?

Personally I find the callers a good idea. When you are trying to avoid
being tripped by someone behind you who thinks they need to beat your legs
and feet into submission so they can get past, or trying to avoid the nosy
nose of an unruly dog guide or the person going in the opposite direction
trying to mow you down, it is good to hear how to get somewhere. No it's
not independence but easier. Some people with canes think they have the
right to mow down anyone in their path. I know this is contrary to this
thread but I couldn't keep still.


Blind-Democracy mailing list

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