Friday, January 19, 2018

Re: [blind-democracy] FW: The stable genius shutdown

With a name like Grim, Ryan is certainly in the right line of work.
It's difficult to understand how so many of working class Americans
can swallow the never ending propaganda that the USA is the most
advanced, free, democratic nation, ever. And to prove it, Donald
Trump is planning to return us to our do we
return to something we are already the greatest in?
Of course, working class Americans aside, we truly are the Greatest
Nation on Earth...if you are among that very small percentage of the
Ruling Class that is never affected by Market Crashes, or
Foreclosures, or unemployment, or huge medical bills, or crumbling
understaffed schools, or back breaking student loans that you pay for
the privilege of obtaining an education that graduates you into
unemployment. So if a government is put in place to defend its
citizens, and to work toward economic well being, and to provide a
safe environment, and to protect the rights of all citizens through a
legal system that upholds the nation's laws, for all citizens, then
the USA has failed most of its Citizens. But it is doing a fine job
for the Oligarchy, the Ruling Class, and for the advancement of the
American Corporate Empire(ACE).
Back when I was a boy and when ten dollars was a big deal, I was
walking to school, kicking the Autumn leaves, when I saw a bit of
green among the yellow and brown and red. It was a ten dollar bill!
Imagine! When your allowance was 25 cents a week, ten dollars was
like falling over a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. Add to the
fact that I was a poor child from a poor family, the fact that I was a
Geeky looking kid, tall and gangling and sporting thick bifocals. I
was instant gratitude for all the schoolyard bullies. They would line
up, eager for their turn. But this morning I had ten dollars in my
pocket. Ten dollars! That money meant power. I knew that without
having to call up my congressman or any of his Lobbyists. No, I knew
just what to do. I slipped into Jacobson's drugstore and bought ten
dollars worth of candy. I told Mister Jacobson that it was for a
party. And it was, a big schoolyard party. As the bullies began
shoving one another to get a whack at me, I offered them some candy.
They all shuffled forward with shocked looks on their mean little ten
year old faces. But they took the bait. In no time at all I was
everybody's friend. And so, in that one moment of glory, I learned
the power of money. And the next day I learned what happens when the
money and the candy runs out. This message was so basic, so
fundamental that it takes constant hammering by the Empire's
propaganda machine...the mass media, to keep us off balance and
This job falls to the very people whom President Trump accuses of Fake
News. But Mister Trump, I've always known it was Fake News. The
difference is that you falsely claim the News is leaning far to the
Left, even as it is totally owned by your Billionaire Friends.
Together you play the news people for suckers, laying false charges on
them and tugging them further to the Right, through the fear of being
censored if they don't play ball. It's a cool scam.
The result is that many working class Americans have been
indoctrinated into believing that they are marching behind a leader
who has their best interest at heart. The rise of White Power,
unspoken as it is, becomes a powerful magnet "Christian Values"
bandied about but never lived up to, draw other confused Believers,
while always before us is the life lived by the privileged few,
promising that if we only work hard enough and believe strongly
enough, and believe in Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth
Fairy, we just might come close enough to live in a fine home just
down the hill, past the gates to the Master's Mansion.
And then we will live happily ever after...just as long as we can keep
everyone else living below us.

Carl Jarvis

On 1/18/18,
> From: Ryan Grim []
> Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 9:58 PM
> To:
> Subject: The stable genius shutdown
> House Republicans celebrated this afternoon the passage of a one-month
> spending bill that includes a six-year extension of the children's health
> insurance program. That latter part is a sign that Paul Ryan is getting
> clever, and whenever he gets clever, his plan usually flops. It doesn't help
> Ryan that Trump himself helped negotiate this deal.
> The government runs out of spending authority Friday at midnight, and the
> Senate plans to take up the House measure Friday. Republicans need 60 votes
> to get it done, and they don't have it, so...that would mean a shutdown,
> unless somebody blinks.
> All of this inability to govern is having real consequences. Republicans
> added CHIP to the bill thinking it would get Democratic support without
> anything to help Dreamers. But they left a host of other crucial health care
> programs out that also expired, like CHIP, in September. (It's January!)
> The maternal-infant home-visiting program
> <>
> is cutting its rolls and can't hire staff, community health centers are in
> crisis, teaching hospitals are struggling: for no reason whatsoever,
> Congress is letting things just fall apart.
> (Why did they extend CHIP for the odd time-frame of six years? Because by
> year six, the CBO scores CHIP as saving money, so Republicans can stuff
> other goodies in the bill on the back of the program.)
> So after this Paul Ryan bill fails, will Mitch McConnell put a short-term
> spending bill to keep the government open for a few days on the floor? I
> think he probably will.
> 2. Speaking of Ryan's bill, I had a scoop this morning on it: the measure
> would allow the Trump administration to secretly shift money to new
> intelligence projects without informing Congress. It would be a break with
> 70 years of law and tradition.
> 3. The Trump administration has told Puerto Rico that it is too rich to get
> aid money. No, really.
> <>
> 4. A new report says that Border Patrol agents, going back to at least 2012,
> have been vandalizing and destroying humanitarian supplies left for people
> trudging through the desert. It's hard to wrap my head around that level of
> cruelty and indifference. Story is here.
> 5. If you're reading this Friday morning, part two of our investigation into
> the insurance firm Aflac is now published, check it out at
> <>
> This email grows by word of mouth. If you enjoy getting it, please forward
> this note to friends and tell them to sign up to start getting their own
> copy here.
> <>
> I'm the Washington bureau chief at The Intercept, and I send this several
> times a week. If you want to contribute directly to help keep the thing
> running, you can do so here,
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> though be warned a donation comes with no tote bags or extra premium
> content or anything. Or you can support it by buying a copy of Out of the
> Ooze: The Story of Dr. Tom Price
> <>
> or Wall Street's White House,
> <>
> the first two books put out by Strong Arm Press, a small progressive
> publishing house I cofounded.
> Sent via
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