Friday, January 19, 2018

Re: the end of an interesting discussion?

Well Bob, if I were president, I'd have very little, if any, support
from Congress. But what I could do would be to first appoint my
Cabinet. In anticipation that my appointments would be rejected, I
would first send forward names of people who strongly believed in the
Departments they would direct. I would send with my appointments a
note that should they be rejected, the next...and subsequent names
would be even further removed from the Empire's wishes, reminding them
that in the absence of Directors, I would make the decisions for each
Next, even knowing that all of my appointments to the many Judge
vacancies, would be rejected, I would send Congress bushel baskets
full of good, well qualified judges. Well qualified to make decisions in the
direction of protecting the working class Americans.
Next, I would propose cutting our military budget in half, using the
savings to rebuild our abandoned infrastructure. Some of those
savings would underwrite full education, along with new facilities and
more teachers. I would establish a committee to study how we are
educating our children. Currently we teach nothing about social
interaction, or the art of establishing Peace. Children should be
encouraged to continue their education to their highest possible level.
Those who are not able to compete in academia, would enter trade
schools where they would learn skills critical to running a strong
nation. If we agree that a government should provide support and
encouragement, protection and the opportunity of a healthy future,
then we, the government of the People, would provide work at a living
wage. The work of rebuilding our infrastructure, building new modest
priced housing and training neighborhood supporters...folks who looked
for those who become forgotten,
The Plan, or Goal would be to develop a community that encouraged people
to want to improve themselves.

I'll stop at this point because it is all pie in the sky. There is no
way I would ever be president. There is no way that I, or any
individual could turn this nation in a new direction without strong
support from congress. We are locked into a Two-Headed, One Party
political system, owned by the American Oligarchy...the Billionaires.
But here we come to a serious impasse. Figures! What's the old
saying? "Figures don't lie, but liars sure can figure." No, I'm not
calling you a liar, but the statistics you toss at me are all suspect,
and subject to interpretation. I have no wish to go one on one with
you. For one thing, I don't want to attempt to defend Barack Obama's
administration anymore than I supported George Bush II, or Bill
Clinton. These men, along with our current "leader" are faithful
servants of the Corporate American Empire(ACE). The Oligarchy is
doing just fine by them. Our long established Ruling Class holds
control of the government, controls the press, owns the Courts,
controls through its banks and investment houses most of the property,
and best of all, not only has a corner on the actual money, but also
the ability to print more whenever it is needed.
You say, "As far as illegal immigration, The United States is not the
caretaker of the world. It is the caretaker of its citizens."
At least it *Should be caretaker of its citizens. But it appears that
a majority of Americans are going uncared for.
I've proposed before the thought that being divided into nations works
to the advantage of the Ruling Classes and makes any sort of equal
opportunity impossible. While I am a dreamer, my blindness is a
condition in my eyes, not in my reasoning. So I do not expect we will
ever see a day when the Human Race removes its self-imposed
boundaries. A One People World could go a long way toward keeping our
Planet Earth a Garden of Eden. But sadly, we have more hangups than a
troupe of Baboons. One fine day, when the last two humans meet in
battle, we will go the way of the Neanderthal...or the Dodo Bird.
So for now I remain,
yours for an open mind, Carl Jarvis

On 1/17/18, Bob <> wrote:
> Hello Carl:
> Specifically, if you were president, what actions would you take to
> relieve poverty/discrimination. Please don't give me rhetoric: give
> me specific actions.
> When Obama was president, the welfare roles grew by millions. The
> national debt doubled. Yet, the black community was actually worse
> off. Unemployment grew, the public education system was in a state of
> chaos: Murder rates, within the black community, have mushroomed and
> much of that, is black on black crime.
> Believe me, I am not a racist but in my opinion, many of the issues
> that plague the black community can be attributed directly to their
> cultural attitudes.
> Obama had two years of total government control to change things.
> What did he accomplish in terms of making things better for the black
> community other than Obama Care. As it turns out, that is also very
> questionable.
> Trump has had total government control, other than the democratic
> obstructionist, for one year. You compare the results of the two
> administrations on a policy rather than a personality basis. Now,
> black unemployment is at an all time low. We will see what transpires
> over the next three years.
> As far as illegal immigration, The United States is not the
> caretaker of the world. It is the caretaker of its citizens.
> Like you, I believe that society is crumbling. Unlike you, I
> believe that it is the fault of the progressive/leftist rather than
> the capitalist.
> Have a great day. I do respect your opinions, I just ndon't agree
> with them. Time will tell.
> Bob
> On 1/17/18, Carl Jarvis <> wrote:
>> Well Bob,
>> My thought in sending the article by West, was to learn if you might
>> agree with any part of it. I do, but certainly not all he has to say.
>> Despite your labeling me a parrot.
>> You just seem intent on putting me into a box with all those people
>> you judge misinformed or silly dreamers, while you, the wise
>> entrepreneurial Soul sit in your Ivory Tower and pass judgement.
>> The spiritual and moral decline of this nation is due to the
>> abandonment of caring for the needs of our People, for the scramble of
>> the Ruling Class to profit from everything their Midas fingers touch.
>> When you tell me that the capitalistic system is not perfect, you
>> bring our conversation to an end. Your mind is set. You insist on
>> putting labels on me and whatever I attempt to say, so you can tuck it
>> all into a place where you can deny any of it, and continue following
>> your own Rainbow to its pot of gold. And that's your right. But come
>> on, Capitalism is just needing a little tweaking? You seem well read,
>> but you also appear ignorant of what is going on around you. Come
>> down from your Tower and travel among Human Beings for a while. Get
>> into the slums and try to figure out why these people are unable to
>> break the economic chains that have them trapped. Or do you believe
>> that some of you are simply superior to the rest of us? If not, then
>> how do you explain the grinding poverty that goes unnoticed in this
>> Great Nation?
>> Anyway, time will tell just how right you are...or wrong. So Label me
>> and tuck me along with all the other folk you feel so superior to.
>> And as you long to join with those above you on the "Ladder to
>> Success", the rest of us will roll up our sleeves and do the real work
>> of turning this broken Empire into a Land of the Free and the Home of
>> the Brave.
>> Carl Jarvis
> --
> Telephone: 800-345-9760

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